Qandli diabet monitoringi
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Abbott freestyle lite test chiziqlari 100 dona
Blood glucose test strips FreeStyle Lite from Abbott for determining blood glucose in diabetes. Properties Blood glucose test strips FreeStyle Lite from Abbott for determining blood glucose in diabetes.FreeStyle technology for easy blood collection using the world's smallest blood volume (0.3 ?L)When you measure your blood sugar, is the amount of blood obtained often insufficient at first? Is that why there are incorrect measurements? Are you wasting test strips unnecessarily? Use the intelligent FreeStyle Lite test strips from Abbott Diabetes Care: The Efficient Check makes it possible to add sufficient blood to the same test strip within 60 seconds. This gives you a blood glucose result you can trust without error messages - because FreeStyle Lite test strips you can trust.This Product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
109.75 USD
Accu-chek aviva test chiziqlari 2 x 50 dona
For quantitative blood glucose determination with the measuring systems from Roche Diagnostics: Accu-Chek AvivaAccu-Chek Aviva NanoAccu-Chek Aviva Combo The new technology of the Accu-Chek Aviva has a unique safety package through the interaction of device, test strips and code chip.Possible influences of humidity, temperature , underdosing and damage to the test strips are checked during the measurement. This lays an even broader basis for a precise measurement result...
116.48 USD
Accu-chek instant mmol/l inkl 1x10 testlarni o'rnating
ACCU-CHEK INSTANT SET MMOL/L - bu qulaylik va ishonchlilik uchun yaratilgan yuqori aniqlikdagi qon glyukoza monitoringi tizimi. Ushbu to'plam oson sinov uchun 10 ta test chizig'ini o'z ichiga oladi. O'zining ilg'or texnologiyasi bilan u qon shakar darajasini aniq kuzatish uchun mmol/L o'lchovlarini ta'minlaydi. ACCU-CHEK INSTANT SET qandli diabet bilan shug'ullanadigan odamlar uchun juda mos keladi va tez natijalar beradi va faqat kichik qon namunasini talab qiladi. Sizning farovonligingiz haqida ongli qarorlar qabul qilish imkoniyatini beruvchi ushbu muhim vosita bilan sog'lig'ingizni kuzatib boring. Qon shakarini monitoring qilishda sifat va samaradorlik uchun ACCU-CHEK kompaniyasiga ishoning...
82.84 USD
Accu-chek instant teststreifen can 50 stk
The ACCU-CHEK INSTANT Teststreifen Ds 50 Stk is a package of 50 test strips designed to be used with the ACCU-CHEK INSTANT blood glucose monitoring system. These test strips are an essential component for people with diabetes who need to monitor their blood sugar levels regularly. They are easy to use and provide accurate results within seconds, making it convenient for people to monitor their glucose levels on the go. These test strips are compact and come in a convenient container that can be easily carried in a bag or purse. They work by collecting a small amount of blood from a fingertip or other testing site, which is then analyzed by the ACCU-CHEK INSTANT meter to give a blood glucose reading. The results are displayed on the meter's screen, making it easy for users to understand their glucose levels at a glance. The ACCU-CHEK INSTANT Teststreifen Ds 50 Stk is ideal for anyone with diabetes, including those who require insulin therapy. They can be used to monitor blood glucose levels before and after meals, during exercise, and at other times throughout the day. They are also useful for healthcare professionals who need to monitor their patients' glucose levels in a clinical setting. These test strips are designed to be used with the ACCU-CHEK INSTANT meter and are not compatible with other glucose monitoring systems. They are reliable, accurate, and meet strict quality standards, ensuring that users get consistent results every time. The ACCU-CHEK INSTANT Teststreifen Ds 50 Stk is an essential product for people with diabetes who want to monitor their glucose levels regularly. They are convenient, easy to use, and provide accurate results within seconds. With these test strips, users can stay on top of their diabetes management and make informed decisions about their health. ..
67.34 USD
Kontur keyingi datchiklar 10 dona
Kontur xususiyatlari Keyingi datchiklar 10 donaYevropa CE sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/30 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdor: 10 donaOg'irligi: 26g Uzunligi: 41mm Kenligi: 45mm Balandligi: 56mm Konturni sotib oling Keyingi datchiklar Shveytsariyadan 10 dona onlayn...
25.56 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)