
Qandli diabet

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 7 gacha 7
(hammasi 1 sahifa) saytida biz Shveytsariyadan qandli diabet bilan bog'liq sog'liq uchun mo'ljallangan mahsulotlarning keng assortimentini taqdim etamiz. Bizning tanlovimiz qon shakarini o'lchash moslamalari va glyukoza test chiziqlaridan tortib insulin qalamlari va in'ektsiya asboblarigacha bo'lgan hamma narsani o'z ichiga oladi. Sizga oddiy glyukoza test echimlari yoki ilg'or qon glyukoza o'lchagich tizimlari kerakmi, biz sizni qamrab olamiz. Shuningdek, biz turli toifalar bo'yicha boshqa tegishli tibbiy texnologiya va diagnostika mahsulotlarini taklif etamiz - amaliy ehtiyojlar va asboblardan tortib jarohatni parvarish qilish va hamshiralik ishigacha. Qandli diabet bilan yashovchilar uchun mashhur tanlov bo'lgan yashil insulin in'ektsiyalari bilan qon shakarini sog'lomroq qiling. Bizning qon shakar sensorlarimiz yordamida sog'lig'ingizni doimiy ravishda kuzatib boring va diabetga qarshi kurash rejimidan oldinga intiling. saytida qandli diabetga qarshi barcha ehtiyojlaringizni qondirish uchun hozir xarid qiling.
Accu-chek aviva test chiziqlari 2 x 50 dona

Accu-chek aviva test chiziqlari 2 x 50 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 4297238

For quantitative blood glucose determination with the measuring systems from Roche Diagnostics: Accu-Chek AvivaAccu-Chek Aviva NanoAccu-Chek Aviva Combo The new technology of the Accu-Chek Aviva has a unique safety package through the interaction of device, test strips and code chip.Possible influences of humidity, temperature , underdosing and damage to the test strips are checked during the measurement. This lays an even broader basis for a precise measurement result...

123.33 USD

Accu-chek instant teststreifen

Accu-chek instant teststreifen

Mahsulot kodi: 7788634

ACCU-CHEK Instant Test Strips DS 100 dona qondagi qand miqdorini aniqlik va qulaylik bilan kuzatish uchun zarur aksessuarlardir. Ushbu test chiziqlari mos keluvchi ACCU-CHEK qon glyukoza monitoringi tizimlarida foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, bir necha soniya ichida aniq natijalarni ta'minlaydi. 100 ta chiziqli paket bilan foydalanuvchilar o'zlarining glyukoza darajasini qulay tarzda muntazam ravishda kuzatib borishlari va sog'lig'ini boshqarish bo'yicha ongli qarorlar qabul qilishlari mumkin. Ushbu test chiziqlarining yuqori sifatli qurilishi va ilg'or texnologiyasi ishonchli o'qishni ta'minlaydi, bu ularni diabet bilan kasallangan odamlar uchun ishonchli tanlovga aylantiradi. ACCU-CHEK Instant Test Strips DS 100 dona bilan farovonligingiz haqida faol bo'ling...

123.99 USD

Accu-chek test chiziqlari qo'llanma 2 x 50 dona

Accu-chek test chiziqlari qo'llanma 2 x 50 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 6678275

Accu-Chek sinov chiziqlarining xususiyatlari qoʻllanma 2 x 50 donaYevropa CE sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/30 daraja Selsiy Paketdagi miqdor : 100 donaOg'irligi: 55g Uzunligi: 57mm Kenligi: 55mm Balandligi: 57mm Accu-Chek test chiziqlari qoʻllanmasi 2 x 50 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

123.45 USD

Alphacheck professional blutzucker teststr

Alphacheck professional blutzucker teststr

Mahsulot kodi: 5353401

The ALPHACHECK professional Blutzucker Teststr is a highly reliable and accurate blood glucose test strip for individuals who need to regularly monitor their blood sugar levels. These test strips work in conjunction with a blood glucose meter to provide a fast and accurate reading of blood glucose levels at home or on the go. Designed for professional use, these test strips offer a number of features that make them ideal for healthcare providers and those with diabetes. The test strips are compatible with all ALPHACHECK blood glucose meters, ensuring consistent and reliable results. One of the main advantages of the ALPHACHECK professional Blutzucker Teststr is their ease of use. The strips require only a small sample of blood, and the results are available in just a few seconds. For individuals with diabetes, this can make testing their blood sugar levels more convenient and less time-consuming. The ALPHACHECK professional Blutzucker Teststr are also highly accurate. The strips are designed to detect even small variations in blood glucose levels, making them an invaluable tool for individuals with diabetes who need to continuously monitor their blood sugar levels. The test strips are also designed to be hygienic and easy to dispose of. Once the test has been completed, the strip can be easily disposed of in a safe manner. If you're looking for a reliable and easy-to-use blood glucose test strip, the ALPHACHECK professional Blutzucker Teststr are an excellent choice. With their accuracy and ease of use, they're ideal for anyone who needs to regularly monitor their blood sugar levels. ..

44.71 USD

Healthpro axapharm blutzucker-teststreifen 50 stk

Healthpro axapharm blutzucker-teststreifen 50 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7098172

Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk - Product Description If you are looking for an effective way to monitor your blood sugar levels regularly, you might want to consider the Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk. These test strips are designed to work with various glucometers available in the market, making it easy for you to practice blood glucose monitoring even from the comfort of your home. The Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk is a high-quality product designed to deliver accurate results fast and with minimal invasiveness. The test strips are easy to use, and they come in a pack of 50, ensuring you have enough supplies for several rounds of testing. They are also compact, making them ideal for travel or on-the-go use. The test strips work by measuring the amount of glucose in a drop of blood obtained from a fingertip or other appropriate areas. The system uses advanced technology to provide precise readings that help you track your blood glucose levels and adjust your medication accordingly. The Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk are suitable for use by people with diabetes, those at risk of developing it, or anyone wanting to practice blood sugar monitoring. They are also affordable, making them ideal for individuals who want to manage their glucose levels without breaking the bank. Overall, the Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk is a reliable and efficient solution for monitoring your blood glucose levels, providing you with accurate results, and enabling you to take control of your health. ..

53.38 USD

Kontur keyingi datchiklar 50 dona

Kontur keyingi datchiklar 50 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 5225287

Kontur xususiyatlari Keyingi datchiklar 50 donaYevropa CE sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/30 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdor: 50 donaOg'irligi: 30g Uzunligi: 46mm Kenligi: 46mm Balandligi: 56mm Konturni sotib oling Keyingi datchiklar Shveytsariyadan 50 dona onlayn...

69.16 USD

One touch verio test strips 100 dona

One touch verio test strips 100 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7761522

One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs The One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs are designed to help individuals with diabetes monitor their blood glucose levels accurately and easily. These test strips are compatible with the One Touch Verio Blood Glucose Monitoring System, which uses advanced technology to provide accurate results in just a few seconds. With the One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs, you can enjoy the convenience of testing your blood glucose levels from the comfort of your own home. These test strips are easy to use, and require only a small sample of blood to provide accurate results. The test strips are also designed to be easy to handle, with a simple design that allows you to quickly insert them into your blood glucose monitoring system. The One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs are also incredibly reliable, providing accurate results every time you test your blood glucose levels. These test strips are calibrated to work with the One Touch Verio Blood Glucose Monitoring System, which means you can trust that you are getting the most accurate results possible. Overall, the One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs are an essential tool for individuals with diabetes who want to monitor their blood glucose levels accurately and easily. Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been managing your diabetes for years, these test strips can help you stay on track and stay healthy...

115.00 USD

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