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Zerdeçal sifatida ham tanilgan Curcuma, asrlar davomida qadrlangan salomatlikni kuchaytiruvchi vositadir. Beeovita-da biz sog'liq va ovqatlanish mahsulotlari, islohot mahsulotlari, yogurt va shirinlik ingredientlari, oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari va parhez qo'shimchalari assortimenti uchun eng yaxshi sifatli Curcuma-ni olamiz. Tabiiy sog'liq uchun mahsulotlarimizdagi Curcuma ning ko'p mavjudligi yallig'lanishga qarshi xususiyatlarni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi va sog'lom turmush tarzini ta'minlab, vazn yo'qotish rejimlariga yordam beradi. Curcuma shifobaxsh kuchini tushunib, biz uni ziravorlar va boshqa oziq-ovqat qo'shimchalari tarkibiga kiritamiz, bu esa sog'liq va go'zallikni yaxshilash yo'lini kengaytiradi. Beeovita-ga Shveytsariyaning go'zal go'zalligidan olingan Curcuma mahsulotlarini boyitish bilan ishoning va sog'lom turmush tarzingizdagi farqni his eting.
Naturstein curcuma plus 75 kapsula

Naturstein curcuma plus 75 kapsula

Mahsulot kodi: 7793959

Naturstein Curcuma plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk Tavsif: Naturstein Curcuma plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk - bu sizning tanangizning umumiy salomatligi va farovonligini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun tabiiy ingredientlar kombinatsiyasini taklif qiluvchi xun takviyesi. Ushbu vegetarian kapsulalarda zerdeçal, zanjabil, qora qalampir va anor ekstraktining organik aralashmasi mavjud bo'lib, sizni antioksidantlar, yallig'lanishga qarshi xususiyatlar va boshqa muhim oziq moddalar bilan ta'minlaydi. Tarkibi: Zerdeçal (Curcuma longa) ildizi ekstrakti (95% kurkuminoidlar) Zanjabil (Zingiber officinale) ildizi ekstrakti (5% gingerol) Qora qalampir (Piper nigrum) meva ekstrakti (95% piperin) Anor (Punica granatum) mevasi ekstrakti (40% ellagik kislota) O'simlik kapsulasi (gidroksipropil metiltsellyuloza) Foydalar: Bo'g'imlardagi og'riq va yallig'lanishni kamaytirish uchun tabiiy yallig'lanishga qarshi xususiyatlarni taqdim etadi Tanangizni erkin radikallarning zararlanishidan himoya qiluvchi kuchli antioksidant manbasini taklif etadi Sog'lom ovqat hazm qilish, immunitet va yurak sog'lig'ini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi Miya faoliyatini yaxshilashga va kognitiv pasayishning oldini olishga yordam berishi mumkin Uzoq muddatli foydalanish uchun xavfsiz va samarali tabiiy ingredientlarni o'z ichiga oladi Foydalanish: Kuniga 1-2 kapsuladan ovqat paytida yoki shifokor ko'rsatmasi bo'yicha oling. Agar siz homilador bo'lsangiz, emizayotgan bo'lsangiz yoki dori qabul qilsangiz, ishlatishdan oldin shifokoringiz bilan maslahatlashing. Saqlash: Bolalar qo'li etmaydigan joyda saqlang. Toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri quyosh nuri tushmaydigan salqin, quruq joyda saqlang. Eslatma: AI tili modeli sifatida men veb-saytga yuqoridagi tavsifni qo'shish uchun veb-sayt rangi, formati yoki dizayniga kira olmayapman...

40.80 USD

Qo'shimcha hujayra matritsasi c-ii curma plus knorpel, bindegewebe can 120 stk

Qo'shimcha hujayra matritsasi c-ii curma plus knorpel, bindegewebe can 120 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7829604

Extra Cell Matrix C-II Curma Plus Knorpel, Bindegewebe Ds 120 Stk The Extra Cell Matrix C-II Curma Plus Knorpel, Bindegewebe Ds 120 Stk is a high-quality dietary supplement built for your joints, bones, and cartilage. This extraordinary product is designed with the most excellent ingredients to ensure maximum efficiency and results. Extra Cell Matrix C-II Curma Plus Knorpel, Bindegewebe Ds 120 Stk contains a unique combination of curcuma extract, collagen type II, and vitamin C to support and promote the healthy growth and support of your joints and cartilage. It is suitable for individuals with high-impact activities or whose work involves long periods of standing such as athletes, construction workers, and other individuals with active lifestyles. The formulation of Extra Cell Matrix C-II Curma Plus Knorpel, Bindegewebe Ds 120 Stk is supported by scientific evidence which proves the benefits of curcuma extract, collagen type II, and Vitamin C in improving joint health. Curcuma extract contains powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidants, which help in calming the inflammation and easing pain commonly experienced in the joints. Collagen type II, on the other hand, is known for its polarizing effects, which promote the growth and development of healthy cartilages in joints. Vitamin C helps in improving the absorption of the other ingredients to maximize their benefits, as well as promoting the growth and repair of tissues throughout the body. Extra Cell Matrix C-II Curma Plus Knorpel, Bindegewebe Ds 120 Stk is a safe and effective way to maintain and improve joint flexibility and mobility. It is a perfect solution for individuals who suffer from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other joint problems. The recommended dosage for the product is 2-3 tablets per day. However, individuals with sensitive stomachs or are allergic to any of the ingredients should seek medical advice before using the product. The product is sold in packages with 120 tablets or as advised by your health care practitioner. During the production of Extra Cell Matrix C-II Curma Plus Knorpel, Bindegewebe Ds, 120 Stk strict quality control measures are observed to ensure that each tablet is of standard quality. The product is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility, guaranteeing its purity and potency. With this product, you can maintain healthy and supple joints and cartilage, stay healthy, and achieve optimal physical performance...

128.80 USD

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