Paxta yostiqchalari
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Bocoton maxi watte pads 40 stk
Bocoton Maxi paxta yostig'ining xususiyatlari 40 donaO'ramdagi miqdori: 40 donaOg'irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 0mm p>Eng: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm Bocoton Maxi paxta yostiqchalarini 40 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
5.03 USD
Bokoton paxta yostiqchalari 80 dona
Bocoton Cotton Pads - 80 pieces Introducing the perfect way to cleanse and nourish your skin, Bocoton Cotton Pads! Made from 100% pure cotton, these pads are gentle, soft and highly absorbent. The flexible and lightweight design of these pads makes them perfect for daily use, and they are ideal for removing makeup, applying toners and removing nail polish. Bocoton Cotton Pads come in a pack of 80 pieces, giving you an ample supply to use for weeks to come. These pads are eco-friendly, hypoallergenic and completely natural, making them perfect for those with sensitive skin or allergies. They are also perfect for those who prefer using eco-friendly products. Features: 80 pieces in a pack Made of 100% pure cotton Gentle, soft and highly absorbent Eco-friendly and hypoallergenic Can be used for makeup removal, applying toners and removing nail polish Bocoton Cotton Pads are a must-have product for anyone who wants to take extra care of their skin. These pads are incredibly soft, gentle and non-irritating, and you can use them on any part of your face or body. Order now and get the perfect way to pamper your skin!..
4.88 USD
Klorane bleuet pad augenregion
KLORANE Bleuet Pad Augenregion The KLORANE Bleuet Pad Augenregion is a gentle and soothing eye care product that comes in the form of cotton pads. These pads are infused with cornflower water, which is known for its soothing and calming properties. The pads are designed to be used on the eyes and the surrounding area, helping to reduce puffiness, dark circles, and signs of fatigue. The pads are easy to use and are perfect for those with sensitive skin. They are gentle enough to use every day and can be used on even the most delicate skin around the eyes. The formula is also hypoallergenic and free from parabens, making it a safe and effective choice for those who want to take care of their skin. The KLORANE Bleuet Pad Augenregion is ideal for those who are looking for a simple but effective way to care for their eyes. It is also perfect for those who wear contact lenses or have sensitive eyes. With regular use, the pads can help to brighten the eyes, reduce puffiness, and leave the skin feeling refreshed and revitalized. Features: Gentle and soothing eye care product Cotton pads infused with cornflower water Reduces puffiness, dark circles, and signs of fatigue Gentle enough for everyday use Hypoallergenic and free from parabens Suitable for those with sensitive skin and contact lens wearers Overall, the KLORANE Bleuet Pad Augenregion is a must-have for anyone who wants to take care of their eyes and keep them looking bright, refreshed, and rejuvenated. So why wait? Add it to your skincare routine today and see the difference it can make!..
34.93 USD
Lastround qayta foydalanish mumkin paxta yostiqchalari keng shaftoli
LastRound qayta foydalanish mumkin paxta yostiqchalari Keng shaftoli LastRound qayta foydalanish mumkin bo'lgan paxta yostiqchalari keng shaftoli go'zallik tartibi uchun yanada barqaror va ekologik toza muqobillarni qidirayotgan har bir kishi uchun mukammal yechimdir. LastRound paxta yostiqchalarimiz an'anaviy paxta yostiqchalariga qaraganda kengroq bo'lib, tozalash tartibingiz uchun kattaroq sirt maydonini ta'minlaydi. Shaftoli rangidagi sirt nafaqat zamonaviy, balki sizning hammomingizda farqlash va tashkil etish uchun ham amaliydir. Yuqori sifatli, GOTS sertifikatiga ega organik paxtadan tayyorlangan bu paxta yostiqchalari teri uchun qulay va hipoalerjenikdir. Bizning LastRound paxta yostiqchalarimiz ham kimyoviy moddalar, pestitsidlar va sintetik moddalardan xoli. Shunday qilib, siz ularni kundalik yuzingizni tozalash yoki bo'yanish olib tashlash uchun tashvishlanmasdan ishlatishingiz mumkin. Ular yuvilishi va qayta ishlatilishi mumkin - faqat mashinada yuvish va qayta ishlatish. Bu nafaqat chiqindilarni, balki pulni ham tejaydi. To'plam beshta LastRoundni o'z ichiga oladi va amaliy yuvilishi mumkin bo'lgan paxta sumkasida keladi. LastRound qayta foydalanish mumkin bo'lgan paxta yostiqchalari Wide Peachga hozir buyurtma bering va barqarorlik va atrof-muhitga e'tiborli go'zallik parvarishi sari qadam tashlang. ..
25.51 USD
Livsane paxta yostiqchalari 70 dona
Livsane Cotton Pads - 70pcs Looking for a gentle and effective way to cleanse your face and remove makeup? Look no further than Livsane Cotton Pads. These ultra-soft and absorbent pads are specially designed to make your skincare routine a breeze. Benefits of Livsane Cotton Pads: 70 high-quality cotton pads for long-lasting use Ultra-soft and gentle on skin, perfect for sensitive skin types Absorbent material effectively removes makeup, dirt, and impurities Thick and durable design prevents tearing or shredding, making it perfect for everyday use How to use: Moisten the cotton pad with your favorite toner or cleanser. Gently wipe over your face, avoiding the eye and mouth areas. For eye makeup removal, hold the pad over the closed eye for a few seconds before wiping away. Discard the pad after use. Livsane Cotton Pads are an essential addition to your daily skincare routine. They are great for removing makeup, applying toner, and cleansing your face. Stock up today for fresh and healthy-looking skin...
4.65 USD
Schaffhauser paxta yostiqchalari 80 dona kosmetik
Soft and dimensionally stable cotton pads. Premium quality cotton pads for daily cosmetic cleaning. div> ..
7.31 USD
Ultra always binding cotton protection night with wings 9 pcs
Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Night with Wings 9 pcs Experience the ultimate comfort and protection during your night-time period flow with Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Night with Wings 9 pcs. This product is designed to provide maximum comfort and protection for heavy flow. Made with high-quality materials, it offers great absorbency to keep you feeling fresh and dry throughout the night. Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Night with Wings 9 pcs features a special 7-layer design that provides superior leak protection and odor control. It uses a specially-designed cotton top-sheet that is gentle on your skin, breathable, and highly absorbent. The wings are extra-long and wide, providing added leakage protection and comfort. They also have a unique shape that helps keep the pad in place, ensuring you have all-night protection. The product has been designed with your ultimate comfort in mind. It is made with soft and smooth materials that are gentle on your skin and prevent irritation. The cotton top-sheet is infused with aloe vera and chamomile extracts to soothe and moisturize your skin, giving you a fresh and clean feeling all night long. The Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Night with Wings 9 pcs is individually-wrapped, ensuring that you can carry it discreetly in your purse or handbag. The product is easy to use, with adhesive wings that stick to your underwear and avoid slipping and sliding. You can trust the product to take care of your period needs, no matter how heavy your flow. So, if you are looking for maximum protection, comfort, and freshness during your period, look no further than Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Night with Wings 9 pcs. Order now and experience the freedom to move, sleep, and enjoy any nighttime activity, all the while being provided with maximum protection...
10.70 USD
Ultra har doim bog'laydigan paxta himoyasi oddiy qanotli 12 dona
Mahsulot tavsifi: Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Normal with Wings 12 donaUltra Always Binding Cotton Protection Normal with Wings bilan tanishtiring, 12 ta to'plamdan iborat bo'lgan to'plam ayollarni hayz paytida eng yaxshi himoya qilish uchun mo'ljallangan. tsikl. Bu prokladkalar qanotlari bilan birga bo‘lib, ular o‘z o‘rnida turishini ta’minlaydi va oddiy prokladkalarga qaraganda ikki baravar yaxshiroq himoya qiladi.Yostiqchalar yuqori sifatli paxtadan ishlab chiqarilgan bo‘lib, teriga nisbatan yumshoqlik hissini uyg‘otadi va ajoyib singdiruvchanlikni ta’minlaydi. Ular hayz paytida normal oqimga ega bo'lgan va qulay, qulay va ishlatish uchun qulay prokladkaga muhtoj bo'lgan ayollar uchun juda mos keladi.Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Normal with Wings prokladkalari mahkam o'rnatish uchun mo'ljallangan. qulay, ayollarning hech qanday noqulayliksiz kun o'tkazishlarini ta'minlash. Ular, shuningdek, juda ehtiyotkor, shuning uchun ayollar ularni har qanday oqishdan himoyalanganligini bilib, ishonch bilan kiyishlari mumkin.Ushbu prokladkalar yordamida ayollar o'zlarining noyobligi tufayli har qanday oqishdan 100% himoyalanishlari mumkin. dizayn va changni yutish yadrosi. Shuningdek, ularni yo‘q qilish oson, bu ularning kun bo‘yi joyida turishini ta’minlaydigan yopishtiruvchi tayanchlari tufayli.Umuman olganda, Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Normal with Wings 12 dona bo‘lishi shart. ishonchli va qulay hayz ko'rishdan himoya qilish yechimini qidirayotgan har qanday ayol uchun. U mukammal qoplama, changni yutish va qulaylikni taklif etadi, bu uni barcha yoshdagi ayollar uchun ideal tanlov qiladi...
10.70 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)