

Ko'rsatildi 626 dan 650 gacha 774
(hammasi 31 sahifa)
Beeovita to'g'ridan-to'g'ri Shveytsariyadan kosmetika va go'zallik mahsulotlarini taklif qiladi. Standart mahsulotlar va kosmetika vositalaridan tashqari, bizning inventarimiz gomeopatiya mahsulotlari, ozuqaviy qo'shimchalar va hatto uy hayvonlarini parvarish qilishgacha bo'lgan sog'liq uchun mo'ljallangan bir qator mahsulotlarni o'z ichiga oladi. Bizning keng tanlovimizni o'rganing, jumladan terini parvarish qilish, tabiiy vositalar, parhez va ozish uchun mahsulotlar va boshqa toifalar qatori gomeopatiya muolajalari. Biz tanlagan kaliy xlorid tanqisligini davolash, pichoqlar va hayvonlar uchun ozuqa qo'shimchalarining afzalliklarini oching. Mahsulotlarimiz turli ehtiyojlarga javob beradi - yara va oshqozon yarasini davolash, ovqat hazm qilish tizimiga yordam berish, dezinfektsiyalash va bo'g'inlar va mushaklardagi og'riqlarni yo'qotish uchun topikal mahsulotlar. O'zingiz va uy hayvonlari uchun go'zallik va salomatlik tanlovlarimizni bugun xarid qiling!
Actimove daily support knee support s ochiq patella

Actimove daily support knee support s ochiq patella

Mahsulot kodi: 7753565

Actimove kundalik tayanch tizza tayanchi S ochiq patella xususiyatlariYevropa CE sertifikatiO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 149 g Uzunlik: 38mm Keng: 95mm Balandligi: 108mm Shveytsariyadan Actimove Kundalik Yordamchi Knee Support S open patellani onlayn xarid qiling..

48.72 USD

Actimove sport bilagi s

Actimove sport bilagi s

Mahsulot kodi: 7753554

Actimove Sport bilak ortezi S Og'riq qoldiruvchi siqilish. Ishlash materiali tufayli yuqori qulaylik. Slip-on dizayni bilan sozlanishi kayışlar. Anatomik shakldagi ko'prik. Kiyim ostiga kiyish mumkin. Xususiyatlar Aktimove sport bilak ortezi issiqlik va tibbiy siqishni muvozanatli qo'llash orqali bilakdagi shifobaxsh ta'sir va og'riqni yo'qotishni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi. Ortezni lateks va neoprensiz ishlash materiali tufayli kiyish juda qulay. Alohida sozlanishi tasmalar va slip-on dizayni ortezni oson va tez yig'ish imkonini beradi. To'g'ri joylashish uchun bilakni anatomik shakldagi novda bilan barqarorlashtirish orqali shina og'riqni boshqarishga yordam beradi va yengillikni ta'minlaydi. Chunki qo‘l kaft yostig‘iga tayanishi mumkin. Ortez past profili tufayli kiyim ostida osongina kiyiladi. Qo‘llash sohalari: Tendonit burilishlar shtammlari Yumshoq to'qimalarning shikastlanishi Osteoartrit Revmatoid artrit Operatsiyadan keyingi parvarish Gipsni olib tashlagandan keyin ..

52.20 USD

Actimove sport bilaklari l / xl

Actimove sport bilaklari l / xl

Mahsulot kodi: 7753556

The Actimove Sport wrist orthosis supports the healing effect and pain relief of the wrist through the balanced application of heat and medical compression. The orthosis is very comfortable to wear due to its latex and neoprene free performance material. Due to the individually adjustable straps and the slip-on design, the orthosis can be fitted easily and quickly.By stabilizing the wrist with an anatomically shaped bar for correct positioning, the splint helps to treat pain and provides relief. Because the hand can rest on the palm pad.Thanks to its low profile, the orthosis can easily be worn under clothing.Fields of application: TendinitisSprainsLoadsSoft tissue injuriesArthrosisRheumatoid ArthritisPostoperative careAfter removing the plaster cast..

52.20 USD

Actipharm burun tishlari 10 dona

Actipharm burun tishlari 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7743915

Aktifarm burun tishlari xususiyatlari 10 donaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdori: 10 donaOg‘irligi: 68 g Uzunlik: 49 mm Eni: 81 mm Balandligi: 136 mm 10 dona Actipharm burun tishlarini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

26.62 USD

Bort soft volare cts rail m-19cm right gray

Bort soft volare cts rail m-19cm right gray

Mahsulot kodi: 7753384


103.25 USD

Epitact physiostrap tizzasi junior 2 30-31,9 sm

Epitact physiostrap tizzasi junior 2 30-31,9 sm

Mahsulot kodi: 7752503

Epitact Physiostrap tizzasining xususiyatlari JUNIOR 2 30-31,9cmEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/30 daraja SelsiyMiqdori paketda : 1 donaOg'irligi: 42g Uzunligi: 35mm Kenligi: 85mm Balandligi: 182mm JUNIOR 2 30-31,9 sm Epitact Physiostrap tizzasini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

120.78 USD

Genutrain aktivbandage gr0 titan

Genutrain aktivbandage gr0 titan

Mahsulot kodi: 7750393

GenuTrain faol qo'llab-quvvatlash gr0 titan xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 254g >Uzunlik: 26mm Keng: 111mm Balandligi: 328mm GenuTrain faol qoʻllab-quvvatlash gr0 titanni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

151.55 USD

Kingnature oregano vida 614 mg kavanoz 60 kapsula

Kingnature oregano vida 614 mg kavanoz 60 kapsula

Mahsulot kodi: 7748561

Which packs are available? Kingnature Oregano Vida 614 mg jar 60 capsules..

95.06 USD

Lavera gialuronik suyuqlik fondi ivory light 01 tb 30 ml

Lavera gialuronik suyuqlik fondi ivory light 01 tb 30 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7753761


28.74 USD

Livsane eis-spray

Livsane eis-spray

Mahsulot kodi: 7744741

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Kontraindikation Livsane Eis-Spray Indikation Stumpfe Traumen. Dosierung Bei Bedarf mehrere Sprühstösse aus ca. 15 cm Distanz. Kontraindikation Kontakt mit Augen, Schleimhäuten oder offenen Wunden. 765428 / 22.07.2019 ..

21.72 USD

Lumbotrain aktivbandage gr3 titan

Lumbotrain aktivbandage gr3 titan

Mahsulot kodi: 7750421

LumboTrain faol qo'llab-quvvatlash xususiyatlari Gr3 titanEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 574 g Uzunlik: 45mm Keng: 210mm Balandligi: 260mm LumboTrain faol qoʻllab-quvvatlash Gr3 titanini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

264.25 USD

Lumbotrain aktivbandage gr4 titan

Lumbotrain aktivbandage gr4 titan

Mahsulot kodi: 7750422

Ushbu mahsulot Idoralar tomonidan belgilangan. Bu Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga javob berishini kafolatlaydi...

264.25 USD

Lumbotrain lady active support gr5 titan

Lumbotrain lady active support gr5 titan

Mahsulot kodi: 7750430


248.17 USD

Menoles cape blist 30 dona

Menoles cape blist 30 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7747141

Menolesse Cape Blist xususiyatlari 30 donaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdori: 30 donaOg‘irligi: 39 g Uzunlik: 31mm Keng: 130mm Balandligi: 87mm Menolesse Cape Blist 30 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

53.81 USD

Mepilex border flex oval 7,8x10 sm 5 dona

Mepilex border flex oval 7,8x10 sm 5 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7752490

Mepilex Border Flex Oval xususiyatlari 7,8x10 sm 5 donaEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/30 daraja SelsiyMiqdori paket : 5 donaOg'irligi: 72g Uzunligi: 144mm Kenligi: 26mm Balandligi: 158mm >Mepilex Border Flex Oval 7,8x10cm 5 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

93.31 USD

Olma gulini yumshatuvchi va bodom fl 1

Olma gulini yumshatuvchi va bodom fl 1

Mahsulot kodi: 7753884

Held yumshatuvchi olma va lt bodom Fl 1 xususiyatlariSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 lt >Og'irligi: 1101g Uzunlik: 62mm Eni: 119mm Balandligi: 258mm Olma gulini yumshatuvchi va lt bodom Fl sotib oling Shveytsariyadan 1 ta onlayn..

16.75 USD

Proshield foam & spray 235 ml

Proshield foam & spray 235 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7752517

Foam & Proshield Spray 235 ml xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdor: 1 mlOg'irligi: 319g Uzunligi: 82mm Kenligi: 73mm Balandligi: 149mm Sotib oling Foam & Proshield Spray 235 ml onlayn Shveytsariya..

25.13 USD

Shvetsiya bazasi the makeup remover fl 150 ml

Shvetsiya bazasi the makeup remover fl 150 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7748243


32.63 USD

Sigvaris mobilis epicare elbow bandage m

Sigvaris mobilis epicare elbow bandage m

Mahsulot kodi: 7742369

Sigvaris MOBILIS EpiCare Elbow Bandage - Size M Looking for a reliable and comfortable elbow bandage to manage pain and swelling? Look no further than the Sigvaris MOBILIS EpiCare. This medical-grade bandage is designed to provide targeted compression and support for a variety of elbow conditions, including tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, and arthritis. Key Benefits: Reduces pain and inflammation Improves circulation Provides stability and support Made with breathable, moisture-wicking materials Easy to apply and adjust Why choose Sigvaris MOBILIS EpiCare? Sigvaris is a trusted name in medical compression therapy. Our MOBILIS EpiCare elbow bandage offers: Superior quality and durability Precise compression levels Comfortable fit Don't let elbow pain limit your activities. Order your Sigvaris MOBILIS EpiCare elbow bandage today and experience the difference!..

37.78 USD

Sigvaris mobilis genuactive kniebandage s

Sigvaris mobilis genuactive kniebandage s

Mahsulot kodi: 7742326

Ushbu mahsulot Idoralar tomonidan belgilangan. Bu Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga javob berishini kafolatlaydi...

87.30 USD

Sigvaris mobilis genucare knee bandage l

Sigvaris mobilis genucare knee bandage l

Mahsulot kodi: 7742321

Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare Knee Bandage - Size L Are you suffering from knee pain or discomfort? The Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare knee bandage offers superior support and compression therapy to help alleviate your symptoms. Crafted with medical-grade materials, this bandage provides optimal comfort and durability. Key Benefits: Reduces swelling and inflammation Provides gentle compression for pain relief Improves circulation Supports joint stability Ideal for arthritis, sports injuries, and post-operative recovery Why choose Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare? Trusted brand in medical compression therapy High-quality materials for long-lasting performance Easy to apply and adjust Discreet design for everyday wear Don't let knee pain limit your activities. Experience the difference with Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare. Order your size L bandage today and take the first step towards a pain-free life...

41.77 USD

Sigvaris mobilis genucare knee bandage s

Sigvaris mobilis genucare knee bandage s

Mahsulot kodi: 7742319

Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare S - Your Reliable Knee Companion Are you tired of dealing with knee pain and discomfort? The Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare S knee bandage offers superior support and compression therapy. Whether you're an athlete recovering from an injury or someone living with arthritis, this medical-grade bandage can help alleviate pain and reduce swelling. Key Benefits: Provides gentle compression for improved circulation Reduces swelling and pain Enhances stability and support Made with breathable materials for all-day comfort Easy to apply and adjust Designed specifically for the knee, the Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare S offers targeted support where you need it most. Its comfortable and discreet design allows you to wear it under clothing without any discomfort. Experience the difference with Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare S. Order yours today!..

41.77 USD

Sigvaris mobilis genuwrap knee bandage s/m

Sigvaris mobilis genuwrap knee bandage s/m

Mahsulot kodi: 7742323

Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuWrap - Your Reliable Knee Support Looking for a knee bandage that combines comfort and effectiveness? The Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuWrap is your perfect match. Designed to provide optimal compression, this medical-grade bandage improves circulation, reduces swelling, and alleviates pain. Whether you're an athlete, an active individual, or simply looking for relief from knee discomfort, this bandage is a must-have. Key features: Medical-grade compression for optimal support Improves circulation and reduces swelling Alleviates pain and discomfort Durable and easy to apply Available in S/M size for a perfect fit Don't let knee pain slow you down. Order your Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuWrap today and experience the difference!..

82.86 USD

Sigvaris mobilis lumbocare back bandage m

Sigvaris mobilis lumbocare back bandage m

Mahsulot kodi: 7742379

Ushbu mahsulot Idoralar tomonidan belgilangan. Bu Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga javob berishini kafolatlaydi...

84.80 USD

Vichy dercos vital flushing tb 200 ml

Vichy dercos vital flushing tb 200 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7751597

Vichy Dercos Vital flushing Tb ning xususiyatlari : 225g Uzunlik: 50mm Eni: 50mm Balandligi: 185mm Vichy Dercos Vital flushing Tb 200 ml ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling ..

46.41 USD

Ko'rsatildi 626 dan 650 gacha 774
(hammasi 31 sahifa)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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