Siqish tirgaklari
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Cellacare manus classic gr2 qoldi
Cellacare Manus Classic Gr2 left The Cellacare Manus Classic Gr2 is a left-hand support orthopedic grip that provides firm support and compression to the wrist, palm, and the base of the thumb. It is designed to relieve pain and discomfort associated with injuries, arthritis, and other conditions affecting the hand and wrist. Features Adjustable compression straps to customize support level and fit Breathable fabric for maximum comfort and moisture control Anatomical design for perfect fit and support Easy to use, allows full movement of the fingers Machine washable for easy care Indications The Cellacare Manus Classic Gr2 is recommended for the following conditions: Mild to moderate sprains and strains in the wrist and hand Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome Post-operative and post-trauma rehabilitation Chronic and acute pain and inflammation in the hand and wrist Design and Size The Cellacare Manus Classic Gr2 left is designed for left hands and available in different sizes to ensure a perfect fit for everyone. It is made of breathable, skin-friendly materials that are gentle on the skin and ideal for people with sensitive skin. The anatomical design of the support ensures that it fits snugly around the wrist, palm, and base of the thumb, providing stable support and compression. Conclusion The Cellacare Manus Classic Gr2 left provides excellent support, stability, and compression to the wrist, palm, and base of the thumb, making it an ideal choice for those suffering from hand and wrist injuries or arthritic conditions. With adjustable straps and a comfortable, breathable design, this support can be worn all day long without causing any discomfort or irritating the skin. If you have any type of hand or wrist pain, the Cellacare Manus Classic Gr2 left is the perfect solution. ..
64.96 USD
Dermaplast active malleo soft m
DermaPlast Active Malleo Soft M DermaPlast Active Malleo Soft M - bu oyoq Bilagi zo'r bo'g'imga tayanch va barqarorlikni ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan tibbiy kompressor. U yuqori sifatli nafas oluvchi materialdan tayyorlangan bo'lib, maksimal qulaylikni ta'minlaydi va oyoq, to'piq va pastki oyoq atrofida qulay tarzda joylashadi. Braket M o'lchamida mavjud bo'lib, u 39-42 gacha bo'lgan poyabzal o'lchamiga ega ko'pchilik uchun mos keladi. Xususiyatlar va afzalliklar Oyoq Bilagi zo'r bo'g'imga siqish va yordam beradi Yallig'lanish va og'riqni kamaytiradi Oyoq Bilagi zo'r burilishlar va zo'riqishlarning oldini oladi Jismoniy mashqlar paytida oyoq Bilagi zo'r bo'g'imlarni barqarorlashtiradi Maksimal qulaylik uchun engil va nafas oladigan material Kiyish va sozlash oson Erkaklar va ayollar uchun javob beradi Klinik sinovdan oʻtgan va tibbiyot mutaxassislari tomonidan tavsiya etilgan Qanday foydalanish kerak DermaPlast Active Malleo Soft M dan foydalanish oson va uni jismoniy faoliyat yoki kundalik ishlarda kiyish mumkin. Oyoq va to'pig'ingiz atrofiga qo'ltiqni qo'ying, shunda uning qulay va qulay bo'lishiga ishonch hosil qiling. Moslashtirilgan moslashish uchun Velcro tasmalarini sozlang. Braketni ortiqcha tortmang, chunki u noqulaylik tug'dirishi yoki qon oqimini cheklashi mumkin. G'amxo'rlik bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar DermaPlast Active Malleo Soft M bardoshli va parvarish qilish oson bo'lgan yuqori sifatli materiallardan tayyorlangan. Uni yumshoq detarjen va iliq suv yordamida yuvish va tozalash mumkin. Oqartirgich yoki issiq suvdan foydalanmang, chunki bu braketga zarar etkazishi mumkin. Kelajakda foydalanish uchun saqlashdan oldin braketni havoda quriting. Xulosa DermaPlast Active Malleo Soft M to'piq bo'g'imini ajoyib qo'llab-quvvatlash va himoya qilish imkonini beradi, bu esa oyoq Bilagi zo'r jarohati bo'lgan yoki to'piqni zo'riqishi mumkin bo'lgan jismoniy faoliyat bilan shug'ullanadiganlar uchun ideal qiladi. Uning engil va nafas oladigan materiali uni uzoq vaqt davomida kiyishni qulay qiladi va uning moslashtirilgan moslashuvi maksimal samaradorlikni ta'minlaydi. Oyoq Bilagi zo'r salomatligi va umumiy farovonlik uchun DermaPlast Active Malleo Soft M-ga bugun sarmoya kiriting. ..
57.03 USD
Epitrain active support gr1 titanium
Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium The Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium is an advanced knee support designed to help you move better, recover faster, and perform at your best. Made with medical-grade compression and a unique knitted design, this knee brace helps to support and stabilize the knee joint during physical activity while still allowing for a full range of motion. Whether you're an athlete looking to improve your performance or someone who suffers from knee pain or instability, the Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium is a great solution. This knee brace is designed to provide targeted compression to the knee joint, helping to relieve pain and reduce swelling and inflammation. It also features a silicone insert that provides additional support and stabilization to the patella, helping to improve overall knee function. The Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium is made with high-quality materials, including medical-grade compression and breathable knit fabric. The compression helps to improve blood flow to the knee joint, while the breathable fabric wicks away moisture and helps to regulate temperature, keeping you cool, dry, and comfortable throughout your workout or daily activities. Overall, the Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium is a great option for anyone looking to improve knee stability, reduce pain and inflammation, and enhance their overall abilities. With its advanced design and high-quality construction, it's sure to provide you with the support and performance you need to reach your goals. ..
144.79 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)