
Tozalash vositalari

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 21 gacha 21
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Beeovita’ning “Tozalash vositalari” bo‘limiga xush kelibsiz, u yerda siz Shveytsariyaning eng yaxshi brendlaridan oziqlantiruvchi va tozalovchi salomatlik va go‘zallik mahsulotlarining keng assortimentini topishingiz mumkin. Siz akne paydo bo'ladigan teri uchun yuz tozalash vositalarini, namlovchi va oziqlantiruvchi tanani tozalash vositalarini, nozik teriga yumshoq bolalar sovuni yoki gigiena va salomatlikni ta'minlaydigan intim parvarish mahsulotlarini qidiryapsizmi, biz sizga yordam beramiz. Yuqori darajadagi tozalovchi kremlar, losonlar, ko'piklar va boshqa ko'plab terilar uchun mo'ljallangan, sezgir teridan yog'ligacha. Yumshoq, samarali tozalash vositalarimiz bilan teringizni toza, tiniq va porloq holda saqlang. Sizning eng yorqin tabassumingiz uchun tishlarni oqartiruvchi yechimlar va maxsus qo'llaniladigan kosmetik kremlar va malhamlar tanlovimizni unutmang. Beeovita-da eng yaxshi sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlarini xarid qiling.
Akne losyoni widmer fl 150 ml

Akne losyoni widmer fl 150 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 534196

Akne Lotion Widmer - bu tashqi foydalanish uchun antiseptik, oson tozalanadigan tozalovchi loson. Akne Lotion Widmer akne, yuz terisining yog 'bezlari (seboreya) va komedonlar tomonidan ortiqcha yog' ishlab chiqarish uchun ishlatiladi. U yog'ni erituvchi ta'sirga ega va shu bilan tiqilib qolgan teshiklarni tozalaydi. Akne Lotion Widmer faqat kattalar va 12 va undan katta yoshdagi o'smirlar uchun mo'ljallangan. Swissmedic tomonidan tasdiqlangan bemor ma'lumotlariAcne Lotion WidmerLouis Widmer AGAMZVAcne Lotion Widmer nima va u qachon bo'ladi qo'llash mumkinmi? Akne Lotion Widmer - bu tashqi foydalanish uchun antiseptik, oson tozalanuvchi tozalovchi loson. Akne Lotion Widmer akne, yuz terisining yog 'bezlari (seboreya) va komedonlar tomonidan ortiqcha yog' ishlab chiqarish uchun ishlatiladi. U yog'ni erituvchi ta'sirga ega va shu bilan tiqilib qolgan teshiklarni tozalaydi. Akne Lotion Widmer faqat kattalar va 12 va undan katta yoshdagi o'smirlar uchun mo'ljallangan. Nimalarga e'tibor berish kerak?Og'ir akne holatlarida shifokor tomonidan davolanish kerak. Acne Lotion Widmerni qachon ishlatmaslik kerak?Acne LotionWidmerni quyidagilar bilan ishlatmaslik kerak: faol moddalar yoki yordamchi moddalarga ma'lum bo'lgan yuqori sezuvchanlik.Acne Lotion Widmerdan foydalanganda qachon ehtiyot bo'lish kerak? Akne Lotion Widmer faqat terining ta'sirlangan joylarida qo'llanilishi mumkin. Ko'zlar, ko'z qovoqlari, lablar va shilliq pardalar bilan aloqa qilishdan saqlaning. Shilliq pardalar (ko'zlar, og'iz, burun teshigi) va / yoki ko'z qovoqlari bilan tasodifiy aloqa qilganda, zararlangan joylarni suv bilan yaxshilab yuvish kerak. Boshqa topikal dorilar bilan bir vaqtda foydalanish, masalan, akne davolash uchun, terining quruqligi va tirnash xususiyati kuchayishiga olib kelishi mumkin. Dori singan yoki yallig'langan teriga yoki tananing katta joylariga qo'llanilmasligi kerak. Akne Lotion Widmer dan foydalanish davolash qilingan hududlarning fotosensitivligini oshirishi mumkin. Shuning uchun siz kuchli quyosh nuri yoki ultrabinafsha nurlanishidan qochishingiz kerak. Akne Lotion Widmer dan 12 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalarda foydalanish tavsiya etilmaydi. Agar bo'lsa, shifokor, farmatsevt yoki farmatsevtga ayting boshqa kasalliklardan aziyat cheksangiz,allergiyaga duchor bo'lsangizyoki boshqa dori-darmonlarni (jumladan, o'zingiz sotib olganlarni!) qabul qiling yoki ularni tashqaridan ishlating.Akne Lotion Widmer homiladorlik paytida yoki emizish paytida ishlatilishi mumkinmi?Homilador ayollarda Akne Lotion Widmerdan foydalanish bo'yicha ma'lumotlar etarli emas. Ehtiyot chorasi sifatida homiladorlik va emizish davrida dori-darmonlarni qabul qilmaslik kerak. Agar siz homilador bo'lsangiz, homilador bo'lishni rejalashtirayotgan yoki emizayotgan bo'lsangiz, akne LosyonVidmerni faqat shifokoringiz bilan maslahatlashganidan keyin qo'llashingiz kerak. Akne Lotion Widmerdan qanday foydalanasiz?Akne Lotion Widmer faqat tashqi foydalanish uchun mo‘ljallangan. Kattalar va 12 yoshdan oshgan o'smirlarErtalab va kechqurun terini losyon Widmer bilan yaxshilab tozalang. namlangan paxta to'pi. Jarayondan keyin terini yuvmang. O'ramdagi varaqada ko'rsatilgan yoki shifokor ko'rsatgan dozaga rioya qiling. Agar siz dori juda zaif yoki juda kuchli deb hisoblasangiz, shifokoringiz, farmatsevtingiz yoki farmatsevtingiz bilan gaplashing. Acne Lotion Widmer qanday yon ta'sirga ega bo'lishi mumkin?AkneLosyondan foydalanganda quyidagi yon ta'sirlar paydo bo'lishi mumkin. Widmer paydo bo'ladi: Akne Losyon Vidmer teriga surtilishi haddan tashqari qizarish, yonish yoki qichishish kabi engil tirnash xususiyati keltirib chiqarishi mumkin. Agar tirnash xususiyati belgilari kuchaysa yoki bir haftadan ko'proq davom etsa, siz Acne Lotion Widmerdan foydalanishni to'xtatib, shifokoringizga xabar berishingiz kerak. Agar terida allergik reaktsiya paydo bo'lsa, akne losyoni Widmerdan foydalanishni to'xtatishingiz kerak. Muolaja qilingan hududlarda fotosensitivlik kuchayishi mumkin. Agar siz bu yerda tavsiflanmagan nojo'ya ta'sirlarni sezsangiz, bu haqda shifokor, farmatsevt yoki farmatsevtga xabar berishingiz kerak. Yana nimani e'tiborga olish kerak?Dori-darmondan faqat o'ramida "EXP" belgilangan sanagacha foydalanish mumkin. Akne Lotion Widmerni bolalar qo'li etmaydigan joyda saqlang. Xona haroratida (15-25 ° C) saqlang. Sizning shifokoringiz, farmatsevtingiz yoki farmatsevtingiz sizga qo'shimcha ma'lumot berishi mumkin. Bu odamlar mutaxassislar uchun batafsil ma'lumotga ega. Acne Lotion Widmer tarkibida nima bor?1 g Acne Lotion Widmer tarkibiga quyidagilar kiradi:Faol moddalar: 20 mg salitsil kislotasi, 10 mg magniy sulfat, 5 mg rux sulfat, 5 mg triklosan. Yordamchi moddalar: Etanol, propilen glikol va boshqa yordamchi moddalar. Tasdiqlash raqami30097 (Swissmedic). Akne Lotion Widmerni qayerdan olish mumkin? Qanday paketlar mavjud?Dorixona va dorixonalarda shifokor retseptisiz. 150 ml shishalar. Avtorizatsiya egasiLouis Widmer AG, Rietbachstrasse 5, 8952 Schlieren-Zürich. Ushbu varaqa oxirgi marta 2018-yil sentabr oyida dori vositalari idorasi (Swissmedic) tomonidan tekshirilgan. ..

32.90 USD

Avene cleanance reinigungsgel tube 200 ml

Avene cleanance reinigungsgel tube 200 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7809473

AVENE CLEANCE CLEANSING GEL TB 200 ML Yog'li, iflos terini muloyimlik bilan tozalaydi. Sebum ishlab chiqarishni tartibga soladi va teriga tinchlantiruvchi ta'sir ko'rsatadi. Tarkib Avene termal buloq suvi, suv, natriy lauroil metil izethionat, rux kotset sulfat, polisorbat 20, natriy kokoamfoatsetat, ceteareth-60 miristil glikol, PEG-40 vodorodlangan kastor yog'i, yashil 5 (CI 61570), , Parfyum, glitseril laurat, natriy benzoat, natriy gidroksid, natriy sulfat, sariq 5 (CI 19140), sink glyukonat.. Xususiyatlar Yog'li, nopok teri uchun. Aniqlashtiradi va mat qiladi. Yuz va tana uchun. Sovunsiz. Biologik parchalanadigan. Ilova Ertalab va/yoki kechqurun yaxshi namlangan teriga surting, ko'piklang, keyin yuving va quriting. ..

33.25 USD

Avene yumshoq tozalovchi sut 200 ml

Avene yumshoq tozalovchi sut 200 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7851100

Avene Mild Cleansing Milk 200 ml The Avene Mild Cleansing Milk is a gentle and effective cleanser that removes impurities from the skin, leaving it feeling clean, soft and refreshed. This cleansing milk is specially formulated for sensitive skin, and it can be used to clean the face and neck. It is perfect to use as part of your daily skincare routine. Key Features 200 ml bottle Gentle and effective cleanser Removes impurities from skin Suitable for sensitive skin Leaves skin feeling clean, soft and refreshed How to Use Apply a small amount of the Avene Mild Cleansing Milk to your face and neck, and massage gently. Rinse off with warm water, and pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Use this cleansing milk as part of your morning and evening skincare routine. Ingredients The Avene Mild Cleansing Milk contains a range of gentle and effective ingredients, including: Avène Thermal Spring Water - Soothes and softens skin Glycols - Moisturises and soothes skin Mineral Oil - Protects and nourishes skin Perfluid - Cleanses and removes impurities from skin This cleansing milk is free from parabens, soaps, fragrance and colouring agents, making it ideal for sensitive skin types. Conclusion For those with sensitive skin who want a gentle, yet effective cleanser, the Avene Mild Cleansing Milk is the perfect choice. It removes impurities from the skin, leaving it feeling clean, soft and refreshed. Use it as part of your daily skincare routine for best results...

38.26 USD

Bioderma sébium h2o 500 ml

Bioderma sébium h2o 500 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 4998455

BIODERMA Sébium H2O 500 ml BIODERMA Sébium H2O 500 ml is a cleansing and purifying water that is specially formulated for oily and combination skin. It is a gentle and effective cleansing solution that eliminates impurities and excess oil while keeping the skin hydrated and moisturized. This product is ideal for daily use and it helps to maintain a clear and healthy-looking complexion. Features: Special formula designed for oily and combination skin Cleanses and purifies without drying the skin Removes impurities, excess oil and makeup Keeps the skin hydrated and moisturized Non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic and paraben-free How to use: Soak a cotton pad with BIODERMA Sébium H2O 500 ml and gently cleanse the face and neck. No rinsing is required. This product is suitable for daily use, morning and evening. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Peg-6 Caprylic/Capric Glycerides, Sodium Citrate, Zinc Gluconate, Copper Sulfate, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract, Mannitol, Xylitol, Rhamnose, Fructooligosaccharides, Propylene Glycol, Citric Acid, Disodium Edta, Cetrimonium Bromide, Fragrance (Parfum). If you have oily or combination skin, BIODERMA Sébium H2O 500 ml is the perfect daily cleansing solution. It is a gentle and effective way to keep your skin free from impurities and excess oil, while maintaining moisture and hydration. Order yours today and enjoy a clear, healthy-looking complexion!..

32.29 USD

Bioderma sensibio h20 micellaire eritmasi n parf 500 ml

Bioderma sensibio h20 micellaire eritmasi n parf 500 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 4998461

Bioderma Sensibio H2O Solution Micellaire is a mild 3-in-1 cleansing solution for sensitive or allergic skin. The 3-in-1 solution offers cleanser, make-up remover and toner in one product. The micellar solution reliably cleanses even waterproof make-up and soothes irritated skin. The cucumber extract it contains soothes irritated skin. Application Put the solution directly onto a cotton pad and gently cleanse the eyes and face. For a particularly gentle removal of eye make-up, press the cotton pad gently against the eye for a few seconds. No rinsing necessary. The facial care can be applied immediately afterwards. Ingredients Aqua/Water/EauPeg-6 Caprylic/Capric GlyceridesFructooligosaccharidesMannitolXylitolRhamnoseCucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit ExtractPropylene GlycolCetrimonium BromideDisodium Edta. [Bi 446]..

32.29 USD

Bioderma sensibio h20 pompe inversée peau seche 500 ml

Bioderma sensibio h20 pompe inversée peau seche 500 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 6855323

Bioderma Sensibio H20 Pompe Inversée Peau Seche 500 ml The Bioderma Sensibio H20 Pompe Inversée Peau Seche 500 ml is the perfect makeup remover and cleanser for people with dry skin. It works to gently remove makeup, dirt, and impurities without stripping the skin of its natural oils or causing irritation. This product is part of the Sensibio line from Bioderma, which is specifically formulated for sensitive skin. The H20 formula is designed to mimic the natural composition of the skin, so it is gentle and effective for even the most delicate skin types. It is also free from harsh ingredients like parabens, sulfates, and fragrances, making it a safe and effective choice for anyone with sensitive skin. The pump bottle is designed with an innovative "pompe inversée" system, which means that the bottle is inverted when you use it. This helps to prevent contamination and ensures that the formula remains fresh and effective. The 500 ml size is ideal for daily use and is sure to last you for months. Overall, the Bioderma Sensibio H20 Pompe Inversée Peau Seche 500 ml is the perfect choice for anyone with dry or sensitive skin who wants an effective and gentle makeup remover and cleanser. With its gentle formula and convenient pump bottle, this product is sure to become a staple in your skincare routine...

37.87 USD

Cetaphil reinigungslotion disp 460 ml

Cetaphil reinigungslotion disp 460 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7833831

Cetaphil Reinigungslotion Disp 460 ml The Cetaphil Reinigungslotion Disp 460 ml is a gentle and effective cleansing lotion that is suitable for all skin types, including those with sensitive skin. It is formulated to cleanse the skin without stripping it of its natural oils, leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and fresh. The cleansing lotion is easy to use thanks to its convenient pump dispenser. Simply pump the desired amount onto your hands, gently massage onto your face and neck, and rinse off with water. The formula is non-comedogenic, making it perfect for anyone who is prone to acne or breakouts. Key Features Gentle and effective cleansing lotion Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin Cleanses without stripping natural oils from the skin Leaves skin feeling soft, smooth, and fresh Convenient pump dispenser for easy use Non-comedogenic formula to prevent acne and breakouts The Cetaphil Reinigungslotion Disp 460 ml is perfect for those who want a gentle and effective way to cleanse their skin. It is formulated to be mild enough for daily use, making it ideal for those with busy lifestyles. Plus, the large 460 ml size means that it is an excellent value for money and will last a long time. Overall, if you are looking for a gentle and effective cleansing lotion that will leave your skin feeling soft, smooth, and fresh, then the Cetaphil Reinigungslotion Disp 460 ml is definitely worth considering. Order yours today and experience the benefits of gentle and effective skin cleansing...

29.13 USD

Dermasel maske aktivkohle d/f

Dermasel maske aktivkohle d/f

Mahsulot kodi: 7830546

DERMASEL Maske Aktivkohle D/F The DERMASEL Maske Aktivkohle D/F is a high-quality face mask that provides deep cleansing and purification for all skin types. Formulated with natural active ingredients, this mask helps to remove impurities, toxins, and excess oil from the face, leaving the skin looking smooth and radiant. Benefits of Using DERMASEL Maske Aktivkohle D/F Deep cleansing and purifying Removes impurities, toxins, and excess oil Leaves the skin looking smooth and radiant Helps to refine pores and reduce their appearance Contains natural active ingredients such as charcoal, shea butter, and kaolin clay How to Use Start with clean, dry skin. Apply the DERMASEL Maske Aktivkohle D/F evenly to the face, avoiding the eye area. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse the face thoroughly with lukewarm water. Use once or twice a week. With regular use, the DERMASEL Maske Aktivkohle D/F will help to refine pores and improve the overall appearance of the skin. Try it today and experience the benefits of deep cleansing and purification for yourself! ..

6.52 USD

Eubos sensitive seife

Eubos sensitive seife

Mahsulot kodi: 7792643

Soap-free cleansing bar (syndet) for gentle cleaning, specially developed for the care needs of normal and dry skin. Properties Soap-free cleansing bar (syndet) for gentle cleaning, specially developed for the care needs of normal and dry skin. Cleanses very mildly while protecting the natural biosphere of the skin and can also be used for facial skin. alkali soap-freepH skin-neutralfragrance-free Without coloring and preservatives ..

14.31 USD

Eucerin dermatoclean tozalovchi suti yumshoq fl 200 ml

Eucerin dermatoclean tozalovchi suti yumshoq fl 200 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 1027528

Eucerin Dermatoclean Cleansing Milk is a mild but thorough moisturizing facial cleanser suitable for daily skin cleansing, even of dry and sensitive skin.At the same time it ensures a gentle and thorough removal of impurities, dirt particles and make- up, even waterproof, without drying out the skin. Eucerin Dermatoclean Micellen Cleansing Milk has an extra mild cleansing complex with hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients derived from nature. This combination helps the skin to maintain its natural moisture balance. The skin feels clean, soothed and smooth after application. Application Pour the cleansing milk onto your hand in the morning and evening and gently apply to the face, neck and décolleté with your fingertips or a cotton wool pad. Afterwards, either gently wipe with a cotton pad or rinse with lukewarm water. Note Free from fragrances and alcoholWithout anionic surfactants, dyes and parabens Composition Aqua, Glycerol, Isopropyl Palmitate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Caprylic Capric Triglycerides, Octyldodecanol, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoates, Glyceryl Glucosides, Cetearyl Isononanoates, Sodium Hyaluronates, Decyl Glucosides, Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid, Glyceryl Stearate SE, Carbomer, Trisodium EDTA, Sodium Cetearyl Sulfate, 1-2-Hexanediol, Phenoxyethanol, Piroctone Olamine, Potassium Sorbate..

30.69 USD

Laktasid muss 150 ml

Laktasid muss 150 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 6062232

A gentle cleansing foam for daily intimate hygiene that preserves the natural balance of the intimate area. Composition L-lactic acid. Properties Properties: enriched with regenerating lactoserum, mild, powdery scent; Application gentle washing lotion for daily intimate cleansing; ..

23.44 USD

Leucen essigsaures tonerde-gel

Leucen essigsaures tonerde-gel

Mahsulot kodi: 6242023

LEUCEN Essigsaures Tonerde-Gel The LEUCEN Essigsaures Tonerde-Gel is a high-quality skincare product that is designed to deeply cleanse and purify your skin. This product is made from natural ingredients and is dermatologically tested to ensure its effectiveness and safety. The active ingredient in this product is vinegar acid, which is known for its ability to exfoliate dead skin cells, unclog pores, and reduce inflammation. This means that the LEUCEN Essigsaures Tonerde-Gel can effectively remove impurities, toxins, and excess oil from your skin, leaving it clean, clear, and refreshed. The gel formula of this product makes it easy to apply and spread evenly on your skin. It is also gentle enough for daily use and can be incorporated into your skincare routine to help maintain healthy and beautiful skin. Aside from its cleansing benefits, the LEUCEN Essigsaures Tonerde-Gel also contains a range of natural ingredients that nourish and protect your skin. These include kaolin, glycerine, and aloe vera, which hydrate and moisturize your skin, leaving it smooth and supple. If you are looking for a high-quality skincare product that can effectively cleanse and purify your skin, the LEUCEN Essigsaures Tonerde-Gel is definitely worth trying. Its combination of exfoliating and nourishing ingredients will help your skin look and feel its best, giving you the confidence you need to take on the day...

32.07 USD

Lubex qarishga qarshi tozalovchi sut 120 ml

Lubex qarishga qarshi tozalovchi sut 120 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 3815240

Gentle cleansing milk ? nourishes ? gently removes make-up ? antioxidant ? tightens ? reduces skin wrinkles ? Q10 ? ProVitamin C & E Dermatological cleansing milk with intensive formulaLubex anti-age cleansing milk: gentle cleansing formula cares for the Gentle on the skin when cleansingRemoves make-up gently (except for some waterproof mascaras) Lubex anti-age cleansing milk contains the following active ingredients: ProVitamin C has an antioxidant effect against free radicals.ProVitamin E supports the repair of skin stressed by UV rays and regenerates it.Coenzyme Q10 increases collagen formation, tightens the skin tissue and reduces skin wrinkles. ..

29.71 USD

Molicare terini tozalash vositasi fl 250 ml

Molicare terini tozalash vositasi fl 250 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7131107

MoliCare terini tozalash vositasining xususiyatlari Fl 250 mlO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 mlOg‘irligi: 285g Uzunligi: 38 mm >Kenligi: 74 mm Balandligi: 188 mm MoliCare terini tozalash vositasi Fl 250 ml ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

12.57 USD

Mustela beruhigendes waschgel fl 300 ml

Mustela beruhigendes waschgel fl 300 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7802810

Mustela Beruhigendes Waschgel Fl 300 ml Mustela Beruhigendes Waschgel Fl 300 ml is a gentle cleansing gel designed for the daily care of sensitive baby's skin. The formula includes natural ingredients such as avocado perseose, a patented ingredient that protects the skin's barrier, and schisandra, which helps to soothe irritated skin. The gel is pH-balanced and contains no soap or fragrances. Key Features: Gentle cleansing gel for sensitive baby's skin Includes natural ingredients such as avocado perseose and schisandra Protects the skin's barrier and soothes irritated skin pH-balanced and contains no soap or fragrances Who is it for? Mustela Beruhigendes Waschgel Fl 300 ml is ideal for parents who want to provide gentle care for their baby's sensitive skin. It is suitable for daily use on newborns, infants, and toddlers. How to use: Apply Mustela Beruhigendes Waschgel Fl 300 ml to wet skin, lather, and rinse thoroughly. Pat dry gently. Use daily for best results. Ingredients: Avocado perseose Schisandra Water (Aqua) Glycerin Coco-Glucoside Disodium Cocoyl Glutamate 1,2-Hexanediol Butylene Glycol Disodium EDTA Citric Acid Alcohol Fragrance (Parfum) Conclusion: Mustela Beruhigendes Waschgel Fl 300 ml is a gentle and effective cleansing gel for sensitive baby's skin. It contains natural ingredients that protect the skin's barrier and soothe irritated skin. The pH-balanced formula and lack of soap or fragrances make it a great choice for daily use. Recommended for parents who want to provide gentle care for their baby's delicate skin. ..

39.59 USD

Nivea yumshoq tozalovchi sut 200 ml

Nivea yumshoq tozalovchi sut 200 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 5953963

The Nivea Gentle Cleansing Milk with Hydra IQ and Vitamin E gently removes make-up, excess skin oil and dirt from the skin and is suitable for all skin types. Thoroughly cleanses the skin and removes make-up as well as waterproof mascaraMoisturizes the skin for a natural balanceRefreshes the skin with the invigorating formula ..

15.15 USD

Smilepen power whitening zahnpasta

Smilepen power whitening zahnpasta

Mahsulot kodi: 7825958

Smilepen Power Whitening Zahnpasta Tb 40 g Smilepen Power Whitening Zahnpasta yordamida tishlaringizni yanada yorqinroq va oqartiring! Ushbu kuchli formula o'jar dog'larni olib tashlash va hech qanday zarar etkazmasdan tishlaringizni oqartirish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan. Sariq tishlar bilan xayrlashing va chiroyli va ishonchli tabassum bilan salomlashing. Asosiy xususiyatlar: Kuchli oqartiruvchi formula: Smilepen Power Whitening Zahnpasta tarkibida tishlaringizdagi oʻjar dogʻlar va sargʻishlikni samarali olib tashlaydigan faol moddalar mavjud boʻlib, sizga yorqinroq va oq tabassum beradi. Tishlarga muloyimlik: Boshqa qattiq oqartiruvchi mahsulotlardan farqli o'laroq, Smilepen Power Whitening Zahnpasta tishlaringizga yumshoq ta'sir ko'rsatadi va foydalanishdan keyin hech qanday sezgirlikni sezmasligingizni ta'minlaydi. Chuqur tozalash: Noyob formula tishlaringizni chuqur tozalashga yordam beradi, blyashka olib tashlaydi va bo'shliqlar va milk kasalliklari xavfini kamaytiradi. Uzoq davom etadigan tazelik: Smilepen Power Whitening Zahnpasta tetiklantiruvchi yalpiz hidi bilan nafasingizni yangi va toza his qiladi. Ixcham va qulay: 40 g trubka ixcham va qulay bo‘lib, undan foydalanish va sayohat qilishni osonlashtiradi. Smilepen Power Whitening Zahnpasta kuchli kimyoviy moddalardan foydalanmasdan yorqinroq, oqroq va sog'lom tabassumga erishmoqchi bo'lganlar uchun juda mos keladi. Kuchli oqartiruvchi formulasi va chuqur tozalash qobiliyatiga ega bu tish pastasi tishlaringizni ajoyib ko‘rinishga olib keladi...

35.60 USD

Valley care yuz niqobi 20ml bag

Valley care yuz niqobi 20ml bag

Mahsulot kodi: 7759297

Valley Care Facial Mask 20ml Btl Looking for a soothing and rejuvenating facial mask that can help you get rid of all your skin woes? Look no further than Valley Care Facial Mask 20ml Btl! This premium-quality facial mask is designed to help you achieve a flawless, glowing complexion by deeply cleansing and nourishing your skin. Key Features Deep Cleansing: The Valley Care Facial Mask 20ml Btl contains natural ingredients like Bentonite Clay and Activated Charcoal that help to draw out impurities, toxins, and excess oil from your skin to leave it looking clean and fresh. Soothing and Hydrating: The mask is enriched with natural ingredients like Aloe Vera, Cucumber, and Tea Tree Oil that help to soothe and calm your skin whilst providing intense hydration. Anti-Aging Properties: The mask is packed with antioxidants that help to combat the signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness to give you a youthful glow. Easy to Apply: The Valley Care Facial Mask 20ml Btl comes in a convenient and easy-to-use 20ml bottle that allows you to apply the mask evenly all over your face with ease. Directions for Use Apply the Valley Care Facial Mask 20ml Btl to your face and neck, avoiding the eye and lip area. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes or until it is completely dry. Rinse off with warm water and pat dry. Use once or twice a week for best results. Experience the magic of Valley Care Facial Mask 20ml Btl and treat your skin to the ultimate indulgence. Order yours today!..

18.86 USD

Vichy démaquillant integral 3 1 200 ml

Vichy démaquillant integral 3 1 200 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 3396671

Grabs blemishes like a micro magnet. For all skin types, even sensitive skin. Properties Facial cleansing 3 in 1Picks up skin impurities like a micro magnet Cleansing milk Facial tonicEye make-up remover For all skin types, even sensitive skin ..

29.75 USD

Vichy normaderm tozalovchi loson nemis 200 ml

Vichy normaderm tozalovchi loson nemis 200 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 2607580

Removes excess sebum, tightens pores and mattifies the complexion. Composition Aqua, Alcohol Denat., Glycerin, Sodium Citrate, Propylene Glycol, Peg-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Ci 19140, Ci 42053, Glycolic Acid, Triethanolamine, Salicylic Acid, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Disodium Edta, Citric Acid, Perfume.. Properties The Vichy Normaderm Pore-Clearing Cleansing Lotion contains skin-renewing active ingredients. These reduce the pores, mattify the complexion and remove dirt and excess sebum. The skin appears immediately refined, clarified and refreshed. Reduces rednessMoisturizesReduces poresCleans gently Matte Application Put on a cotton pad and apply to the face before day care. ..

23.13 USD

Vichy pureté termal tozalash suti 3da 1 300 ml

Vichy pureté termal tozalash suti 3da 1 300 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 6544540

3in1 cleansing milk with Vichy thermal water. Suitable for sensitive skin and contact lens wearers. Properties Application Apply the cleansing milk to the skin with a cotton pad, rinsing off is not necessary. The milk leaves no greasy film. ..

38.22 USD

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