
So'rg'ichlarni tozalash

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa) saytida biz uy xo'jaliklari va oilalar, chaqaloqlar va bolalar va bolalar dasturxoni mahsulotlarining ajoyib assortimentiga kiruvchi puxta ishlab chiqarilgan tozalovchi so'rg'ichlarning keng doirasini taqdim etamiz. Shveytsariyada ishlab chiqarilgan ushbu tozalovchi so'rg'ichlar chaqaloqning sog'lig'i va gigienasini saqlashda ajralmas hisoblanadi. Ular shoppen butilkalari va boshqa bolalar ichimlik aksessuarlarini tozalash uchun amaliy va samarali yechim taklif qiladi. Ular nafaqat tozalash, balki uzoq muddatli chidamlilik va ishonchlilikni ta'minlagan holda kundalik foydalanishning qiyinchiliklariga bardosh berish uchun mo'ljallangan. Bizning tozalovchi so'rg'ichlarimizning juda qulayligi, samaradorligi va yuqori sifatini bugun his qiling.
Nuby shisha cho'tkasi premium, shu jumladan. so'rg'ich cho'tkasi. so'rg'ich bilan

Nuby shisha cho'tkasi premium, shu jumladan. so'rg'ich cho'tkasi. so'rg'ich bilan

Mahsulot kodi: 5885813

Nuby Bottle Brush Premium incl. Teat Brush with Suction Cup: Clean Bottles and Teats with Ease! The Nuby Bottle Brush Premium is the ultimate cleaning tool for all bottle-feeding parents. It is designed to make cleaning bottles and teats an effortless task. The brush features soft bristles that are gentle enough to clean without scratching the surfaces. The Nuby Bottle Brush Premium comes with a teat brush attached to the handle, which allows you to clean the teat and bottle at the same time. This innovative design saves time and energy, making it the perfect cleaning tool for busy parents. The suction cup base of the brush makes it easy to store and keeps it upright on your kitchen sink or countertop. This feature is particularly useful as it allows the brush to dry quickly, preventing mold and bacteria from building up. The Nuby Bottle Brush Premium is made from high-quality, durable materials that are safe for your little one. It is BPA-free and Phthalates-free, ensuring that your baby is not exposed to any harmful chemicals. Whether you're a first-time parent or a seasoned pro, the Nuby Bottle Brush Premium is a must-have for cleaning your baby's feeding equipment. It is easy to use, effective, and affordable. So why wait? Add it to your cart today and experience hassle-free cleaning like never before!..

25.57 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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