
Kattalar uchun taglik

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 16 gacha 16
(hammasi 1 sahifa) saytida biz Shveytsariyadan kelgan turli xil mahsulotlarimiz bilan sog'lik va go'zallik ehtiyojlaringizga javob beramiz. Bizning “Kattalar bezi” toifamizda siz yuqori sifatli inkontinentsiya mahsulotlarini, jumladan, bir martalik trikotaj va kattalar tagliklarini topasiz. Qochqinning eng yuqori darajadagi himoyasi va teriga mos echimlar bilan ta'minlangan ushbu buyumlar qulay va tashvishsiz tajribani ta'minlaydi. Teringizning sog'lig'ini saqlash va yaxshilash uchun mo'ljallangan qo'shimcha himoya va tanani parvarish qilish vositalarini ta'minlaydigan o'xshash mahsulotlarni o'rganing. Bizda Attends, Molicare va boshqalar kabi mashhur brendlar "Boshqa mahsulotlar", "Yaralarni parvarishlash va parvarish qilish", "Tibbiy asboblar", "Inkontinans", "Inkontinentsiya uchun tagliklar" va "Bezi tagliklar - tagliklar" toifalarida taqdim etiladi. Siydik chiqarishni o'g'irlab ketishni osonlik bilan boshqarish va tanani optimal parvarish qilishni ta'minlash uchun ideal yechimni topish uchun hozir bizning assortimentimizni ko'rib chiqing.
8 s. tortishishda qatnashadi

8 s. tortishishda qatnashadi

Mahsulot kodi: 6050884

The Attends Pull Ons 8 Shim S 16 dona kattalar uchun bir martalik foydalanish mumkin bo'lgan ehtiyotkor va qulay ichki kiyim bo'lib, o'g'irlab ketishdan maksimal himoya qilish uchun mo'ljallangan. Ushbu tortish moslamalari qovuqning engil va o'rtacha darajadagi oqmasini boshqarish uchun ishonchli va qulay echim izlayotgan faol shaxslar uchun idealdir. Yumshoq ichki astar, cho'zilgan kamar va oyoq manjetlari bilan ular kun bo'yi kiyish uchun xavfsiz va qulay joyni taqdim etadi. Yuqori assimilyatsiya qiluvchi yadro suyuqlikni tezda to'sib qo'yadi, sizib ketishining oldini oladi va terining quruqligi va qulayligini saqlaydi. O'zining oqilona dizayni va oson tortiladigan uslubi bilan Attends Pull Ons 8 Pant S kun davomida ishonchli va quruq qolish uchun ishonchli tanlovdir. Erkaklar ham, ayollar uchun ham mos bo'lgan bu tortmalar o'g'irlab ketishni osonlik bilan boshqarish uchun oqilona va ishonchli yechim taklif etadi...

46.04 USD

Ishtirok etiladi 8 l

Ishtirok etiladi 8 l

Mahsulot kodi: 6050909

The Attends Pull Ons 8 Pant L - bu himoya va xotirjamlikni ta'minlab, o'zini tuta olmaslikni boshqarish uchun ishonchli yechimdir. 16 dona to'plami bilan bu taglikka o'xshash shimlar oqish va baxtsiz hodisalardan ehtiyotkor va qulay himoyaga muhtoj bo'lganlar uchun idealdir. Qulaylik uchun mo'ljallangan, ular xavfsiz joylashishni saqlab, tez o'zgartirish uchun oson tortib olinadigan uslubga ega. Nafas oladigan material terining sog'lig'ini saqlashga va tirnash xususiyati oldini olishga yordam beradi, bu ularni uzoq muddat foydalanish uchun mos qiladi. Yuqori sifatli inkontinans mahsulotlarini qidirayotganlar uchun juda mos keladi Attends Pull Ons 8 Pant L kun davomida qulaylik va ishonchni ta'minlaydi...

49.70 USD

Molicare lady pants m 5 tomchi 8 dona

Molicare lady pants m 5 tomchi 8 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7724327

MoliCare Lady Pants M 5 tomchi 8 dona Teri uchun qulay, yumshoq, nafas oladigan materiallardan tikilgan shimlar. Tez quritish tizimi, hidlarni neytrallashtiradi va pH neytral. Quviqning o‘rtacha kuchsizligi uchun. Siydikni o'g'irlab ketmaslik bo'yicha briflar engil siydik o'g'irlab ketmasligi bo'lgan harakatlanuvchi ayollar uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan. Briefslarning changni yutish qobiliyati 5 ga teng. Ular oqishdan himoyalangan holda kiyish uchun juda sezilmaydi va ularni oddiy ichki kiyim kabi kiyish mumkin. - Dry Plus fleece - anatomik moslama - hidni bog'laydigan ultra changni yutish qatlami - elastik oyoq manjetlari - suv o'tkazmaydigan, tashqi to'qimachilik - yuqori singdirish qobiliyati - aloe vera bilan...

24.44 USD

Molicare mobile 10 l 14 dona

Molicare mobile 10 l 14 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7347126

MoliCare Mobile 10 L 14 dona xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 14 donaOg‘irligi: 1829 g Uzunlik: 190mm Keng: 280mm Balandligi: 290mm MoliCare Mobile 10 L 14 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

84.07 USD

Molicare mobile 6 l 14 dona

Molicare mobile 6 l 14 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7347037

MoliCare Mobile 6 L 14 dona xususiyatlariYevropa CE sertifikatiO‘ramdagi miqdori: 14 donaOg‘irligi: 1514 g p>Uzunlik: 190mm Keng: 280mm Balandligi: 285mm MoliCare Mobile 6 L 14 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

59.33 USD

Molicare mobile 6 s 14 dona

Molicare mobile 6 s 14 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7347014

MoliCare Mobile 6 S 14 dona xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 14 donaOg‘irligi: 1119 g Uzunlik: 190mm Kengi: 240mm Balandligi: 245mm MoliCare Mobile 6 S 14 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

48.64 USD

Molicare mobile 6 xl 14 dona

Molicare mobile 6 xl 14 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7347043

MoliCare Mobile 6 XL xususiyatlari 14 donaEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 14 donaOg‘irligi: 1674 g Uzunlik: 190mm Keng: 280mm Balandligi: 285mm MoliCare Mobile 6 XL 14 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

77.25 USD

Molicare mobile 8 l 14 dona

Molicare mobile 8 l 14 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7347089

MoliCare Mobile 8 L 14 dona xususiyatlariYevropa CE sertifikatiO‘ramdagi miqdori: 14 donaOg‘irligi: 1747 g Uzunlik: 190mm Keng: 280mm Balandligi: 285mm MoliCare Mobile 8 L 14 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

67.09 USD

Molicare mobile 8 s 14 dona

Molicare mobile 8 s 14 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7347066

MoliCare Mobile 8 S 14 dona xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 14 donaOg‘irligi: 1306 g Uzunlik: 190mm Eni: 240mm Balandligi: 250mm MoliCare Mobile 8 S 14 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

61.24 USD

Molicare slip maxi plus 10 m kumush 14 dona

Molicare slip maxi plus 10 m kumush 14 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7624399

MoliCare Slip maxi plus 10 M silver 14 pcs Description: MoliCare Slip maxi plus 10 M silver 14 pcs is a highly absorbent adult diaper that is designed for moderate to heavy incontinence. It is suitable for both men and women and provides maximum comfort and protection for the wearer throughout the day and night. Features: This product is made with a hydrophobic layer that ensures maximum absorption and prevents leaks. It has a 3-layer absorbent core that locks in moisture and keeps the skin dry and healthy. The elastic waistband and leg cuffs provide a secure and comfortable fit, while the breathable material allows for easy airflow and prevents skin irritation. The product comes with an easy-to-use fastening system that makes it simple to adjust to the wearer's body shape and size. It also has a wetness indicator that changes color when the product needs to be changed, making it easy to keep track of diaper usage throughout the day. Usage: The MoliCare Slip maxi plus 10 M silver 14 pcs is suitable for people with moderate to heavy incontinence. It can be used during the day or night and is ideal for use during long periods of time. It is recommended to change the product at least once every 4-6 hours, or as needed. Size: The MoliCare Slip maxi plus 10 M silver 14 pcs comes in a medium size, which is suitable for waist sizes of 80 - 120 cm. It comes in a pack of 14 pieces. Benefits: This product provides several benefits to the user, including: Maximum absorbency to prevent leaks Comfortable and secure fit Breathable material to prevent skin irritation Easy-to-use fastening system Wetness indicator for easy tracking Conclusion: The MoliCare Slip maxi plus 10 M silver 14 pcs is a highly absorbent adult diaper that provides maximum comfort and protection for people with moderate to heavy incontinence. It is easy to use, has a wetness indicator, and is made with breathable material to prevent skin irritation. ..

58.92 USD

Seni active classic xl 30 dona

Seni active classic xl 30 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7388740

Seni Active Classic XL 30 kompyuter Seni Active Classic XL 30 kompyuteri yuqori sifatli gigiena mahsuloti bo'lib, u maksimal qulaylikni ta'minlash va siydikni ushlab turishdan himoya qilish uchun mo'ljallangan. Bu kattalar tagliklari mo''tadil va og'ir siydik yoki najas o'g'irlab ketishdan aziyat chekadigan odamlar uchun juda mos keladi, lekin hali ham faol hayot tarzini saqlab qolishni xohlaydi. Ular uzoq vaqt davomida quruq va qulay turish imkonini beradi, xoh harakatsiz, xoh faol.Xususiyatlar Ko'pgina tana turlariga mos ravishda ishlab chiqilgan Foydalanish va utilizatsiya qilish oson Hidni nazorat qilish va namlik indikatori Elastik bog'ich xavfsiz joylashishni ta'minlaydi Yuqori changni yutish yadrosi namlikni yo'qotadi va sizib chiqish xavfini kamaytiradi Yumshoq va nafas oladigan materiallar teri salomatligi va qulayligini ta'minlaydi Foydalar Seni Active Classic XL 30 kompyuteri sizni quruq va qulay saqlashga yordam beradi, shu bilan birga faolroq turmush tarzidan zavqlanishingizga imkon beradi. Hidni nazorat qilish va namlik indikatori bu kattalar tagliklarini kiyganingizda o'zingizni ishonchli va xavfsiz his qilishingizni ta'minlaydi. Elastik bog'ich kuchli mashg'ulotlar paytida ham joyida qoladigan qulay va qulay joyni ta'minlaydi. Yuqori changni yutish yadrosi noqulaylik va noqulaylik tug'diradigan oqish xavfini ham kamaytiradi. Bundan tashqari, yumshoq va nafas oladigan materiallar terining tirnash xususiyati oldini oladi, sizni kun bo'yi sog'lom va qulay saqlaydi.Bu kim uchun? Seni Active Classic XL 30 kompyuter yoshi, kasallik yoki boshqa sabablarga ko'ra o'rtacha yoki og'ir darajadagi siydik yoki najas o'g'irlab keta olmaslik holatlari bo'lgan har bir kishi uchun mo'ljallangan. Bu kattalar tagliklari oqish yoki hiddan qo'rqmasdan faol hayot tarzini saqlamoqchi bo'lganlar uchun juda mos keladi. Ular, shuningdek, harakatchanligi cheklangan yoki to'shakka yotadiganlar uchun ham mos keladi, bu kun davomida maksimal tozalik va qulaylikni ta'minlaydi.Xulosa Seni Active Classic XL 30 kompyuteri o'zini tuta olmaslik yoki harakatchanlik bilan bog'liq muammolarga qaramay, qulay, o'ziga ishongan va gigiyenik bo'lib qolishni istagan har bir kishi uchun ideal mahsulotdir. Ilg‘or funksiyalari va ishonchli ishlashi bilan bu mahsulot barcha ehtiyojlaringizga javob beradi va kutganingizdan oshadi. ..

57.84 USD

Slip regular plus 10 qo'shimcha katta 14 dona ishtirok etadi

Slip regular plus 10 qo'shimcha katta 14 dona ishtirok etadi

Mahsulot kodi: 4064824

Attends Slip Regular Plus 10 Extra Large 14 Pcs The Attends Slip Regular Plus 10 Extra Large 14 Pcs is a high-quality adult diaper designed to provide excellent absorbency and protection against leakage. This product is perfect for individuals who require incontinence protection throughout the day and night. Features Designed to fit individuals with waist sizes ranging from 43"-67" Extra-large, absorbent core provides maximum protection against leaks and wetness Adjustable, re-fastenable tabs ensure a snug and comfortable fit Soft, cloth-like outer covering provides a discreet and comfortable feel that is gentle on the skin High-quality material helps to reduce the risk of skin irritation and breakdown Benefits Provides excellent protection against moderate to heavy incontinence Helps to maintain skin integrity and prevent skin irritation and breakdown Allows for easy changing and quick disposal Provides peace of mind and confidence to individuals with incontinence Discreet design allows for use in any setting without fear of embarrassment Overall, the Attends Slip Regular Plus 10 Extra Large 14 Pcs is an essential product for individuals with incontinence. Its high-quality materials, excellent absorbency, and adjustable fit provide maximum protection and comfort, making it an ideal choice for anyone who requires reliable incontinence protection...

85.54 USD

Tena flex maxi m 22 dona

Tena flex maxi m 22 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7835112

TENA Flex Maxi M 22 pcs Experience maximum comfort and protection with the TENA Flex Maxi M 22 pcs adult diapers. Designed with advanced technology and high-quality materials, these adult diapers feature a FlexiFit waistband that ensures a secure and comfortable fit. The waistband is adjustable, so you can customize the fit to your body shape and size. The patented ConfioAir technology allows for better breathability and promotes skin health, while the absorbent core securely locks away moisture, providing maximum leakage protection and dryness. The TENA Flex Maxi M 22 pcs adult diapers are easy to use and change, with re-sealable tapes that allow for multiple adjustments for the perfect fit. The curved leg elastics also provide additional leakage protection and prevent any leaks from occurring from the sides. Additionally, the wetness indicator alerts you when it?s time to change the diaper, so you can stay dry and comfortable throughout the day. These adult diapers are ideal for those with moderate to heavy incontinence and provide maximum protection and comfort during long hours of wear. The pack of 22 pcs is perfect for those who need a reliable supply of adult diapers, as they are easy to store and can be easily taken on the go. With the TENA Flex Maxi M 22 pcs adult diapers, you can enjoy the freedom of movement, confidence, and comfort you deserve...

95.67 USD

Tena flex super l 30 dona

Tena flex super l 30 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7834683

TENA Flex Super L 30 dona xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 30 donaOg‘irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunlik: 0mm Eni: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm TENA Flex Super L 30 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

123.77 USD

Tena slip plus katta 30 dona

Tena slip plus katta 30 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 6190473

Product Description: TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs is a pack of high-quality adult diapers that are designed to provide maximum comfort and protection to individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence. These adult diapers are made using high-quality materials that are skin-friendly and super-absorbent, making them perfect for individuals who suffer from incontinence. Features Secure fit with re-closable fastening tabs ConfioAir breathable technology for skin comfort Super absorbent core that quickly locks away moisture Wetness indicator to indicate the need for a change Double-layer leg cuffs for leakage protection Odour neutraliser to keep you feeling fresh throughout the day Benefits If you suffer from incontinence, TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs can provide you with the following benefits: Peace of mind knowing that you are protected against leaks, odours and skin irritation An easy-to-use and comfortable solution that will keep you feeling confident and secure throughout the day A high-quality product that is designed with your needs in mind, providing you with maximum comfort and protection A cost-effective solution that will save you money compared to purchasing individual pads How to Use Using TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs is easy. Simply remove the diaper from the packaging and unfold it. Then, place the diaper on the individual, ensuring that the elasticated cuffs are snug around the legs. Next, fasten the tabs securely onto the diaper. The wetness indicator will let you know when it's time to change the diaper. When it's time to change, remove the diaper and dispose of it in a hygienic manner. Overall, TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs is a high-quality product that provides maximum comfort and protection to individuals with incontinence. Its features and benefits make it an excellent choice for those who want a reliable and effective solution for incontinence. Buy yours today and experience the difference!..

103.03 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 16 gacha 16
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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