Shomilni kimyoviy moddalarsiz himoya qilish
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Shomilsiz chaqaloq pushti shomil himoyasi
Tickless Baby Shomilga qarshi vosita pushti 12 oygacha bo'lgan chaqaloqlar uchun mos keladigan Shomilga qarshi profilaktika yechimi . Ultrasonik to'lqinlar bilan ekologik toza. Faollashtirilgandan keyin ishlash muddati 6-12 oy va taxminan. 1,5 m. Qurilma xavfli kimyoviy moddalardan foydalanmasdan Shomillardan saqlaydi. Qurilmani bolangizning kiyimiga mahkam bog'lab qo'ying va u faollashtirilgandan keyin 9-12 oy davomida Shomildan saqlaydi. Shunday qilib, sizning oilangiz tashvishsiz tabiatdan bahramand bo'lishi mumkin. Tickless Baby - chaqalog'ingiz ochiq havoda o'tkazgan birinchi kundan boshlab Shomilga qarshi ideal yechim. Qurilma 40 kHz chastotali ultratovushli impulslar seriyasini chiqaradi, ular bolalar yoki kattalar uchun eshitilmaydi, lekin Shomilning yo'nalishini buzadi va shu bilan ularni uzoqlashtiradi. Diapazon: taxminan 1,5 metr. Qurilma birinchi navbatda profilaktika maqsadida moʻljallangan...
42.60 USD
Tickless baby shomil himoyasi bej
Preventive solution against ticks suitable for babies up to 12 months. Environmentally friendly with ultrasonic waves. Running time after activation of 6-12 months and a range of approx. 1.5 m. Properties Ultrasound pulses against ticks. Suitable for babies and children up to 5 years old. Can be attached to stroller, shoes or belt loops. Chemical-free. Application In order to activate the tick repellent, the leaflet must first be pulled out. Switching on is signaled by four red flashes.It is possible to check operation at any time by pressing the button once and the LED lights up.Tick protection on clothing (e.g. waistband) of the Fasten baby without covering him. It is very moisture resistant, but not entirely waterproof. Therefore, if it comes into contact with water, it should be dried immediately. Notes Scientifically tested.For Suitable for babies up to 12 months.Chemical-free and fragrance-freeProtects all year round.Not waterproof but very moisture-resistant: dry immediately after contact with water .Not 100% protection in tick-heavy areas.Keep out of the reach of children.Use only under adult supervision. li>Discontinue in case of intolerance.In the event of a technical fault, a 6-month guarantee is granted. ..
42.60 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)