Yopishqoq chiziqlar
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
3m steri strip 3x75mm oq kengaytirilgan 2 x 5 dona
3M Steri Strip xususiyatlari 3x75mm oq kengaytirilgan 2 x 5 donaYevropa CE sertifikatiga egaOʻramdagi miqdori: 10 donaOgʻirligi: 15g /p>Uzunlik: 21mm Eni: 72mm Balandligi: 146mm Shveytsariyadan 3M Steri Strip 3x75mm oq kengaytirilgan 2 x 5 dona onlayn xarid qiling ..
8.70 USD
Illa dush uchun himoya plyonka 40 x 25 sm qo'l to'plami 5 dona
Oyoq/PE plyonkasi uchun ILLA dushdan himoya plyonkasi; suv o'tkazmaydigan, yopishtiruvchi chiziqlar bilan, teriga mos, allergiyaga qarshi sinovdan o'tgan. Ushbu mahsulot CE belgisiga ega. Bu Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga javob berishini kafolatlaydi. ..
31.02 USD
Illa dush uchun himoya plyonka 80 x 25 sm qo'l sumkasi 5 dona
PE plyonka, suv o'tkazmaydigan, yopishtiruvchi chiziqlar bilan, teriga mos, allergiya sinovidan o'tgan. Ushbu mahsulot CE belgisiga ega. Bu Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga javob berishini kafolatlaydi. ..
32.05 USD
Leykoplast leykosan strip 9 stk
Leykoplast Leykosan chiziqlari yaralarni samarali davolash uchun birinchi yordam to'plamiga muhim qo'shimcha hisoblanadi. Ushbu paketda yaralarni mahkam yopish va tezroq shifo berish uchun mo'ljallangan 9 ta yopishqoq lenta mavjud. Hipoalerjenik material teriga yumshoq ta'sir qiladi, shuning uchun uni barcha teri turlariga moslashtiradi. Ushbu chiziqlar qo'llanilishi oson va axloqsizlik va bakteriyalarga qarshi ishonchli to'siq bo'lib, infektsiya xavfini kamaytiradi. Uyda, yo'lda yoki sog'liqni saqlash sharoitida, Leukoplast Leykosan chiziqlari yaraning to'g'ri yopilishi va himoyalanishini ta'minlash uchun zarurdir. Sog'liqni saqlash sohasi mutaxassislari tomonidan ishonilgan bu chiziqlar mayda kesmalar, yaralar va jarrohlik kesmalar uchun qulay echimdir. Leykoplast Leykosan yopishtiruvchi tasmalar yordamida yaralaringizni xavfsiz saqlang va optimal davolanishga yordam bering...
13.15 USD
Seni lady extra inkontinans prokladkalari yopishtiruvchi chiziqlar bilan nafas oladigan binafsha 15 dona
Seni Lady Extra Incontinence Pads with Adhesive Strips Breathable Purple 15 pcs Are you looking for reliable and comfortable incontinence pads that can effectively manage leaks and odor while keeping you feeling fresh and dry? If so, the Seni Lady Extra Incontinence Pads with Adhesive Strips Breathable Purple 15 pcs could be the perfect solution for you. These pads are designed specifically for women who experience moderate to heavy urinary incontinence. They provide maximum protection against leaks, ensuring you feel comfortable and confident throughout the day. The pads are made with a soft, breathable material that promotes better airflow, reducing the risk of skin irritation and infection. You won't have to worry about feeling uncomfortable or sweaty even if you have to wear them for long periods of time. The Seni Lady Extra Incontinence Pads come with adhesive strips that keep the pad securely in place, ensuring it doesn't move around or bunch up during use. This helps prevent leaks from occurring, so you can go about your day without worrying about embarrassing accidents. What's more, the pads offer superior odor control, thanks to their advanced absorbent core. The core effectively locks in any moisture and odor, leaving you feeling fresh and comfortable all day long. If you're looking for a high-quality incontinence pad that delivers superior protection, comfort, and odor control, Seni Lady Extra Incontinence Pads with Adhesive Strips Breathable Purple 15 pcs are definitely worth considering. Order yours today and discover the difference they can make...
9.48 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)