(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Fresubin 2 kkal tolali ichimlik kapuchino
FRESUBIN 2 kkal tolali ichimlik Kapuchino - oziqlanishni mukammal darajada oshiruvchi vosita Kapuchinoning mazali ta'midan bahramand bo'ling, shu bilan birga tanangizni zarur oziq moddalar bilan ta'minlang. FRESUBIN 2 kkal Fiber DRINK Cappuccino qo'shimcha kaloriya va oqsilga muhtoj bo'lgan kattalarning ozuqaviy ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun mo'ljallangan maxsus ishlab chiqilgan ozuqaviy ichimlikdir. Asosiy imtiyozlar: Og'irlikni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun yuqori kaloriya va protein Hazm qilishni yaxshilash uchun tola qo'shildi Mazali kapuchino ta'mi Oson hazm qilinadi Turli parhez ehtiyojlari uchun javob beradi FRESUBIN 2 kkal Fiber DRINK Cappuccino bilan farqni his qiling. Bugun siznikiga buyurtma bering!..
35.53 USD
Fresubin energy drink cappuccino 4 fl 200 ml
Fresubin Energy DRINK Cappuccino 4 Fl 200 ml Get your daily dose of energy with Fresubin Energy DRINK Cappuccino. This deliciously flavored energy drink comes in a pack of 4, each containing 200 ml of liquid. It is formulated with a balanced combination of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to provide you with sustained energy throughout the day. Each serving of Fresubin Energy DRINK Cappuccino contains 300 calories and is ideal for those who are looking for a quick energy boost. Features: Contains essential vitamins and minerals No added sugar Gluten-free Low lactose Convenient and easy to consume Benefits: Provides sustained energy to keep you going all day long Helps replenish and maintain energy levels Makes a great meal replacement option Helps prevent fatigue and promotes overall wellness Can be consumed on-the-go or at home Whether you're heading to work, hitting the gym, or simply need a quick energy boost, Fresubin Energy DRINK Cappuccino can help you stay energized and focused. Shop now and enjoy the delicious taste of cappuccino in every sip!..
32.72 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)