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SCHOLL Removed Immediate Solution 50ml
Discover the perfect solution for removing even the toughest of calluses and hardened skin with Scholl Removed Immediate Solution. This remarkable product has been designed with a unique formula that penetrates deep into the skin's layers to help soften and loosen the toughest of calluses and hard skin. This formula has been specially formulated with salicylic acid that helps to break down and remove dead skin cells, making it easier to remove stubborn skin growths.
Features and Benefits
Effective and fast-acting formula
Softens and loosens tough calluses and hardened skin
Contains salicylic acid, which helps to break down and remove dead skin cells
Easy to apply and use
Leaves your feet feeling soft, smooth, and refreshed
Provides long-lasting results
Directions for use
For best results use the Scholl Removed Immediate Solution on clean feet. Apply the solution directly onto the callus or hardened skin using the applicator brush provided, making sure to cover the entire area affected. Wait for a minute or two, and then gently rub the skin with a pumice stone or Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi to remove the dead skin. Rinse your feet with water and pat dry. For maximum effectiveness, use the solution every day until your feet are smooth and callus-free.
For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use the product if you have any allergies to any of the ingredients. Keep out of reach of children.
Get ready to bid adieu to hard calluses and toughened skin with the Scholl Removed Immediate Solution 50ml. Buy now to get soft, smooth, and refreshed feet in no time at all. ..
28.23 USD
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