(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Allsan asoslari mineral tuz tbl can 150 dona
Tablets with basic minerals and spirulina algae, for dietary supplements with magnesium and calcium. Flavored with ginger and cloves. Supports the harmonization of the acid-base balance. Tablets with alkaline minerals and spirulina algae, for dietary supplementation with magnesium and calcium. Flavored with ginger and cloves.The balanced combination of basic minerals in allsan base mineral salt supports the harmonization of the acid-base balance.Application:2 tablets 3 times a day.Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.Composition:Base mineral salts (58% ) (magnesium citrate, potassium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium carbonate), sweetener (sorbitol), spirulina algae (15%), maltodextrin, spices (ginger and clove powder), anti-caking agent (magnesium stearate). Nutritional information per 6 tablets:Energy 27 kJ / 6 kcalFat 0 gCarbohydrates 0.77 g- of which polyhydric alcohols 0.60 gprotein 0.33 gsalt 0 gcalcium 240 mg / 30% NRV*magnesium 112 mg / 30% NRV*potassium 299 mg / 15% NRV**%NRV: daily reference amount for adultsNotes:Contains sweeteners. Can have a laxative effect if consumed to excess. Store at room temperature and out of the reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. ..
86.09 USD
Bioniq repair zahn-milch fl 400 ml
Bioniq Repair Zahn-Milch Fl 400 ml Introducing Bioniq Repair Zahn-Milch Fl 400 ml, the ultimate solution for healthy and strong teeth. This innovative dental milk strengthener is perfect for those who want to keep their teeth healthy and prevent any decay or erosion that can lead to cavities. Formulated with a unique blend of natural ingredients, Bioniq Repair Zahn-Milch Fl 400 ml contains fluoride to help protect your teeth against harmful bacteria and acids that can break down your enamel. It also contains calcium and phosphate ions to help strengthen your teeth and prevent any further damage. This dental milk strengthener is easy to use and can be applied to your teeth using a mouthguard or similar appliance. Simply pour the Bioniq Repair Zahn-Milch Fl 400 ml into the application device and place it over your teeth for a few minutes each day. In no time, you'll start to notice a significant improvement in the health and strength of your teeth. With regular use, this dental milk strengthener can help you maintain healthy teeth and prevent any future dental problems. Don't let dental decay and erosion ruin your teeth. Try Bioniq Repair Zahn-Milch Fl 400 ml today and maintain a healthy, glowing smile! ..
13.83 USD
Burgerstein dolomite 240 tabletkalari
Burgerstein Dolomit is a dietary supplement with calcium and magnesium in an optimal ratio. Contributes to normal muscle functionContributes to normal energy-yielding metabolismIdeal for athletes, pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as children and young peopleWithout artificial flavorsGluten-free, lactose-free, yeast-free and fructose-freeWithout gelatinWithout granulated sugarVegan Application It is recommended to take 5 Burgerstein Dolomit tablets daily together or spread throughout the day. ingredients Calcium carbonate, bulking agent (cellulose), modified starch, magnesium oxide, release agent (silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids), coating agent (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, talc) ..
54.86 USD
Calvit kaltsiy va d vitamini tabletkalari
CALCIVIT Calcium und Vitamin D Tablet The CALCIVIT Calcium und Vitamin D Tablet is a potent daily supplement designed to support bone health and overall wellness. It contains a combination of essential nutrients, including calcium and vitamin D, which are critical for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Key Features Contains 600mg of calcium, which is essential for developing and maintaining strong bones and teeth. 40 IU of vitamin D to help the body absorb calcium and maintain healthy bone density. Small, easy-to-swallow tablets for convenient daily use. Benefits Calcivit helps ensure that you are getting the essential calcium and vitamin D your body needs to build and maintain strong bones and teeth, which are critical for overall health and wellness. The benefits of taking Calcivit on a regular basis include: Improving bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Supporting healthy teeth and gums. Enhancing overall wellness and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. How to Use Take one Calcivit tablet daily with a meal. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Calcivit is suitable for adults and children over the age of Consult your healthcare provider before taking this supplement if you are pregnant or nursing. Ingredients Each Calcivit tablet contains: 600mg Calcium 40 IU Vitamin D Microcrystalline cellulose Magnesium stearate Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose Anhydrous colloidal silica Calcivit contains no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, and is suitable for vegetarians. Conclusion If you are looking for a simple and effective way to support long-term bone health, Calcivit is an ideal supplement. Its unique combination of essential nutrients makes it a powerful tool to help maintain strong bones and teeth, improve overall wellness, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases...
34.61 USD
Doktor jacob's basentabletten 250 stk
Property name Dietary supplements. Rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and D3, with zinc and silicon. Composition Potassium citrate, calcium citrate, inulin (from chicory), magnesium citrate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, separating agent cellulose and magnesium salts of fatty acids (vegetable), acerola extract (1%) , Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Silica, Zinc Citrate, Vitamin D3.. Properties Fruit and vegetables provide valuable organic minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium (in a ratio of about 3:2), but little sodium. Dr. Jacob's base tablets are based on nature's example and consist of nutrients that contribute to the following normal bodily functions: Acid-base metabolism: zinc. Nervous system, muscle function:: potassium, magnesium. Maintenance of bones and teeth:: calcium, magnesium, vitamin D. Maintenance of normal blood pressure: potassium. Reduction of fatigue, energy metabolism: magnesium, vitamin C. Maintenance of skin, hair and nails: zinc. Collagen formation for normal cartilage function: vitamin C. Immune system: zinc, vitamins C and D. Application Swallow 2 × 4 tablets daily with plenty of liquid. Best before end/lot no.: see bottom of can. Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement accuracy Sodium 5 g 9.6 g Vitamin C 80 mg 9.6 g Potassium 1000 mg 9.6 g Calcium 500 mg 9 .6 g Magnesium 330 mg 9, 6 g Zinc 5 mg 9.6 g Allergens Contains div> Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store the can in a dry place and keep the lid closed. Only use after medical advice in the case of (medication-related) disorders of the potassium balance, hyperkalemia, alkalosis or kidney failure. The full daily dose (8 tablets) is suitable for people aged 15 and over. The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied, balanced diet. Included drying element not suitable for consumption. Property name Food supplements. Rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and D3, with zinc and silicon. Composition Potassium citrate, calcium citrate, inulin (from chicory), magnesium citrate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, separating agent cellulose and magnesium salts of fatty acids (vegetable), acerola extract (1%) , Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Silica, Zinc Citrate, Vitamin D3.. Properties Fruit and vegetables provide valuable organic minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium (in a ratio of about 3:2), but little sodium. Dr. Jacob's base tablets are based on nature's example and consist of nutrients that contribute to the following normal bodily functions: Acid-base metabolism: zinc. Nervous system, muscle function:: potassium, magnesium. Maintenance of bones and teeth:: calcium, magnesium, vitamin D. Maintenance of normal blood pressure: potassium. Reduction of fatigue, energy metabolism: magnesium, vitamin C. Maintenance of skin, hair and nails: zinc. Collagen formation for normal cartilage function: vitamin C. Immune system: zinc, vitamins C and D. Application Swallow 2 × 4 tablets daily with plenty of liquid. Best before end/lot no.: see bottom of can. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Sodium5 g9.6 gVitamin C80 mg9.6 gPotassium1000 mg 9.6 gCalcium500 mg9 .6 gMagnesium330 mg9, 6 gZinc5 mg9.6 g Allergens Contains div>Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store the can in a dry place and keep the lid closed. Only use after medical advice in the case of (medication-related) disorders of the potassium balance, hyperkalemia, alkalosis or kidney failure. The full daily dose (8 tablets) is suitable for people aged 15 and over. The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied, balanced diet. Included drying element not suitable for consumption. ..
53.29 USD
Kaltsiy sandoz d3 plv 500/440 bag 30 dona
Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz - bu kaltsiy (kaltsiy karbonat shaklida) va D3 vitamini (xolekalsiferol) birikmasi bo'lib, tez tayyorlanadigan kukun va chaynaladigan tabletkalar shaklida mavjud. Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz kaltsiy va D vitamini etishmovchiligi bo'lgan yoki etishmovchilik xavfi yuqori bo'lgan (masalan, sut mahsulotlarini etarli darajada iste'mol qilmaslik, quyoshga etarlicha ta'sir qilmaslik) va bemorlarda maqsadli osteoporozni davolashni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun kaltsiy va D vitamini qo'shimchasi sifatida ko'rsatiladi. bir vaqtning o'zida kaltsiy va D vitamini etishmovchiligi tasdiqlangan yoki yuqori xavfi bilan. Swissmedic tomonidan tasdiqlangan bemor ma'lumotlariKaltsiy D3 Sandoz®Sandoz Pharmaceuticals AGKaltsiy D3 Sandoz nima va u qachon bo'ladi qo'llanilishi mumkinmi?Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz - bu kaltsiy (kaltsiy karbonat shaklida) va D3 vitamini (xolekalsiferol) birikmasi bo'lib, tez tayyorlanadigan kukun va chaynash tabletkalari sifatida mavjud. Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz kaltsiy va D vitamini etishmovchiligi bo'lgan yoki etishmovchilik xavfi yuqori bo'lgan (masalan, sut mahsulotlarini etarli darajada iste'mol qilmaslik, quyoshga etarlicha ta'sir qilmaslik) va bemorlarda maqsadli osteoporozni davolashni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun kaltsiy va D vitamini qo'shimchasi sifatida ko'rsatiladi. bir vaqtning o'zida kaltsiy va D vitamini etishmovchiligi tasdiqlangan yoki yuqori xavfi bilan. Nimalarga e'tibor berish kerak?Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz diabetga chalinganlar uchun javob beradi. Bir chaynaladigan tabletkada 0,48 g hazm bo'ladigan uglevodlar mavjud. Dozalash kuchiga qarab, kukun qoplarida 0,36 g (500/440) yoki 0,72 g (1000/880) foydalanish mumkin bo'lgan uglevodlar mavjud. Kaltsiy D3 Sandozni qachon qabul qilish/ishlatmaslik kerak?Kaltsiy D3 Sandozni da qabul qilish mumkin emas.Hulosada sanab o'tilgan har qanday faol moddalarga yoki biron bir tarkibiy qismga yuqori sezuvchanlik,qonda kaltsiy miqdorining anormal darajada oshishi (giperkalsemiya), siydikda kaltsiyning ko'payishi (giperkaltsiuriya),buyrakning og'ir kasalliklari, siydik yoki buyrak toshlari,mavjud D vitamini bilan davolash. Chaynash tabletkalarini bemorlar qabul qilishi mumkin va fenilketonuriya bilan og'rigan bemorlar aspartamning tarkibiy qismi bo'lganligi sababli foydalanilmasligi kerak. Kaltsiy D3 Sandozni qabul qilish/qo‘llashda qachon ehtiyot bo‘lish kerak?Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz allaqachon D vitaminini o‘z ichiga olganligi sababli, har qanday qo‘shimcha D vitamini qo‘llash kerak. Dozani oshirib yubormaslik uchun faqat shifokor nazorati ostida amalga oshirilishi kerak. Uzoq muddatli davolanish va/yoki engil buyrak etishmovchiligi bo'lsa, siydik bilan chiqarilgan kaltsiy miqdorini (kaltsiuriya) muntazam ravishda tekshirish tavsiya etiladi. Natijaga qarab, shifokoringiz davolanishni kamaytirishi yoki hatto to'xtatishi mumkin. Digital preparatlari yoki tiazidli diuretiklar bilan davolashda kaltsiyni D vitamini bilan birgalikda qo'llash muntazam monitoringni talab qiladi. Shifokoringiz yoki kardiologingiz bilan maslahatlashish juda muhimdir. Bifosfonat, natriy ftorid, xinolonlar, L-tiroksin, estramustin, orlistat, xolestiramin, temir preparatlari, rux yoki stronsiy yoki kerosin o'z ichiga olgan preparatlar bilan davolashda, kaltsiy D3 Sandozni qabul qilishdan oldin kamida 2 soatlik intervalni kuzatish kerak. . Tetratsiklinlar (ba'zi antibiotiklar) bilan og'iz orqali davolashda kaltsiy D3 Sandozni qabul qilishdan oldin kamida 3 soatlik intervalni kuzatish kerak. Calcium D3 Sandozni oksalat kislotasi, fosfat yoki fitin o'z ichiga olgan ovqatlar, masalan, ismaloq, ravon, kepak yoki soya mahsulotlari bilan bir vaqtda qabul qilmaslik kerak. Ular kaltsiyning so'rilishiga to'sqinlik qilishi mumkin. Agar siz ma'lum bir o'pka kasalligidan (sarkoidoz) aziyat cheksangiz, Kaltsiy D3 Sandozni faqat shifokoringiz bilan maslahatlashganidan keyin qabul qilishingiz mumkin. Shifokoringiz qon va siydikdagi kaltsiy darajasini nazorat qiladi. Agar siz immobilizatsiya osteoporozidan aziyat cheksangiz, giperkalsemiya (qondagi kaltsiyning haddan tashqari ko'p) rivojlanish xavfi ortadi. Oziq-ovqat yoki dori-darmonlardan ko'p miqdorda kaltsiy yoki D vitaminining yuqori dozalarini uzoq muddatli qabul qilish va shu bilan birga oson so'riladigan asosiy moddalar (ishqoriylar, masalan, oshqozon kislotasini bog'laydigan dorilar tarkibidagi bikarbonatlar) sut-ishqoriy sindromga olib kelishi mumkin (kaltsiy almashinuvining buzilishi) buyrak shikastlanishi xavfi bilan birga keladi. Birgalikda foydalanishdan har qanday holatda ham qochish kerak. Kam natriyli dietada bo'lgan bemorlar diqqat qilishlari kerakki, Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz 500/440 va Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz 1000/880 tezkor kukunlari mos ravishda 5 mg va 10 mg natriyni o'z ichiga oladi. Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 chaynaladigan tabletkalarida natriy mavjud emas. Agar siz boshqa kasalliklardan aziyat cheksangiz, allergiyangiz bo'lsa yoki boshqa dori-darmonlarni (hatto o'zingiz sotib olganlarni ham) qabul qilsangiz yoki ularni tashqaridan ishlatsangiz, shifokoringizga, farmatsevtingizga yoki farmatsevtingizga xabar bering. Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz ni homiladorlik paytida yoki emizish vaqtida qabul qilish/ishlatish mumkinmi?Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz homiladorlik paytida ishlatilishi mumkin va/yoki kerak. emizish paytida faqat shifokor tomonidan belgilanishi mumkin. Dozaj shifokor tomonidan belgilanishi kerak. Calcium D3 Sandozdan qanday foydalanasiz?Xalta tarkibini bir stakan suvda eritib oling, so‘ng darhol eritmani iching. Chaynash tabletkalarini so'rib oling yoki chaynang. DozajKattalarCalcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 tez tayyorlanadigan kukun/chaynaladigan tabletkalar: kuniga bir yoki ikki marta 1 paket yoki 1 chaynaladigan tabletka. Kalsiy D3 Sandoz 1000/880 tezkor kukuni: Kuniga bir marta 1 paket. Davolash davomiyligi va dozasi davolash qilinadigan kasallikning og'irligi va turiga bog'liq va shuning uchun shifokor tomonidan belgilanadi. Calcium D3 Sandoz 18 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar va o'smirlarda foydalanish uchun mo'ljallanmagan. Agar siz Calcium D3 Sandozning bir yoki bir nechta dozasini unutgan bo'lsangiz, quyidagi dozalarni ikki baravar oshirmang. Agar siz kaltsiy D3 Sandozning haddan tashqari dozasini qabul qilsangiz, quyidagi alomatlar paydo bo'lishi mumkin: ko'ngil aynishi, qusish, qattiq tashnalik, ich qotishi, qorin og'rig'i, mushaklar kuchsizligi va charchoq. Agar siz bunday alomatlarga duch kelsangiz, darhol shifokoringizga xabar bering, u zarur choralarni boshlaydi. O'ramdagi varaqada ko'rsatilgan yoki shifokor ko'rsatgan dozaga rioya qiling. Agar siz dori juda zaif yoki juda kuchli deb hisoblasangiz, shifokoringiz, farmatsevtingiz yoki farmatsevtingiz bilan gaplashing. Calcium D3 Sandoz qanday nojo‘ya ta'sirlarga olib kelishi mumkin?Ich qotishi, meteorizm, ko‘ngil aynishi, qusish va mannitol borligi sababli chaynash tabletkalari bilan Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz 500/440 yoki kalsiy D3 Sandoz 1000/880 tarkibidagi sorbitol va ksilitol ham oshqozon muammolari yoki diareyaga olib keladi. Bundan tashqari, teri toshmasi, ürtiker, qichishish, yuqori sezuvchanlik reaktsiyalari, yuz, og'iz, oyoq-qo'llarning shishishi (qon bosimi va zarba tushishigacha), yuz, lablar yoki tilning shishishi va boshqalar paydo bo'lishi mumkin. . Agar bunday alomatlarga duch kelsangiz, shifokoringizga yoki sog'liqni saqlash mutaxassisiga xabar bering. Ishqoriy moddalarni (masalan, oshqozon kislotasini bog'laydigan vositalar) qabul qilish bilan bog'liq dozani oshirib yuborishda sut-ishqoriy sindrom rivojlanishi mumkin ("Uni qabul qilishda ehtiyot bo'lish kerak" bo'limiga qarang) Agar siz bu yerda tavsiflanmagan nojo'ya ta'sirlarni sezsangiz, bu haqda shifokor, farmatsevt yoki farmatsevtga xabar berishingiz kerak. Yana nimani e'tiborga olish kerak?Calcium D3 Sandozni bolalar qo'li etmaydigan joyda saqlang. Tezkor kukun: Asl oʻramida, 30°C dan past haroratda saqlang. Chinalanadigan tabletkalar: Asl o‘ramida xona haroratida (15-25°C) saqlang. Dori-darmondan faqat paketda "EXP" belgilangan sanagacha foydalanish mumkin. Shifokoringiz, farmatsevtingiz yoki farmatsevtingiz sizga qo'shimcha ma'lumot berishi mumkin. Bu odamlar mutaxassislar uchun batafsil ma'lumotga ega. Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz tarkibida nima bor?Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz 500/4401 paket Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz 500/440 tarkibida: Faol moddalar: 1250 mg kaltsiy karbonat (500 mg kaltsiyga ekvivalent), xolekalsiferol 440 IU (vitamin D3) Yordamchi moddalar: Natriy saxarin, natriy siklamat, aromatizatorlar (limon aromati: tarkibida vanillin mavjud) va boshqa yordamchi moddalar. 1 chaynaladigan tabletka Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 tarkibida: Faol moddalar: 1250 mg kaltsiy karbonat (500 mg kaltsiyga ekvivalent), xolekalsiferol 440 IU (vitamin D3) Yordamchi moddalar: mannitol, aspartam, xushbo'y moddalar (apelsin aromati: vanilin yoki o'rik aromati mavjud: vanillin va bergamot moyi mavjud) va boshqa yordamchi moddalar. Kalsiy D3 Sandoz 1000/8801 qop Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz 1000/880 tarkibiga quyidagilar kiradi: Faol moddalar: 2500 mg kaltsiy karbonat (1000 mg kaltsiyga ekvivalent), 880 IU xolekalsiferol (vitamin D3) Yordamchi moddalar: Natriy saxarin, natriy siklamat, xushbo'ylashtiruvchi (limon ta'mi: tarkibida vanillin mavjud) va boshqa yordamchi moddalar. Tasdiqlash raqami53628, 55760 (Swissmedic) Calcium D3 Sandozni qayerdan olishingiz mumkin? Qanday paketlar mavjud?Dorixonalar va dorixonalarda, shifokorning retseptisiz. Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz 500/44030 ta paketli paketlar. 30 ta paketdan iborat 3 qutidan iborat katta paket. limon ta'mi. O‘rik va apelsin ta’midagi 20, 60 va 120 ta chaynaladigan tabletkalardan iborat paketlar. Kaltsiy D3 Sandoz 1000/88030 ta paketli paketlar. 30 ta paketdan iborat 3 qutidan iborat katta paket. limon ta'mi. Avtorizatsiya egasiSandoz Pharmaceuticals AG, Risch; Yashash joyi: Qizil Xoch Ushbu varaqa oxirgi marta Dorilar agentligi (Swissmedic) tomonidan 2017-yil iyul oyida tekshirilgan. ..
27.93 USD
Naturstein calci/mag plus kaps glasfl 75 stk
Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk is a dietary supplement made from natural minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These essential minerals play a significant role in maintaining strong bones, healthy muscles, and a robust cardiovascular system. The product comes in an easy-to-swallow capsule form housed in a glass bottle containing 75 capsules. The use of a glass bottle ensures that the product's integrity is maintained, and the capsules remain fresh and potent for longer. The Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk supplement is formulated to provide the body with the much-needed nutrients to promote optimal health. The calcium and magnesium content help to strengthen bones and teeth, while potassium supports healthy blood pressure and a well-functioning nervous system. This supplement is ideal for individuals who are looking to supplement their daily nutrient intake or those who have an increased need for calcium, magnesium, and potassium due to factors such as age, lifestyle, and diet. With consistent use, Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk can provide a range of health benefits, including improved bone and muscle health, better cardiovascular function, and overall wellness. The product is free from artificial additives, making it a safe and natural way to maintain optimal health. Get your bottle of Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk today and start your journey towards optimal health! ..
37.47 USD
Salus bolalar vital kaltsiy + vitamin d fl sharbati 250 ml
Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice 250 ml - Product Description Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice is a great tasting dietary supplement specially formulated for growing children. It contains a perfect blend of essential vitamins and minerals needed for healthy growth and development. The Perfect Calcium Supplement for Children Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth in children. From infancy, children undergo rapid bone growth and need a steady supply of calcium and vitamin D to keep their bones strong and healthy. Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice ensures that your child gets the precise amount of calcium, Vitamin D, and other essential nutrients for optimal bone health. Delicious and Nutritious Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice is made from a blend of all-natural fruit juices and plant extracts that kids will love. It is free from artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and synthetic colors. This makes it a healthy and delicious supplement that children will relish taking daily. Easy to Digest and Absorb Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice is designed for easy digestion and absorption. It contains only natural and organic ingredients that the body can quickly assimilate. This ensures that your child can easily absorb all the essential nutrients needed to aid their growth and development. Conclusion If you're looking for a delicious and nutritious supplement to support your child's bone growth and development, then Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice is an excellent choice. It's packed with essential vitamins and minerals that promote healthy bone growth, easy to digest and absorb, and delicious to drink. So, give your children the gift of good health with Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice!..
38.28 USD
Soyana shveytsariya soya ichimligi original kaltsiy bio tetra 1 lt
Soyana Shveytsariya soya ichimligining xususiyatlari Original kalsiy Bio Tetra 1 ltO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 ltOg‘irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 0mm Eng: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm Soyana Swiss Soya Drink Original Calcium Bio Tetra 1 lt ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
6.27 USD
Synergia bi-osteo kaps 30 dona
Product Description: Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs is a dietary supplement specially formulated to support bone health. Made from a blend of natural ingredients, each capsule provides essential nutrients that the body needs to build strong and healthy bones. Key Features & Benefits Calcium & Vitamin D: These two nutrients work together to enhance bone mineralization and improve bone density. Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs contains a good amount of calcium and Vitamin D to support overall bone health. Magnesium: Magnesium is essential for maintaining strong bones and reducing the risk of fractures. Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs contains magnesium citrate, which is a highly absorbable form of magnesium. Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 plays a vital role in bone health by regulating calcium absorption and preventing calcification in the arteries. Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs contains 45mcg of Vitamin K2 (MK-7). Zinc & Copper: Zinc and copper are essential minerals that stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss. Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs contains a good amount of both minerals to maintain healthy bones. Easy-to-Swallow Capsules: The capsules are small and easy to swallow, making it convenient to take while on-the-go. High-Quality Formulation: This dietary supplement is made from natural ingredients and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Directions for Use Take 1 capsule of Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs daily with a meal or as directed by your healthcare provider. Warning If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare provider before use. Keep out of reach of children. Overall, Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs is a great dietary supplement for anyone looking to support their bone health naturally. With its blend of essential nutrients, high-quality formulation, and easy-to-swallow capsules, it's an excellent choice for those looking for a convenient and effective way to maintain healthy bones...
35.49 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)