
Kofeinsiz choy

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 4 gacha 4
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Beeovita Shveytsariyaga xush kelibsiz, u erda biz sizga Sog'liqni saqlash + Oziqlanish, oziq-ovqat va choy/qahva/ichimliklar bo'yicha eng yaxshi narsalarni keltiramiz. Sizga Ayurveda ziravorlar choyi, tinchlantiruvchi choy yoki bizning mashhur mevali va o'simlik choyi aralashmasi kerak bo'ladimi, bizda siz uchun hamma narsa kofeinsiz! Aniqroq ta'mga ega bo'lish uchun mevali va o'simlik choyimizni alohida tatib ko'ring. Bizning kofeinsiz choy tanlovimiz o'zining to'liq ta'mi bilan mashhur bo'lib, har bir qultum sog'lom flavonoidlar va antioksidantlar bilan to'ldiriladi. Bizning organik choyimiz tinchlantiruvchi xushbo'y hidi va tetiklantiruvchi ta'mi bilan sizni salomatlik va farovonlik sayohatiga olib boradi. Beeovita Switzerland-da kofeinsiz choylar dunyosini kashf eting va kundalik choy ichish marosimingizni yoqimli, sog'lom tajribaga aylantiring.
Sonnentor klyukva choyidan zavqlaning 18 dona

Sonnentor klyukva choyidan zavqlaning 18 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 5614178

Sonnentor Cranberry Enjoy Tea 18 pcs Enjoy a cup of fruity and delightful tea with the Sonnentor Cranberry Enjoy Tea. This is an exquisite blend of cranberry, lemon balm, apple, and hibiscus, creating a perfect mix of fruity goodness. This tea is perfect for any time of the day, whether it's in the morning or midday. Product Features: 18 tea bags packed in a re-sealable pouch A unique blend of cranberry, lemon balm, apple, and hibiscus 100% organic and natural ingredients Caffeine-free and gluten-free Perfect for any time of the day Easy to brew How to Prepare: Brewing a cup of Sonnentor Cranberry Enjoy Tea is easy. Just follow these simple steps: Bring water to a boil at 100°C. Place one tea bag in a cup and pour the hot water over it. Let it steep for 5-10 minutes, depending on how strong you want the tea. Remove the tea bag and enjoy your hot cup of tea. Benefits of Sonnentor Cranberry Enjoy Tea: The Sonnentor Cranberry Enjoy Tea is not just delicious, but it also offers numerous health benefits. The blend of cranberry, lemon balm, apple, and hibiscus provides a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin C, and other essential nutrients that help to boost your immune system, lower blood pressure, and improve digestion. This tea is also great for those who are looking for a caffeine-free option. So, whether you're looking to enjoy a cup of tea on a lazy afternoon, or wanting to take advantage of the health benefits, Sonnentor Cranberry Enjoy Tea is the perfect choice for you. Order your pack of 18 tea bags today and enjoy the taste of organic and natural ingredients with every sip!..

14.98 USD

Sonnentor pishloqli terak choyi batalyon 18 dona

Sonnentor pishloqli terak choyi batalyon 18 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7749250

Sonnentor pishloqli terak choyi bataloni 18 donaSonnentor pishloqli terak choyi bataloni o'ziga xos va xushbo'y choy izlayotgan choyni sevuvchilar uchun ajoyib tanlovdir. Ushbu to'plamda terak kurtaklari va pishloqning mazali ta'mi bilan to'ldirilgan 18 dona choy paketi mavjud. Mahsulot unutilmas choy ichish tajribasini ta'minlash uchun eng yaxshi sifatli ingredientlardan tayyorlangan.Tat profiliPishloqli terak choyi shirin va yumshoq ta'mni birlashtirgan noyob lazzat aralashmasidir. terak kurtaklari pishloqining tangligi bilan. Bu kombinatsiya turli xil ta'mga ega bo'lgan choyni sevuvchilarga mos keladigan yoqimli va nozik ichimlikni yaratadi. Choy bir oz shirin ta'mga ega bo'lib, silliq va qaymoqsimon ta'mga ega bo'lib, u sizni bo'shashtiradi va qoniqarli qiladi.IngredientlarSonnentor pishloqli terak choyi batalioni 18 dona eng yaxshi sifatli organik moddalardan tayyorlangan. ingredientlar, shu jumladan: Kavak kurtaklari Pishloq Olma bo'laklari Yalpiz Limon o'ti Verbena Tabiiy lazzat Vanil Makkajo'xori Marigold Pivo tayyorlash bo'yicha qo'llanmaSonnentor pishloqli terak choyi batalyonidan eng yaxshi ta'mga ega bo'lish uchun bir choy paketini bir chashka issiq suvga kamida 5-6 daqiqa davomida qo'ying. Agar siz shirinroq ichimlikni afzal ko'rsangiz, ta'mga asal yoki shakar qo'shishingiz mumkin. Sizning xohishingizga ko'ra, bu choyni issiq yoki sovuq holda ichish mumkin.Sog'liq uchun foydalariSonnentor pishloqli terak choyi sog'lom ichimlik bo'lib, ishlatiladigan tabiiy ingredientlar tufayli bir qancha sog'liq uchun foyda keltiradi. Terak kurtaklari antioksidantlarga boy bo'lib, ular immunitetni oshirishga, erkin radikallarni zararsizlantirishga va yallig'lanishni kamaytirishga yordam beradi. Choyda kofein ham yo‘q bo‘lib, u kofein iste’molini kamaytirmoqchi yoki yo‘q qilmoqchi bo‘lganlar uchun idealdir.Agar siz o‘ziga xos va xushbo‘y choy izlayotgan bo‘lsangiz, Sonnentor pishloqli terak choyi batalioni 18 dona. ajoyib variant. Hozir xarid qiling va bu ajoyib choyning mazali ta’mi va sog‘liq uchun foydalaridan bahramand bo‘ling...

13.74 USD

Sonnentor rooibos premium tee bio

Sonnentor rooibos premium tee bio

Mahsulot kodi: 7803737

SONNENTOR Rooibos Premium Tee BIO Sonnentor Rooibos Premium Tee BIO is a high-quality organic rooibos tea that offers an incredibly delicious and aromatic experience. Made from the leaves of the South African Rooibos shrub, this tea is caffeine-free and rich in antioxidants, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to boost their immunity and overall well-being. Key Features 100% organic - this tea is made from high-quality organic ingredients, ensuring it is free from harmful chemicals and additives Caffeine-free - the absence of caffeine makes it an excellent choice for people who are sensitive to caffeine or who want to enjoy a relaxing cup of tea in the evening Rich in antioxidants - Rooibos tea is naturally rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, which help to protect the body against free radicals and support healthy aging Full-bodied flavor - Sonnentor Rooibos tea has a rich, full-bodied flavor that is not too sweet or bitter, making it enjoyable to drink on its own or with a little bit of honey or lemon How to Use To enjoy the full flavor and benefits of the Sonnentor Rooibos Premium Tee BIO, add one tea bag to a cup of boiling water and let it steep. The longer you steep the tea, the more flavorful it will become. Experiment with different steeping times to find the perfect intensity for your taste buds. Conclusion If you are looking for a healthy, caffeine-free tea that is rich in antioxidants and full of flavor, the Sonnentor Rooibos Premium Tee BIO is a perfect choice. It is easy to use, comes in convenient tea bags, and is made from high-quality organic ingredients. Try it today and discover the delicious taste and health benefits of Rooibos tea!..

12.50 USD

Yogi tea classic cinnamon spice 17 btl 2,2 g

Yogi tea classic cinnamon spice 17 btl 2,2 g

Mahsulot kodi: 5352790

Yogi Tea Classic is the first and most well-known Ayurvedic spice tea. Composition h3> Cinnamon* (50%), cardamom* (15%), ginger* (15%), cloves*, black pepper*, cinnamon oil*. Legend: * Organic, ** Bud, *** Demeter. Properties Yogi Tea Classic is the first and most well-known Ayurvedic spice tea. The recipe is a pearl from the treasure chest of Ayurveda. Yogi Tea combines calming, invigorating and strengthening properties. And - it tastes fantastic, unique: an Advent tea for the whole year. Yogi Tea consists of spices that were worth their weight in gold in the days of sailing ships. Enjoy Yogi Tea's warm, pleasant taste at any time of the day as a welcome caffeine-free alternative. Nutritional values Nutritional valueAmountper%Measurement Accuracy Energy0 kcal100 gEnergy 0 kJ100 gFat0 g100 gFat, of which saturated fatty acids td>0 g100 gCarbohydrates0 g100 gCarbohydrates, including sugar0 g100 gprotein0 g100 gSalt0 g td>100g Allergens May contain Sulphur dioxide and sulphites Notes Store in a cool, dry place. ..

9.90 USD

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