
Ko'krak nasoslari

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 3 gacha 3
(hammasi 1 sahifa) ko'krak nasoslari to'plamiga xush kelibsiz. Biz Medela va Ardo kabi Shveytsariyaning yetakchi brendlaridan turli xil tibbiy ko'krak nasoslarini taklif etamiz. Bizning tanlovimiz ham birinchi marta, ham tajribali onalarga ona sutini qulay va samarali ravishda sog'ib, chaqaloqlarining sog'lom o'sishini ta'minlaydi. Siz uyda yoki yo'lda bo'lasizmi, bizning ko'krak nasoslari va ko'krak qalqoni kabi aksessuarlarimiz emizikli onalarga yuqori darajadagi ko'krak qafasi parvarishini ta'minlaydi. Emizishni oson va qulayroq qilish uchun mo'ljallangan xavfsiz va ishonchli ko'krak nasoslarimiz bilan o'zingizga munosib qulaylik va ishonchni qo'lga kiriting. “Uy va oila” va “Chaqaloqlar va bolalar”, “Ko‘krak suti bilan boqish”, “Sut nasoslari” toifalari bo‘yicha tanlovimizni o‘rganing, bu sizning hamshiralik ehtiyojlaringiz uchun optimal parvarishni ta’minlaydi. Shveytsariyadan kelgan barcha sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlari uchun ni tanlang.
Ardo double pumpset ikkita nasosli to'plami

Ardo double pumpset ikkita nasosli to'plami

Mahsulot kodi: 4443852

Ardo DOUBLE Pumpset Double Pump Set xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/30 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdor: 1 donaOg'irligi: 407 g Uzunligi: 135 mm Kenligi: 145 mm Balandligi: 195 mm Sotib oling Ardo DOUBLE Pumpset Qo'sh nasosli to'plami Shveytsariyadan onlayn..

81.68 USD

Medela harmony nasosi va ozuqa to'plami

Medela harmony nasosi va ozuqa to'plami

Mahsulot kodi: 7772188

Medela Harmony Pump and Feed Set The Medela Harmony Pump and Feed Set is an all-in-one solution for breastfeeding mothers who want to efficiently and comfortably express milk. This handy set includes a manual breast pump, breastmilk storage bags, and a Calma feeding nipple, making it perfect for use both at home and on-the-go. Features Manual breast pump: The Medela Harmony Pump is designed for easy and efficient use, featuring a soft-touch ergonomic handle that requires minimal effort and a 2-phase expression technology that mimics the way babies naturally breastfeed. Breastmilk storage bags: The included storage bags are designed to fit all Medela breast pumps, with an easy-to-close zip seal that ensures your precious breastmilk stays safe and secure. Calma feeding nipple: With its unique design, the Calma nipple allows babies to suck, swallow, and breathe in a natural rhythm, making it easier for them to transition between breast and bottle. Compact and portable: The Harmony Pump and Feed Set is lightweight and easy to carry, making it ideal for use on the go. It also comes with a handy drawstring bag for easy storage and transport. Benefits When it comes to expressing milk, the Medela Harmony Pump and Feed Set makes it easy and stress-free. With its intuitive design and high-quality materials, it helps to promote milk production and allows you to express milk quickly and comfortably, helping you to get back to your busy schedule while ensuring your baby receives all the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. Overall, the Medela Harmony Pump and Feed Set is a must-have for any breastfeeding mother who wants to simplify their pumping routine and provide their baby with the best possible nutrition...

111.25 USD

Medela symphony er-xotin nasos to'plami

Medela symphony er-xotin nasos to'plami

Mahsulot kodi: 7176104

Medela Symphony Doppelpumpset The Medela Symphony Doppelpumpset is the perfect solution for mothers who want to express their breast milk for their babies. This set is specifically designed for use with the Medela Symphony breast pump, which is hospital-grade and provides efficient and comfortable expression. The Doppelpumpset includes two breast shields, two breast milk bottles, and all the necessary connectors and tubing. It is easy to assemble and use, and is designed to maintain the hygiene and safety of your expressed milk. By using the Symphony Doppelpumpset, you can express more milk in less time, which is especially important for busy moms who need to balance their breastfeeding with other responsibilities. The symphony pump technology allows you to adjust the suction and speed to find the most comfortable settings for your body. The breast shields included in the Doppelpumpset are available in multiple sizes, so you can find the perfect fit for your body. A good fit is important for ensuring that the milk flows smoothly and comfortably, without causing discomfort or pain. The breast milk bottles included in the set are BPA-free and designed for safe storage of your expressed milk. They can be used with Medela's storage bags, which are sold separately. The Medela Symphony Doppelpumpset is a high-quality product that makes expressing breast milk fast, easy, and comfortable. It is a great investment for breastfeeding mothers who want to ensure that their babies receive the best possible nutrition, and who want to make the most of their breastfeeding experience. ..

106.21 USD

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