
Miya va ko'zning rivojlanishi

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(hammasi 1 sahifa) ning Shveytsariyadan kelgan Salomatlik va Go'zallik mahsulotlarining eksklyuziv assortimenti bilan farzandingizning sog'lom kelajagiga yo'l oching. Bizning taklifimiz chaqaloqlar va bolalarda miya va ko'z rivojlanishiga e'tibor qaratib, sifat bo'yicha puxta Shveytsariya nuqtai nazariga asoslanadi. Uy xo‘jaliklari va oilalar, chaqaloqlar va bolalar, chaqaloqlar va bolalar uchun parhezlar, sut va bolalar ovqatlari, sog‘liqni saqlash mahsulotlari, turli xil preparatlar va umumiy ovqatlanish toifalari bo‘yicha tanlangan tanlovimiz bilan ularning o‘sishini oziqlantiring. Biz yuqori sifatli chaqaloq formulasi va chaqaloq formulasi muqobillari bilan o'sish yo'lini kamroq qo'rqituvchi va ko'proq boyitishga intilamiz. Ushbu mahsulotlarda bolaning miyasi va ko'zlari rivojlanishi uchun juda muhim bo'lgan muhim oziq moddalar mavjud. bilan bugun farzandingiz salomatligiga sarmoya kiriting.
Milupa aptamil 1 800 g

Milupa aptamil 1 800 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7802431

Milupa Aptamil 1 800 g The Milupa Aptamil 1 is a high-quality infant formula designed for babies from birth up to 6 months old. With a unique blend of essential nutrients, this formula provides complete nutrition to support your baby's growth and development during the crucial first few months of life. Features and Benefits: Contains essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals for optimal brain and eye development Contains prebiotics and probiotics to support digestive health Contains nucleotides to support a strong immune system Easy to digest and gentle on baby's tummy Gluten-free, and contains no added sugars or artificial colors or flavors The Milupa Aptamil 1 is also suitable for babies who are not fully breastfed or for babies who require a supplement to their breast milk. It can be easily prepared by mixing with boiled water and can be served either warm or at room temperature. How to Use: Wash your hands and sterilize all utensils. Boil fresh water for 5 minutes and leave to cool for at least 30 minutes. Do not use artificially softened or repeatedly boiled water. Follow the instructions on the packaging to measure the correct amount of formula powder and add to the water. Shake well until all the powder has dissolved. Check the temperature of the formula before serving. It should be lukewarm. Do not microwave the formula as it may cause hot spots. With the Milupa Aptamil 1, you can rest assured that your baby is getting the best possible start in life with the right nutrition to support their growth and development...

52.08 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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