
Quruq teri uchun loson

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Quruq teri paydo bo'lganda, sizga nafaqat namlovchi, balki teringizni yumshoq va silliq holga keltiradigan mahsulot kerak bo'ladi. Beeovita-da biz terining hayotiyligini tiklash uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan quruq teri uchun yuqori sifatli tana losonini taklif etamiz. Kundalik foydalanish uchun ideal, bizning losonlarimiz jahon miqyosidagi Shveytsariya fanidan olingan tana parvarishi va kosmetika assortimentining bir qismidir. Beeovita ning tana suti, krem, loson, moy va jelni o'z ichiga olgan tana parvarishi assortimenti bilan tana losonlarimizning oziqlantiruvchi kuchini qabul qiling va shaxsiy gigienangizni keyingi bosqichga olib chiqing. Bizning Shveytsariya mukammalligimiz teringizning sog'lig'ini qo'llab-quvvatlab, unga munosib davolanishni ta'minlab, quruqlik va yangilikni qo'l ostida ushlab turishiga imkon bering. Beeovita’dan hozir xarid qiling – Shveytsariyada ishlab chiqarilgan terini parvarish qilish, shaxsiy gigiena va parvarish mahsulotlari uchun tashrif buyurishingiz kerak bo‘lgan joy.
Bepanthen derma nährende körperlotion tb 200 ml

Bepanthen derma nährende körperlotion tb 200 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7783959

BEPANTHEN Derma Nourishing Body Lotion Nourishing body lotion for very dry and sensitive skin. The Bepanthen® DERMA nourishing body lotion provides intensive care and is quickly absorbed. Your skin is immediately and long-lastingly moisturized (up to 48 hours). Rough skin is visibly reduced. After applying the cream it feels radiant and supple. The body lotion is suitable for very dry and sensitive skin. It soothes immediately, relieves feelings of tension and provides lasting protection. The Provitamin B5 Repair Complex supports the regeneration of the skin from the inside out. Dexpanthenol promotes natural cell regeneration in the deeper skin layers of the epidermis. The glycerin it contains provides immediate and long-lasting moisture. Niacinamide (vitamin B3) soothes itchy, dry skin and natural lipids such as shea butter and argan oil supplement missing skin lipids. The physiological lipid restores the skin's barrier function. The effectiveness of Bepanthen® DERMA nourishing body lotion has been scientifically proven. The lotion is free of fragrances and preservatives. 90% of the ingredients are of natural origin. Take care of your skin's health with healthy habits and good skin care products. Get enough sleep and rest, protect your skin from the sun, eat healthily and use suitable products such as Bepanthen® DERMA. Spread the nourishing body lotion generously over the entire body several times a day as needed. For best results combine with Bepanthen® DERMA Gentle Shower Gel. The nourishing body lotion is a dermatologically tested skin care product from Bepanthen...

37.01 USD

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Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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