
Qon shakarini nazorat qilish

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(hammasi 1 sahifa) ning qon shakarini nazorat qilish mahsulotlari va aksessuarlarining keng assortimenti bilan sog'lig'ingizni nazorat qiling. Eng yuqori aniqlik bilan ishlab chiqilgan, bizning qon glyukoza test chiziqlari, qon shakar monitorlari va glyukometrlar to'plami aniq va ishonchli ko'rsatkichlarni ta'minlashga yordam beradi. Qandli diabetni boshqarish haqida gap ketganda, bizning tibbiy asboblar assortimenti va amaliy ehtiyojlar va asboblarimizga ishoning. tufayli Shveytsariyaning tibbiy texnologiyalari va diagnostika yutuqlari endi sizning qo'lingizda. Biz sizga glyukoza darajasini boshqarish va nazorat qilishda samarali bo'lgan yuqori sifatli qon mahsulotlarini keltiramiz. saytida qon shakarini nazorat qilish uchun eng mos va ishonchli qurilmalar va aksessuarlarni hozir xarid qiling va sog'lom, tashvishsiz turmush tarzidan bahramand bo'ling.
Accu-chek aviva control solution 2 x 2,5ml

Accu-chek aviva control solution 2 x 2,5ml

Mahsulot kodi: 3031449

Accu-Chek Aviva Control Solution 2 x 2,5 ml xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/30 daraja Selsiy Paketdagi miqdori: 2 mlOg'irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 0mm Kenligi: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm Accu-Chek Aviva Control Solution 2 x 2,5 ml ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

22.57 USD

Glycontrol tablets 30 pcs

Glycontrol tablets 30 pcs

Mahsulot kodi: 5230868

GLYCONTROL Tablet If you are someone who has been struggling with fluctuating blood sugar levels, then GLYCONTROL tablet is the perfect solution for you. It is a specially formulated supplement that helps maintain normal blood sugar levels in the body. The tablet contains potent and natural ingredients that work effectively to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent the sudden spikes or dips that can be harmful to your health. How does it work? GLYCONTROL tablet is designed to work by improving insulin sensitivity in the body, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, and promoting healthy blood glucose metabolism. It contains natural ingredients like cinnamon extract, fenugreek seeds, and chromium, which have been clinically proven to lower blood sugar levels without causing any adverse effects on the body. These ingredients also help improve insulin sensitivity by reducing insulin resistance in the cells. Ingredients The GLYCONTROL tablet contains the following ingredients: Cinnamon extract (250mg) - Helps lower blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation in the body Fenugreek seeds extract (100mg) - Promotes healthy blood glucose metabolism, improves insulin sensitivity, and prevents insulin resistance Chromium (200mcg) - Important mineral that plays a key role in regulating blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity. It also helps reduce appetite and promote weight loss Benefits of GLYCONTROL Tablet Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels - The supplement works by regulating blood sugar levels and preventing sudden spikes or dips. Promotes healthy glucose metabolism - The natural ingredients in the supplement help promote healthy glucose metabolism and prevent insulin resistance. Improves insulin sensitivity - The supplement helps improve insulin sensitivity in the body by reducing insulin resistance in the cells. Reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in the body - The ingredients in the supplement have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. Promotes weight loss - Chromium, one of the key ingredients in the supplement, helps reduce appetite and promote weight loss. Direction for use The recommended dosage of GLYCONTROL tablet is one tablet twice a day, preferably with meals. It is advised to consult with your healthcare professional before starting any new supplement. Conclusion If you are someone who is struggling with fluctuating blood sugar levels, then GLYCONTROL tablet is the perfect solution for you. Its natural ingredients work effectively to regulate blood sugar levels, promote healthy glucose metabolism, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. Take control of your diabetes and start using GLYCONTROL tablet today!..

34.50 USD

Healthpro axapharm qon glyukoza test chiziqlari 100 dona

Healthpro axapharm qon glyukoza test chiziqlari 100 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 6875142

Healthpro Axapharm qon glyukoza test chiziqlari qandli diabetni boshqarish uchun ishonchli va aniq qon shakar monitoringini taklif qiladi. Ushbu paketda mos keluvchi glyukoza o'lchagichlar bilan ishlash uchun mo'ljallangan 100 ta test chizig'i mavjud. Aniq va tez natijalarga ega bo'lgan ushbu chiziqlar odamlarga glyukoza darajasini uyda yoki yo'lda qulay tarzda kuzatishga yordam beradi. Ilg'or texnologiya samarali monitoring uchun izchil ishlashni ta'minlaydi. Qon shakar darajasini kuzatishda qulaylik va aniqlikni ta'minlaydigan ushbu yuqori sifatli test chiziqlari bilan sog'ligingizni ta'minlang. Healthpro Axapharm qon glyukoza test chiziqlari bilan sog'ligingiz uchun javobgar bo'ling...

96.73 USD

Kontur keyingi nazorat eritmasi normal 2,5 ml

Kontur keyingi nazorat eritmasi normal 2,5 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 5225241

Kontur xususiyatlari Keyingi nazorat eritmasi normal 2,5 mlEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/30 daraja SelsiyPaketdagi miqdor : 1 mlOg'irligi: 16g Uzunligi: 28mm Kenligi: 44mm Balandligi: 68mm Contour Next nazorat eritmasi normal 2,5 ml ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

19.78 USD

Lipofeine fats and sugars 60 capsules

Lipofeine fats and sugars 60 capsules

Mahsulot kodi: 7300113

Lipoféine fats and sugar capsules contain chitosan, which has a strong fat-binding effect. The zinc also obtained ensures the better metabolism of the polyunsaturated fatty acids and chromium supplements the composition by normalizing the blood sugar level. The unique combination of the three ingredients helps in weight loss.Which packs are available? Lipofeine fats & sugars 60 capsules ..

73.79 USD

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