
Quviq oqadi

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 3 gacha 3
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Beeovita-da siydik pufagidan oqayotgan odamlarning ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun mo'ljallangan mahsulotlarning keng qamrovli tanlovini ko'rib chiqing. Qo'llab-quvvatlovchi tibbiy asboblar, hamshiralik anjomlari, yuqori sifatli siydik o'g'irlab ketmaslik va siydik o'g'irlab ketish qoldiqlarigacha, bizda siydik pufagidan oqishni samarali boshqarish uchun kerak bo'lgan barcha narsalar mavjud. Mahsulotlarimiz xavfsizlik va ishonchlilikni ta'minlaydigan Shveytsariya ishlab chiqaruvchilaridan olinadi. Ushbu mahsulotlar nafaqat siydik pufagining oqishi bilan kurashishda yordam beradi, balki sizga ishonchli va beparvo hayot kechirishga yordam beradi. Beeovita-da siydik pufagining oqishi bilan bog'liq mahsulotlarning keng assortimentini o'rganing va yuqori darajadagi shaxsiy parvarish sari birinchi qadamni qo'ying.
Har doim discreet inkontinenz mit flügeln long plus 8 stk

Har doim discreet inkontinenz mit flügeln long plus 8 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7821702

Har doim Discreet Inkontinenz mit Flügeln Long Plus 8 Stk Always Discreet Inkontinenz mit Flügeln Long Plus 8 Stk - bu siydik pufagidan oqishi yoki o'zini tuta olmaydigan ayollar uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan mahsulot. Ushbu prokladkalar nozik va moslashuvchan dizaynga ega bo'lib, hatto harakat bilan bog'liq bo'lsa ham kiyim ostida qulay va ehtiyotkorlik bilan joylashadi. Qanotlarning qo'shimcha foydasi bilan yostiq o'z joyida ishonchli qoladi va kun bo'yi maksimal himoyani ta'minlaydi. Sizni kunduzi yoki kechasi quruq va qulay saqlash uchun mahsulot qidiryapsizmi, Always Discreet Inkontinenz mit Flügeln Long Plus 8 Stk sizni himoya qiladi. Xususiyatlar: Yupqa va moslashuvchan dizayn qulay va ehtiyotkor joylashish uchun Maksimal xavfsizlik va himoya uchun qanotlar qo'shildi Kun va tunda foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan Quviqning oqishi va tuta olmaslikdan kun bo'yi mukammal himoya qiladi 8 donadan iborat paketda keladi Foydalar: Ushbu prokladkalar bir qancha afzalliklarga ega, jumladan: Qulay va ehtiyotkor dizayn Qo'shilgan qanotlar bilan maksimal himoya Kun va tunda foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan Har qanday o'lchamdagi va og'irlikdagi siydik pufagidan oqishi bilan kurasha oladi Foydalanish va utilizatsiya qilish oson Xulosa: Agar siz kunduzi yoki kechasi sizni qulay, quruq va himoyalangan mahsulotni qidirsangiz, Always Discreet Inkontinenz mit Flügeln Long Plus 8 Stk mukammal yechimdir. Yupqa va moslashuvchan dizayni, maksimal xavfsizlikni ta'minlash uchun qo'shimcha qanotlari va siydik pufagining oqishi va o'zini tuta olmaslikdan kun bo'yi himoyasi bilan ushbu mahsulot o'z hayotini to'liq o'tkazishni xohlaydigan ayollar uchun eng yaxshi tanlovdir. Bugun sinab ko'ring va bozordagi eng yaxshi o'g'it o'g'irlab ketmaslik prokladkasidan foydalanish bilan birga keladigan xotirjamlik va qulaylikdan bahramand bo'ling! ..

14.38 USD

Har doim discreet inkontinenz pants m plus btl 9 stk

Har doim discreet inkontinenz pants m plus btl 9 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7848095

Always Discreet Inkontinenz Pants M Plus Btl 9 Stk If you are looking for a reliable solution to manage bladder leaks, Always Discreet Inkontinenz Pants M Plus Btl 9 Stk is the perfect product for you. It is specially designed to offer maximum protection and comfort for women who experience mild to moderate incontinence. The pants feature a unique Dual LeakGuard barrier that helps to prevent leaks where they happen the most, and has an absorbent core that quickly turns liquid into gel to keep you dry and comfortable. The pants also have an OdorLock technology that neutralizes odors instantly, so you can feel confident and fresh all day long. Always Discreet Inkontinenz Pants M Plus Btl 9 Stk have a slim design that fits comfortably under your clothes, and they are made with a soft, feminine fabric that feels gentle on your skin. The pants are also easy to dispose of, as they can be rolled up and thrown away after use. This package contains nine pants that are size M, which is suitable for women with a hip size of 80-104 cm. Always Discreet Inkontinenz Pants are a discreet and effective way to manage bladder leaks, so you can continue to enjoy your daily activities with confidence. ..

30.48 USD

Molicare men pad 3 tomchi 14 dona

Molicare men pad 3 tomchi 14 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7573408

Introducing the MoliCare Men Pad 3 Drops Are you tired of feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious about bladder leaks throughout the day? Look no further than MoliCare Men Pads. These pads are designed specifically for men and are equipped to handle even the most challenging of incontinence issues. What Makes MoliCare Men Pads Special? The MoliCare Men Pad is not your ordinary adult diaper. It is designed for comfort and confidence, ensuring that you not only feel secure but also have the freedom to move around as you please. The core of the pad is constructed with specialized materials that are capable of absorbing up to 2000 ml of liquid. In addition, an odor-neutralizing layer is included which ensures that unpleasant smells are not an issue. Features of the MoliCare Men Pad Designed for men with moderate to heavy incontinence. Can absorb up to 2000 ml of liquid. Odor-neutralizing technology included. Discreet and comfortable to wear all day long. 14 pads per package, making it easy to stock up and always be prepared. Why Choose MoliCare Men Pads? With the MoliCare Men Pad, you don't have to sacrifice comfort for absorbency. Our pads are designed to hug your body and move with you, ensuring that you feel confident throughout the day. You can go about your business without worrying about bladder leaks, and enjoy all the things in life that matter to you. ..

26.42 USD

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