
Biologik parchalanadigan qog'oz

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(hammasi 1 sahifa) saytida biz sayyoramizni asrash bilan birga go‘zallik va salomatlikni asrashga ishonamiz. Shuning uchun biz biologik parchalanadigan qog'ozni keng turdagi mahsulotlarimizga kiritdik. Barqaror turmush tarzini olib boradiganlar uchun ideal, biz biologik parchalanadigan qog'ozli qadoqlangan qurilmalar, sumkalar, o'z-o'zini iste'mol qilish uchun mahsulotlar, choynaklar va choy mashinasi aksessuarlarini taklif etamiz. Ushbu paketlar vaqt o'tishi bilan tabiiy ravishda parchalanadi, qimmatli ozuqalarni erga qaytaradi va sog'lom ekotizimga hissa qo'shadi. Erni sog'ligingiz va go'zalligingizni yaxshi ko'radigan mahsulotlar bilan barqarorlik sari ushbu sayohatda bizga qo'shiling. saytida ekologiyaga e'tiborli qatorimizni bugun o'rganing.
Heidak teeli flip xs à 100 filtri

Heidak teeli flip xs à 100 filtri

Mahsulot kodi: 3490720

HEIDAK Teeli Flip XS à 100 Filter The HEIDAK Teeli Flip XS à 100 Filter is a must-have accessory for tea lovers. These paper filters fit perfectly in a Teeli Flip brewing system and are ideal for brewing loose-leaf tea. The pack contains 100 filters, making it easy for you to enjoy multiple cups of your favorite tea without the hassle of cleaning up loose tea leaves. Features: Made of premium quality paper Compatible with Teeli Flip brewing system Perfect for brewing loose-leaf tea Easy to use and dispose of Comes in a pack of 100 filters With these paper filters, you can easily make a cup of tea in just a few minutes. The filters are made of premium quality paper, which ensures that the flavor and aroma of your tea remains intact. The filters fit snugly in a Teeli Flip brewing system, ensuring that your tea is brewed to perfection. The HEIDAK Teeli Flip XS à 100 Filter is an eco-friendly option as it is made using biodegradable paper. It is easy to use and dispose of, making it a great option for those who are always on-the-go. Whether you are at home or in the office, these filters make it easy to enjoy a cup of tea without the hassle of cleaning up loose tea leaves. So, if you are a tea lover who enjoys loose-leaf tea, then the HEIDAK Teeli Flip XS à 100 Filter is the perfect accessory for you. Order yours today and enjoy a perfect cup of tea every time. ..

12.39 USD

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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