
sog'lom oqsil qovoqlari

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Sizning ovqatlanishingiz uchun eng yaxshi echimini sog'lom proteinli atıştırmalıklar bilan kashf eting va sizning xohishingizni qoniqtirasiz. Bitta stend variant - bu Bioniana gran xran Chokolatni to'ldirish. Ushbu 1 kg shokoladli granülni to'ldirish yuqori sifatli zararli oqsilni kundalik ishingizga kiritish uchun juda mazali usulni taklif qiladi. Har bir xizmatni 10 gUZ-protein bilan ta'minlagan holda, mushaklarning o'sishi va texnik xizmat ko'rsatish uchun juda mos keladi. Ushbu granulalar sizning sevimli ichimliklarga osongina aralashadi, silliq, silliqlash, kofe yoki har qanday ichimlikni kesishmasdan. Tabiiy ingredientlar va sun'iy qo'shimchalardan xoli, Biosana gran Chokolat - bu toza va sog'lom turmush tarzi bilan bog'liq bo'lgan aybsiz davolash. Vegetarianlar va kleykovina uchun mos, bu mahsulot ovqatlanishni yaxshilashni yaxshi ko'rayotgan har bir kishi uchun aqlli tanlovdir. Sog'lagan zip-qulf sumkasida saxiy 1 kg ta'minot bilan siz boy proteinli atıştırmalıkığıni ta'minlaydigan boy shokolad lazzatidan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin, sizning sog'lom protein atıştırmalıkı ranglaringiz har doim yangi va mashg'ulotlarni yoqishga tayyor. O'zingizning iloji boricha ko'proq bionia gran xan chokolatining foydali yaxshiligi bilan tajribangizni ko'taring.
Biosana whey granulesules shokolad to'ldirish 1 kg

Biosana whey granulesules shokolad to'ldirish 1 kg

Mahsulot kodi: 3983090

Biosana Whey Granules Chocolate Refill 1 kg Indulge in a deliciously healthy treat with the Biosana Whey Granules Chocolate Refill. Made from high-quality whey protein, this granule chocolate refill is the perfect addition to your daily diet. Each serving contains 10g of protein, which supports the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. These granules are perfect for adding into your favorite drinks such as smoothies, coffee or any other beverage you prefer. They are easy to mix and dissolve quickly, leaving no clumps behind. Their chocolatey taste will surely satisfy your sweet tooth while providing essential nutrients your body needs. The Biosana Whey Granules Chocolate Refill contains only natural ingredients, free from artificial flavors or additives. This makes it the perfect choice for those who aim to maintain a clean and healthy diet. It is also suitable for vegetarians, and its gluten-free formula makes it ideal for individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. The 1 kg refill bag provides ample supply to keep you stocked with the good stuff for a long time. Plus, it comes with a resealable zip-lock bag, ensuring the granules stay fresh and uncontaminated. Take your workouts and healthy routine to the next level with the Biosana Whey Granules Chocolate Refill...

43.63 USD

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