
hcg aniqlash

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HCGni aniqlash homiladorlikni tasdiqlashning hal qiluvchi tomoni, chunki u tanada inson xorionik gonadotropropin darajasini o'lchashni o'z ichiga oladi. Peshtaxta homiladorlik darajasi erta aniqlash, homiladorlik uchun homiladorlikni sinab ko'rishni istaganlar uchun ideal echimdir. Ushbu innovatsion testni o'tkazib yuborilgan davringizdan olti kun oldin foydalanish mumkin, chunki uni dastlabki natijalarga mos keladi. HCG daqiqalarini aniqlash qobiliyati bilan u aniqlik va foydalanish qulayligi uchun mo'ljallangan. Sinov aniq va to'g'ri natija formati - bir qator homiladorlikning yo'qligini ko'rsatadi, ikkita chiziq ijobiy natija beradi. Bundan tashqari, ClowBluening o'ziga xos xususiyati texnologiyasi foydalanuvchi xatosi xavfini minimallashtiradi, ishonchli natijani ta'minlaydi. Eng yaxshi natijalar uchun, agar davringiz tugashidan oldin sinovdan o'tish bo'lsa, ertalabki siydikdan foydalanish tavsiya etiladi. Ushbu mahsulot CE sertifikatlangan, uni homiladorlik sayohatingiz davomida sizga xotirjamlik bildirib, sizni tinchliksevarlik bilan ta'minlash.
Clearblue homiladorlik testini erta aniqlash

Clearblue homiladorlik testini erta aniqlash

Mahsulot kodi: 7390091

Test, which can be used from 6 days before the missed period. Already measures minute amounts of hcG. Features This Clearblue pregnancy test has been specially developed for a premature measurement. The test can be used as early as six days before your period is due because it can detect tiny amounts of hcG in the urine. HcG means human chorionic gonadotropin and is the pregnancy hormone. The test is easy to use and the result is easy to read (1 line = no pregnancy or 2 lines = pregnancy). The unique Floodguard technology reduces the risk of user error and thus simplifies testing. If the test is used from the day your period is due, it is more than 99% reliable. Application If the test is used before your period is due, the morning urine must be used become. You can test at any time from the due date. You should not drink excessive amounts of liquid before the test.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

43.10 USD

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