
Qisqa tish cho'tkasi

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Saqlanadigan tish cho'tkalari og'iz gigienasini saqlash va saqich kasalligini oldini olish uchun muhim vositadir. Bitta stend variant - bu axlatga qarshi tish cho'tkasi yumshoq, u tish go'shti va tishlarni sog'lom saqlash uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan. Yumshoq, pufakli cho'tkalarni o'z ichiga olgan holda, bu tish cho'tkasi og'iz bo'shlig'iga kirib boradigan joyda yumshoq tozalaydi. Yumshoq cho'tkalar saqichning tirnash xususiyati va qon ketish xavfini minimallashtiradi, bu sezgir tish go'shti bo'lgan jismoniy shaxslar uchun ajoyib tanlov qiladi. O'z ixcham boshlig'i va ergonomik tutqich bilan, ElyyDium Antichak toki chuqur cho'tkalari qulay va samarali cho'tkalash imkonini beradi. Ushbu tish cho'tkasini muntazam ravishda ishlatish orqali siz plyonkaning oldini olishga yordam berishingiz va tish go'shti katta holatda saqlanishiga yordam berishingiz mumkin, ularning umumiy sog'lig'ini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi. Shovqiningizni boqing va ushbu innovatsion tog 'cho'tkasiga yorqinroq, sog'lom tabassumdan bahramand bo'ling.
Elgydium blyashka qarshi yumshoq tish cho'tkasi

Elgydium blyashka qarshi yumshoq tish cho'tkasi

Mahsulot kodi: 4951554

Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Soft: Say goodbye to plaque build-up with Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Soft. This toothbrush is designed to effectively clean teeth and gums while preventing plaque formation. It has soft and tapered bristles that are gentle on teeth and gums and reach deep into hard-to-reach areas of the mouth. Soft and Gentle Bristles Tapered Bristles Reach Hard-to-Reach Areas Prevents Plaque Formation Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Soft has a compact head that allows for easy access to all areas of the mouth. Its ergonomic handle provides a comfortable grip and allows for easy brushing. The soft bristles prevent damage to teeth and gums and reduces the risk of gum bleeding while brushing. This toothbrush is easy to use and ideal for those who suffer from sensitive teeth or gums. The soft bristles are perfect for those who need a gentle brush but still want an efficient clean. The anti-plaque technology keeps teeth clean and healthy while preventing further buildup of plaque. Overall, Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Soft is the perfect solution for those who want to prevent plaque formation and maintain their oral hygiene. Buy now and take the first step towards a cleaner, healthier mouth! ..

11.15 USD

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