Glutensiz parhez qo'shimchalari
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Algorigin iron spirulina tbl fl 120 pcs
ALGORIGIN Iron Spirulina Tablets - 120 Pieces Looking for a natural way to boost your iron levels? Try ALGORIGIN Iron Spirulina Tablets - a high-quality dietary supplement that offers a range of health benefits. Each tablet contains a potent blend of iron and spirulina - a nutrient-rich type of blue-green algae that's packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals. Together, these ingredients help to improve your energy levels, support healthy cognitive function, and fortify your immune system. ALGORIGIN Iron Spirulina Tablets are also an excellent choice for individuals who are vegan, vegetarian, or have dietary restrictions. The tablets are free from gluten, GMOs, and artificial additives, so you can feel confident that you're making a healthy choice. With 120 tablets per bottle, ALGORIGIN Iron Spirulina Tablets are a convenient and cost-effective way to add more iron to your diet. Simply take two tablets per day with a meal, and enjoy the benefits of this powerful supplement. Order your bottle of ALGORIGIN Iron Spirulina Tablets today, and start feeling your best! ..
65.67 USD
Alpinamed cranberry 120 kapsula
?Alpinamed's lingonberry capsules contain a concentrated dry extract of lingonberries made from fresh, wild, exquisite lingonberries and vitamin C. The lingonberries come from Scandinavia and are picked under controlled conditions in specially segregated areas. Then they are gently processed by Alpinamed in Switzerland into a high-quality extract. In contrast to the cranberry juice, the cranberry extract also contains the extracts from the cranberry berry skin and the berry pits. Therefore the concentration of the capsules is higher. Also suitable for long-term useUnflavouredGluten and lactose freeSuitable for diabeticsWithout preservatives and added sugarVegan use Take 1 capsule 2-3 times a day with a little liquid. composition Cranberry dry extract native 42% (290 mg per capsule) from 2.9 g cranberries with at least 26 mg proanthocyanidins, (origin cranberries: Northern Europe), magnesium citrate, maltodextrin, vitamin C; ..
53.37 USD
Biosana msm kukuni 180 g
The Biosana dietary supplement contains 1g of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) per daily serving. The powder does not contain any preservatives, lactose, wheat or gluten and is suitable for vegans, vegetarians and diabetics.Use: Note:..
30.78 USD
Burgerstein eyevital 100 kapsula
Burgerstein EyeVital is a dietary supplement for everyone who puts a lot of strain on their eyes, for example through frequent use of the computer or through frequent television or reading. Contains trace elements, vitamins, taurine and luteinIdeal for people who spend a lot of time on the computer/televisionParticularly suitable for people over 45 years of ageWithout artificial flavorsGluten-free, lactose-free, yeast-free and fructose-freeWithout granulated sugar Application It is recommended to take 1 Burgerstein Eyevital capsule daily with some liquid. ingredients Coating agent (edible gelatine (beef)), rapeseed oil, zinc gluconate, calcium L-ascorbate, humectant (glycerol), taurine, D-alpha-tocoperol, mixed tocopherols, thickener (beeswax), nicotinamide, lutein and its esters from marigolds, manganese gluconate, Emulsifier (lecithin), copper gluconate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, coloring (iron oxides and iron hydroxides), beta-carotene, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, zeaxanthin from tagetes, pteroylglutamic acid, sodium selenate..
85.25 USD
Pharmalp defenses 10 tabletka
Pharmalp Defenses tananing mudofaasini kuchaytirishga yordam beradi va shamollash, bronxit, burun oqishi va angina bilan kurashish uchun immunitet tizimini rag'batlantiradi.U 3 ta shtammdan iborat. sut kislotasi bakteriyalari (Lactobacillus helveticus R0052, Bifidobacterium bifidum R0071 va Bifidobacterium infantis R0033), prebiyotiklar (fruktooligosakkaridlar) va immun tizimining normal ishlashiga hissa qo'shadigan sink. Mahsulot kleykovinasiz.FoydalanishSovuqni oldini olish uchun: kuniga bir kapsula, oyiga 10 kun 3 marta. oy.Infektsiyaning birinchi belgilaridan boshlab, o'tkir bosqich: 3 kun davomida kuniga 3 kapsuladan.Grippdan keyin tiklanish uchun: 10 kun davomida kuniga bir kapsuladan.Tavsiya etilgan sutkalik dozadan oshib ketmaslik kerak. Bolalar qo‘li etmaydigan joyda saqlang.Ushbu oziq-ovqat qo‘shimchasi turli va muvozanatli ovqatlanish yoki sog‘lom turmush tarzi o‘rnini bosa olmaydi...
29.41 USD
Phytopharma timyan siropi 200 ml
The Phytopharma thyme syrup is a dietary supplement with vitamin C, zinc, thyme, honey and ginger.The syrup contains valuable thyme and ginger, both of which have been used for centuries in the Mediterranean and Asia because of their diverse uses.Vitamin C and zinc contribute to the normal function of the immune system. WGluten-free Use Before use, you should shake the syrup well.Adolescents and adults should take 10 ml of the syrup 3 times a day.Children from one year of age take 10ml once a day. Hints The specified daily dose should not be exceeded.If consumed in excess, the syrup can have a laxative effect.The syrup should be kept away from children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle. ..
26.52 USD
Resurs ultra fruit waldbeere 4 fl 200 ml
Resurs Ultra Fruit yovvoyi rezavorlar 4 shisha 200 ml Protein kontsentratsiyasi eng yuqori bo'lgan mevali ichimlik Mahsulot xususiyatlari? Sutli ichimlik ovqatlariga tetiklantiruvchi muqobilmi? 14 g yuqori sifatli zardob oqsili? Yuqori kaloriyali ichimlik ovqatmi? Yog'sizmi? Kleykovina va soya yo'qmi? Kam laktoza (Oziqaviy qiymatlar ?100 mlga - Energiya: 150 kkal - Uglevodlar: 30,5 g- Proteinlar: 7,0 g- Yog'lar: 0,0 g - Xun tolasi: 0,0 g Ko'rsatkichlarprotein va energiyaga bo'lgan ehtiyojning ortishi bilan, masalan: - to'yib ovqatlanmaslik- onkologik kasalliklarda, operatsiyadan oldingi karbo-proteinlar bilan? p>DozajResource® Ultra mevasining dozasi bemorning individual energiya va ozuqa moddalariga bo'lgan ehtiyojiga, shuningdek, qo'shimcha ovqatlanish uchun: 1 ? /p> SaqlashOchilmagan holda, salqin va quruq holda saqlang, muzlatgichda saqlang va 24 soat ichida iching. . Maxsus ma'lumot10 va undan katta yoshdagilar uchun qo'shimcha oziq-ovqat uchun mosmi? > Suv; glyukoza siropi, zardob oqsili izolati (sut); Saxaroza, vitaminlar (C, E, niatsin, pantotenik kislota, B6, tiamin, A, riboflavin, foliy kislotasi, K, biotin, D, B12), ko'pikka qarshi (E471), lazzatlar, rang (E120), kaliy yodid, kislotalik regulyatori (E330, E525 ). Allergenlar: sut ..
46.64 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)