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16 dan 36 oygacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan Mame Oliy Regionni juda yaxshi tanishtiring. Bu porlashda qorong'u patiferlar, uxlash paytida nafaqat qulaylik bilan ta'minlaydi, balki ota-onalarga qorong'ilikda tezda yashashga ruxsat berish orqali tunuta vaqtni osonlashtiradi. Tinchlik bilan kasallangan nosimmetrik nipmetrik shaklni yaratadi, bu sog'lom jag 'va tishlarning rivojlanishiga yordam beradi, bu sizning chaqalog'ingizning tabiiy o'sishini ta'minlaydi. Yumshoq, gipoalerjenik silikon sirtida tayyorlangan Mame Oliy Tuning onangizning terisiga yumshoq va tozalash oson. Dizaynga kiritilgan havo teshiklari bilan, ushbu piksiyiklar nafas olishni rag'batlantiradi, terining tirnash xususiyati xavfini kamaytiradi. Bolangiz uxlayotgani kabi engil, ixcham qalqon harakatsiz harakatsiz harakatsiz harakatlanishga imkon beradi. Har bir to'plam qulay sterilizatsiya qilish ishi bilan, Gigienani ushlab turish uchun juda mos keladi. Yoqimli ayiq yoki yulduz motiflari, chaqaloqni jalb qiladigan g'alati dizaynlar, qora rangli tutqichlar, qorong'i tutqichni har doim kerak bo'lganda topishingiz mumkinligini ta'minlang. Siz va sizning chaqalog'ingiz uchun tinch tunning tinchligi uchun Mame Oliy Regionni silkitib, Futsion, xavfsizlik va o'yin-kulgilarning mukammal aralashmasidan bahramand bo'ling.
Mam supreme night nuggi silikon 16-36 monate 2 stk

Mam supreme night nuggi silikon 16-36 monate 2 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7785840

MAM Supreme Night Nuggi Silikon 16-36 Monate 2 Stk The MAM Supreme Night Nuggi Silikon 16-36 Monate 2 Stk is a set of two pacifiers for babies from 16 to 36 months of age. These pacifiers are specially designed to provide comfort to your baby during sleep time. The symmetrical nipple shape of the pacifiers ensures that it is always in the correct position - this means that the pacifier will not impede the natural development of your baby's jaw and teeth. The pacifiers have a skin-friendly silicone surface that is soft and comfortable for babies to use. It is also hypoallergenic and easy to clean. The pacifiers are designed with air holes to promote air circulation and prevent skin irritation. The shield of the pacifiers is small and lightweight, enabling your baby to move and breathe freely without any difficulty. The MAM Supreme Night Nuggi Silikon 16-36 Monate 2 Stk pacifiers come with a sterilizing carry case that is perfect for travelling. You can easily clean and sterilize the pacifiers on the go with this case. The pacifiers are also BPA-free and comply with safety regulations, ensuring that your baby is protected from harmful chemicals and materials. The pacifiers come in two different designs, with glow-in-the-dark handles that make them easy to find during the night. You can choose from cute bear or star designs that will entertain your baby and provide a fun distraction during sleep time. If you want to ensure that your baby gets a comfortable and peaceful sleep, the MAM Supreme Night Nuggi Silikon 16-36 Monate 2 Stk pacifiers are the perfect choice for you. They are durable, easy to use, and designed to promote the natural development of your baby's jaw and teeth. So why wait? Get your hands on these amazing pacifiers today...

23.95 USD

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