
Yaltiroq yaralarni himoya qilish

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Yumshoq yarani himoya qilish shifo berish va shifobaxshni rivojlantirish uchun zarurdir, ayniqsa sezgir teriga ega bo'lganlar uchun. Livisan sezgir gips chiziqlari kichik kesma va uzilishlar uchun ideal echimni ta'minlaydi, xavfsizlik va muloyimlikning to'g'ri muvozanatini taklif qiladi. Nozik teri, bu latekssiz va hipoalerjenik chiziqlar uchun mo'ljallangan, foydalanuvchilar tirnash xususiyati yoki allergik reaktsiyalar tashvishisiz samarali jarohat olishlari mumkinligiga ishonch hosil qiladi. Har bir chiziqni qo'llash va olib tashlash oson, ular jarayon davomida teriga zarar etkazmasliklarini ta'minlash, ularni kattalar va bolalar uchun moslashtirishni ta'minlash. 20 ta paket bilan ular uyda foydalanish va sayohat qilish uchun qulaylikni taklif qilishadi, agar kerak bo'lsa, har doim sizga yumshoq yaralar himoyasini ta'minlaydi.
Livsane sensitive gipsli chiziqlar 20 dona

Livsane sensitive gipsli chiziqlar 20 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7826460

Livsane Sensitive Plaster Strips 20 pcs If you are looking for a reliable adhesive strip that can offer gentle yet firm protection to your cuts and wounds, Livsane Sensitive Plaster Strips are perfect for you! Made with high-quality materials, these strips are gentle on your sensitive skin and provide a quick fix to minor cuts or abrasions. These strips are latex-free, which makes them ideal for individuals with a latex allergy. They are also hypoallergenic, meaning that you won't have to worry about developing any skin irritations or rashes when using them. These strips come in a pack of 20 - each strip measures 19mm x 72mm. Features and Benefits: Latex-free and hypoallergenic - perfect for sensitive skin Provides quick relief and protection to minor cuts and abrasions Each strip measures 19mm x 72mm Easy to apply and remove without damaging the skin Comes in a pack of 20 - perfect for on-the-go use and travel These strips are perfect for anyone who has difficulty finding plasters that don't irritate their skin. They are also great for children who may be sensitive to traditional adhesive plasters. Order now and experience the gentle yet effective protection that Livsane Sensitive Plaster Strips have to offer!..

8,22 USD

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