
yumshoq chaqaloqning soch cho'tkasi

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Yumshoq chaqaloqning soch rambari sizning kichkinagina sochingizni parvarish qilish uchun muhim vositadir. Mahsulotni go'daklar uchun mo'ljallangan, bu sizning chaqalog'ingizning bosh terisining bosh terisining paydo bo'lishiga va tashqi ko'rinishini boqish uchun. Tabiiy echki sochlaridan yasalgan yumshoq, hipoalerjenik cho'tkalarni o'z ichiga olgan holda, bu soch ramba ishlatish paytida qulaylikni ta'minlaydi va tirnash xususiyati keltiradi. Uning noyob cho'tkasi dizayni sochlarini tortmasdan yoki zarar etkazmasdan, uni barcha soch turlariga mos kelmaydi, mayda va jingalakdan. Engil va ergonomik yog'ochli yog'och dastasi bilan, bu yumshoq chaqaloqning sochlari, hatto Wiggly Baby bilan ham manevr qilish oson. Qurilishning barqarorligi uzoq davom etadigan foydalanishni kafolatlaydi, ota-onalar ishonchli tashqi vositasi bilan ta'minlaydi. Siz birinchi marta ota-onangiz yoki bir nechta bolalaringiz bo'lsa, Tria Baby Sochbrush kabi yumshoq bola sochlarini tanlab, chaqalog'ingiz uchun qulay ehtiyojlar uchun g'amxo'r tanlovdir.
Trisa chaqaloq soch cho'tkasi

Trisa chaqaloq soch cho'tkasi

Mahsulot kodi: 5919788

Product Description: Trisa Baby Hairbrush Introducing the Trisa Baby Hairbrush ? the perfect tool to care for your baby's delicate hair. Designed specifically for infants, this hairbrush is gentle on sensitive scalps, nurturing and pampering your child's hair with every stroke. With high-quality bristles made from natural goat hair, this brush is soft and hypoallergenic, ensuring your baby's scalp is not irritated during grooming. The bristles are also designed to detangle hair without pulling or damaging it, making it suitable for babies with fine, curly or thick hair. Featuring a comfortable wooden handle that easily fits into your hand, the Trisa Baby Hairbrush is lightweight and ergonomic, making it easy to use even on squirming babies. The handle is also made from high-quality wood and is varnished to ensure durability and longevity. Benefits: High-quality goat hair bristles that are soft and gentle on baby's scalp Hypoallergenic and safe for infants Easily detangles hair without pulling or damaging it Comfortable and lightweight wooden handle that fits into your hand easily Long-lasting and durable design Suitable for babies with all hair types Whether you're a new parent or an experienced one, you'll appreciate the quality and precision of the Trisa Baby Hairbrush. So don't settle for less; choose the best for your little one and add this hairbrush to your baby collection today!..

9,74 USD

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