
Floradix vegetari temir qo'shimchasi

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Floradix vegetariatli temir qo'shimchasi - bu siz vegetik turmush tarzi bilan tekislanib, temir darajangizni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun mo'ljallangan premium parhez qo'shimchidir. Floradix vegetari 500ml Formula tabiiy ekstraktlarni maqbul ekstraktsiyalash uchun tabiiy o'simlik ekstrakti bilan birlashtiradi. Ushbu vegetarli qulay qo'shimcha, glutensiz, laktozasiz, asal va xamirturushdan xoli, uni har xil parhez ehtiyojlari uchun mos keladi. Temir - bu hayz ko'rish, homiladorlik, tug'ilishdan keyingi va bolalarni etishtirish kabi muhim ozuqa moddalari, ayniqsa juda muhimdir. Shuningdek, u sportchilar va vegetarianlar yoki vegetarianlar va vegetarian parhezlarida, ular temir talablariga javob berishda muammolarga duch kelishi mumkin. Flordix vegan temir qo'shimchalarini tanlab, siz tanangizning temiringizni qo'llab-quvvatlashda samarali va tabiiy ravishda. 15 mln Maksimal foyda keltirishi uchun uni kamida 12 hafta davomida olib boring. B12 vitaminlarini, shu jumladan B12 vitaminlari bilan boyitilgan, bu qo'shimcha nafaqat sog'lom temir darajasini targ'ib qiladi, balki umumiy farovonlikka hissa qo'shadi. O'zingizning tanangizni ozuqa moddalari bilan boqish uchun floradix vegetan temir qo'shini tanlang.
Floradix ha vitaminlari + organik temir 500 ml

Floradix ha vitaminlari + organik temir 500 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7838500

Floradix HA Vitamins + Organic Iron is a dietary supplement with vitamins and iron based on herbal extracts. Natural herbal extractsIngredients mainly from organic cultivation or organic wild collections. Contains bivalent iron, which is optimally absorbed by the body because it does not have to be converted and can therefore be used directly.Without gluten, gluten, lactose, honey and yeastVegan The intake of iron is suitable During menstruation, because loss of blood means loss of iron.For women who want children, as preparationDuring pregnancy, to support the oxygen transport between mother and child and their brain developmentAfter childbirth and breastfeeding, as blood is lost during childbirth, the body needs sufficient iron to regenerate after childbirth. In children, iron is needed for growth as well as for social and spiritual development.In the elderly, as there is less appetite and the iron is more poorly absorbed in the intestine.In athletes, through intense exertion, iron is lost.For vegetarians or vegans, the plant-based mostly trivalent iron is poorly absorbed by the body. Application Take 15ml once a day 30 minutes before a meal.The intake should be at least 12 weeks. Composition Aqueous herbal extract (hibicus blossom, chamomile blossom, fennel fruit, spinach leaf), mixture of fruit juice concentrates (red grape, pear, water, blackcurrant juice, cherry, blackberry, carrot), iron gluconate, watery rosehip thick extract with vitamin C, ascorbic acid-sodium riboflavin phosphate, (Vitamin B2), thiamine chloride hydrochloride (vitamin B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)...

67.64 USD

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