
moslashuvchan yopishqoq bandaj

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Moslashuvchan yopishqoq bandajlar turli xil yaralarni samarali himoya qilish uchun ishlab chiqilgan ko'p qirrali tibbiy ko'ylaklardir. Ushbu bandajlar tananing konturlarini xavfsiz va qulayligini ta'minlash, tananing konturlarini shakllantiradigan yumshoq, moslashtiruvchi materialni yaratadi. Yopishqoq chegarasi kiyinishni saqlaydi, bu esa shifobaxsh jarayonni buzmasdan harakatga imkon beradi. Kichik kesmalar, parchalar va abraziyalar uchun ideal, moslashuvchan yopishqoq bandajlar uyda, maktablarda yoki ochiq havoda har kuni ishlatilish uchun juda mos keladi. Ular qo'lda tarafdor emas, ta'sir qilmaslik va hududni bakteriyalar va tashqi tirnash xususiyatilardan himoya qilish orqali tezroq shifo berish. Shaxsiy va professional foydalanish uchun ishonchli tanlov, moslashuvchan yopishqoq bandajlar har qanday birinchi yordam to'plamining ajralmas qismidir. Ushbu toifadagi bitta namunali mahsulot - bu 9.3x6cm steril 50 dona. Ushbu yuqori sifatli kiyinish bir qator jarohatlar, shu jumladan jarrohlik kesishmalari va jarohatlari uchun mo'ljallangan. Uning yumshoq, qarori bo'lmagan sirtsiz chegarasi bilan shifobaxsh jarohatlar paytida maqbul yaralarni himoya qilish va qulaylikni ta'minlaydi.
Primapore yara bandaji 8,3x6 sm steril 50 dona

Primapore yara bandaji 8,3x6 sm steril 50 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 1913866

Primapore Wound Dressing 8.3x6cm Sterile 50 pcs The Primapore Wound Dressing is an essential item for healthcare facilities, hospitals, and homes. This sterile dressing is designed to protect wounds and promote healing. It is ideal for use on a wide range of wounds, including surgical incisions, lacerations, abrasions, and burns. The 8.3x6cm size is perfect for smaller wounds, making it a must-have item for any first aid kit. The Primapore Wound Dressing is made of a soft, conformable material that is gentle on the skin. It has a non-adherent surface that minimizes trauma to the wound during dressing changes. The adhesive border is designed to keep the dressing securely in place while the wound heals. This pack contains 50 individual Primapore wound dressings, each one individually wrapped and sterile. This makes it easy to keep a supply on hand and ensure that the dressings are always clean and ready for use. The compact size of the pack makes it easy to store in a cabinet or drawer, or to transport in a first aid kit. The Primapore Wound Dressing is a high-quality product that is trusted by healthcare professionals around the world. It is an essential item for anyone who needs to manage wounds, whether at home, in the workplace, or in a clinical setting. Order yours today and ensure that you always have the best wound dressing on hand...

14.24 USD

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