
ergonomik bola tish cho'tkasi

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Ergonomik bola tish cho'tkasini tanishtirish, bu sizning kichkintoyingiz uchun shabada shabada! Chicco tish cho'tkasi pushti 6m + olti oydan boshlab olti oydan boshlab yumshoq va samarali cho'tkalashni ta'minlaydi. Uning kichkina boshi mayda og'izlar uchun mukammal o'lchamda bo'lib, tish va tish go'shtlarini tozalashga imkon beradi. Yumshoq, pufakli cho'tkalar mazmuni nozik tishlarga, chaqalog'ingiz ushbu muhim odatni o'rganayotganda qulay hissiyotlarini his qilishni ta'minlaydi. Ergonomik tutqich bilan kichik qo'llar uchun mo'ljallangan, bu tish cho'tkasi sizning bolangizni mustaqil ravishda va ishonchli tarzda cho'tkalash uchun imkon beradi. Yuqori sifatli, xavfsiz materiallardan tayyorlangan, chicco tish cho'tkasi ota-onalarga tinchlik beradi, buni bilmaydi, bu zararli kimyoviy moddalar mavjud emas. Uning yoqimli pushti dizayni bolani og'iz gigiena odatlaridan bahramand bo'lish uchun chaqirish uchun qiziqarli narsalarni qo'shadi. Bolangiz kunining quvnoq qismini Chicco tishbush pushti pushti 6m +, sog'lom tabassumlar uchun poydevorni belgilab qo'ying.
Chicco toothbrush pink 6m +

Chicco toothbrush pink 6m +

Mahsulot kodi: 5911717

Chicco Toothbrush Pink 6m + Introduce your little one to good oral hygiene habits with the Chicco Toothbrush Pink 6m+. This soft-bristled toothbrush is specially designed for infants 6 months and older, making it easy for them to get used to brushing their teeth. The head of the toothbrush is small enough to fit inside small mouths and reach all areas of the teeth and gums Its soft, tapered bristles are gentle on delicate gums and teeth, ensuring more comfortable brushing experience for your baby The ergonomic handle is easy for little hands to grasp and hold, allowing them to brush their teeth more easily The toothbrush is made with high-quality materials that are perfectly safe for your baby to use, so you don't have to worry about any harmful chemicals This toothbrush is pink in color and has a cute design that will appeal to your baby, making brushing their teeth a fun activity every time! Help your baby develop healthy oral hygiene habits from an early age with this delightful and practical Chicco Toothbrush. Get the Chicco toothbrush pink 6m+ online today and start your baby on the path to a lifetime of good dental health! ..

8.27 USD

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