
Epi-yo'q - bu tug'ilish davri murabbiyi

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EPI-hech bir delfin tug'ish murabbiyi ayol tug'ilishga tayyorgarlik ko'rishga va postnatal tiklanishni kuchaytirishga yordam beradigan innovatsion tokchali. Ginekologlar, doyalar va homilador ayollarning ekspertizasi bilan ishlab chiqilgan, bu mahsulot kutayotgan onalarga tug'ilishni tayyorlash uchun faol hissa qo'shishga imkon beradi. Ko'plab ayollar tug'ilishni tan olishni tan olish, homilador ayollar tosidagi pol mushaklarini mustahkamlaydigan Afrikadagi an'anaviy amaliyotdan ilhomni tan olishadi. EPI-No Epfine har bir ayol uchun shaxsiylashtirilgan mashg'ulotlarni ta'minlaydigan bitta foydalanuvchiga murojaat qilish uchun maxsus yaratilgan. Plus versiyasi biofeedbackni ta'minlaydigan bosimli displeyni o'z ichiga oladi, foydalanuvchilarga o'zlarining o'quv jarayonini kuzatishga va eng maqbul natijalar uchun to'g'ri mushak guruhlarini samarali yo'naltirishni ta'minlaydi. Onalikka EPI-Hech qanday ishonchli va yaxshi tayyor sayohat qilishni boshdan kechiring.
Epi no delphine plus akusherlik murabbiyi

Epi no delphine plus akusherlik murabbiyi

Mahsulot kodi: 2689402

The pelvic floor trainer EPI-NO Delphine Plus for birth preparation and postnatal training was developed with gynecologists, midwives and pregnant women.So that you and your child can start a new life well prepared, you can do something before the birth: With EPI-NO Delphine and EPI-NO Delphine Plus you can actively support and shape your birth preparation.A large proportion of all women giving birth are affected by birth injuries.The idea that led to the development of EPI-NO originally came from midwives in Africa: There, pregnant women prepare - even today - naturally for childbirth by stretching and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles with calabash gourds.EPI-NO is designed and approved as a 'single user device' - ie for use by only one woman. Also included in the Plus version In contrast to the Epi No Delphine, Epi No Delphine Plus also contains a pressure display, with which the pressure and thus the progress of the training can be monitored and made visible (biofeedback).This allows you to feel and train exactly the right muscle groups and control your training success...

163.36 USD

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