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Oqser pastilllar tomoq og'rig'ini yengillashtirish va yo'talish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan tomoq tabletkalari. Noyob EMS minerallar majmuasi bilan boyitilgan, shupastillar shilliq va plitadan iborat bo'lgan 30 dan ortiq muhim minerallar va teshiklarni terish jarayonini qo'llab-quvvatlash, shifobaxsh jarayonni qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan 30 dan ortiq muhim minerallar va teshik elementlari mavjud. Ikkita xilma-xilligida mavjud, mentol bilan shakarsiz versiya tetiklantiruvchi salqinlikni taklif qiladi va bu tish uchun qulay va uni gomeopatiyaga mos keltirish juda foydali. Muqobil versiyasini mentolsiz valyuta-ni tinchlantiruvchi ta'sir ko'rsatadi. Ikkala variant ham glutensiz, laktozasiz, vegetan, ular turli xil parhez ehtiyojlarini qondirishlarini ta'minlaydilar. 3-6 yoshga to'lgan bolalar uchun tavsiya etilgan dozani kuniga 4 marta so'rib olish, kattalar va bolalar kuniga 6 martagacha 1 dan 2 gacha pastacha olishlari mumkin. EMSER peykilles 30 ning qulay paketlarida mavjud bo'lib, ularni tinchlantiruvchi tomoq parametrlariga ajratib turadi.
Emser shakarsiz mentolli 30 pastil

Emser shakarsiz mentolli 30 pastil

Mahsulot kodi: 6655423

The Emser Pastilles are throat tablets for use against sore throat and cough irritation. The pastilles are based on the EMS Mineral Complex. It consists of more than 30 minerals and trace elements. This allows mucus and plaque to be actively dissolved, inflammation triggers are trapped, the pharyngeal mucosa is moistened and healing is supported. Thanks to the menthol contained, the pastilles cool pleasantly and have also proven their worth in smokers' catarrh. With mentholSugar free (tooth friendly)Homeopathy compatibleGluten and lactose-freevegan Application Children of about 3-6 years: Suck 1 pastille up to 4 times a dayAdults and children from 6 years: Suck 1 to 2 pastilles up to 6 times daily. Composition Isomalt, calcium stearate, menthol flavor, peppermint flavor, sucralose.Which packs are available? Emser sugar-free with menthol 30 pastilles ..

16.59 USD

Emser without menthol 30 lozenges

Emser without menthol 30 lozenges

Mahsulot kodi: 6655446

The Emser Pastilles are throat tablets for use against sore throat and cough irritation. The pastilles are based on the EMS Mineral Complex. It consists of more than 30 minerals and trace elements. This allows mucus and plaque to be actively dissolved, inflammation triggers are trapped, the pharyngeal mucosa is moistened and healing is supported. Without mentholHomeopathy compatibleGluten and lactose-freevegan Application Children from about 3- 6 years: Suck 1 pastille up to 4 times a dayAdults and children from 6 years: Suck 1 to 2 pastilles up to 6 times daily. Composition Sucrose, spray-dried Arabic gum, stearic acid, tragacanth,Calcium stearate, vanilla extract.Which packs are available? Emser without menthol 30 lozenges ..

14.01 USD

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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