
Uy uchun bo'sh belgi qutisi

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Uyingizda kiruvchi sichqoncha populyatsiyasini gesalni himoya qilish uchun sichqonchadan himoya qilish uchun sichqonchani himoya qilish uchun engil populyatsiyalarni boshqarish uchun mukammal echimni kashf eting. Bu chidamli yem qutisi xavfsizlik va samaradorlik uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan, mikqotni samarali nishonga olishda ham, uy hayvonlarini himoya qiladi. Bardoshli plastmassadan tayyorlangan, u qattiq sharoit va og'ir foydalanish sharoitida, shuningdek, yopiq va tashqi muhitlar uchun ideal qiladigan. Gesalni ishlatish sichqoncha qutisini himoya qilish oddiy va sodda. Tuzatish usulini ta'minlaydigan panellar yoki bloklar bilan to'ldirish uchun qopqoqni tanlaganingiz uchun qopqoqni oching. Xavfsiz qulflash mexanizmi qopqoqni mahkam o'rnashgan bo'lsa ham, mahkam yopiqligicha qolmoqda. Ushbu bo'sh belgi qutisini zararkunandalarni boshqarish strategiyasiga kiritish orqali, siz mol-mulkingizni sichqonchilikka olib keladigan zarar va sog'liq uchun xavflarga qarshi himoya qilishingiz mumkin. Bu toza va zararkunandalararo uy yoki ofisni saqlash uchun muhim komponent. Bugun sichqonchaning muammosini bajaring, gesal sichqoncha qutisini himoya qiling va siz va yaqinlaringiz uchun xavfsiz va seren muhitini ta'minlang.
Gesal protect sichqoncha o'lja qutisi bo'sh

Gesal protect sichqoncha o'lja qutisi bo'sh

Mahsulot kodi: 7555132

Gesal PROTECT Mouse Bait Box Empty The Gesal PROTECT Mouse Bait Box is the perfect solution for controlling the mouse population in your home or office. This empty bait box is designed to be tamper-resistant, ensuring that only mice can access the bait inside. The box is made of durable plastic, ensuring that it can withstand harsh weather conditions and heavy use. The bait box is also child and pet-resistant, making it safe to use around your home. The Gesal PROTECT Mouse Bait Box is easy to use - simply open the lid and fill the box with mouse bait. The box is designed to hold all types of bait, including pellets and blocks. The box also includes a secure locking mechanism, which ensures that the lid stays closed, even if the box is knocked over. This empty bait box is an effective way to control the mouse population in your home or office. By using the Gesal PROTECT Mouse Bait Box, you can prevent mice from damaging your property and spreading disease. This product is an essential tool for any home or business that wants to maintain a clean, pest-free environment. Order your Gesal PROTECT Mouse Bait Box today and take control of your mouse problem. ..

14.79 USD

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