
elastik sport lentalari

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Elastik sport lentalari - sportchilar va fitness uchun muhim aksessuar bo'lib, ular shikastlanish xavfini minimallashtirishda o'z faoliyatini kuchaytirishga intilishadi. Optimal qo'llab-quvvatlash, siqishni va moslashuvchanlik, elastik sport lentalarida keskin jismoniy harakatlar paytida turli xil tana qismlarida foydalanish uchun juda mos keladi. Ushbu turkumda bitta ajoyib variant - bu kengligi 3 sm, kengligi va uzunligi 2,5 m masofada joylashgan tenoplast sport elastik lentasi. Paxta va Sandex aralashmasidan qilingan, bu lenta kuch va qulaylikni taklif qiladi, shuningdek kerakli yordamni taqdim etishda tanangiz bilan harakatlanishini ta'minlaydi. Tasoplast Sport Elastik lenta oldindan kesilgan va amalda qo'llash oson, va uni samarali qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun birlashtiruvchi va mushaklar atrofida tezlashtirishga imkon beradi. Hipoalerjenik va latekssiz yopishtiruvchi sezgirliklarga ega bo'lganlar uchun barcha terining barcha turlari uchun xavfsiz qiladi. Bundan tashqari, uning suvga chidamli xususiyatlari bu teri mashg'ulotlari yoki suv sporti paytida joyida qolishga yordam beradi. Tasoplast Sport kabi Sport singari jarohatlar, elastik sport lentalari, faol hayot tarzini olib boradigan qimmatli vositadir. Yaxshilangan harakatchanlik va eng yaxshi sport lentasi bilan noqulaylikni oshiring.
Tensoplast sport elastik tasma 3cmx2,5m

Tensoplast sport elastik tasma 3cmx2,5m

Mahsulot kodi: 1518058

TENSOPLAST SPORT Elastic Tape 3cmx2.5m The TENSOPLAST SPORT Elastic Tape is a high-quality sports tape designed to provide support and compression to joints and muscles during high-intensity activities such as sports, exercises, and workouts. It is made of a blend of cotton and spandex that provides both strength and stretchability to the tape, making it ideal for use on various parts of the body such as the ankles, knees, shoulders, and wrists. Measuring 3cm in width and 2.5m in length, the tape is pre-cut and easy to use. It can be applied directly to the skin or on top of a pre-wrap, depending on personal preference. The adhesive used in the tape is hypoallergenic and latex-free, making it safe to use even for those with sensitive skin. It is also water-resistant, allowing it to stay in place even during activities that involve sweat or water exposure. The TENSOPLAST SPORT Elastic Tape provides both support and compression to the applied area, helping to reduce pain, inflammation, and soreness. Its elastic properties also allow for comfortable movement, without restricting mobility or causing discomfort. The tape can be used for both injury prevention and rehabilitation, making it an essential tool for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone who leads an active lifestyle. Overall, the TENSOPLAST SPORT Elastic Tape is a versatile and reliable sports tape that provides the necessary support and protection for your body during high-impact activities. It is easy to use, comfortable to wear, and effective in reducing pain and soreness. Get yours today and experience the benefits of this top-quality sports tape...

10.77 USD

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