
Ekologik toza hasharotlarga qarshi

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Ekologik toza hasharotlarga qarshi kurashishning Exo-Shift Rivelentining Hand Lawerwer Agent 2 donadan himoya qilish. Ushbu innovatsion mahsulot kiyimingizni zararli kimyoviy moddalardan foydalanmasdan himoya qilish uchun tabiiy yechimni taklif etadi. Lavanda efir moylari bilan qoplangan, bu iliqlar nafaqat tirnoqlari, balki shkafingizni oshiradigan tinchlantiruvchi va yangi hidni chiqaradi. Yuqori sifatli materiallardan tayyorlangan, orfa kuya qo'riqxonasi ilgichining chidamliligi va qulayligi uchun mo'ljallangan. Uning qulay dizayni kuya shikastlanishidan samarali himoya qilishni ta'minlaydigan shkaflar, shkaflar yoki saqlash sumkalarida uni osonlikcha osib qo'yishga imkon beradi. Ushbu ekologik toza alternativa sezgir teriga ega bo'lganlar uchun xotirjamlik bilan qarash va sizning sevimli kiyimlaringizni xavfsiz saqlash uchun xotirjamlik keltiradi. Orphea kuya himoyasini himoya qilish ilonini tanlash, bir vaqtning o'zida kiyimingiz va atrof-muhitingizga g'amxo'rlik qilishni anglatadi. Funktsionallik va xushbo'y hidni boshdan kechiring, shkaflarini mukammal holatda saqlab turishga intilib, barqaror yashashni targ'ib qilyapmiz.
Orphea moth himoya ilgich lavanta hidi 2 dona

Orphea moth himoya ilgich lavanta hidi 2 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 5439930

Orphea Moth Protection Hanger Lavender Scent 2 pcs The Orphea Moth Protection Hanger Lavender Scent 2 pcs is the perfect solution for keeping your clothes safe and protected from pesky moths, without harmful chemicals. Each hanger is infused with lavender essential oils, providing a fresh and calming scent that naturally repels moths and other insects. Made from high-quality materials, these hangers are designed to last and can be used in wardrobes, closets, and storage bags. The Orphea Moth Protection Hanger Lavender Scent 2 pcs are easy to use and come with a hole in the center to hang easily in your closet or wardrobe. These hangers are a great choice for anyone looking for a natural and eco-friendly way to protect their clothes from moth damage. They are also perfect for those with sensitive skin who prefer to avoid harsh chemicals. The Orphea Moth Protection Hanger Lavender Scent 2 pcs are a must-have for anyone who loves their clothes and wants to keep them in excellent condition. Order now and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your favorite garments are safe and protected. Natural and eco-friendly Infused with lavender essential oils High-quality materials Easy to use Great for sensitive skin Perfect for wardrobes, closets, and storage bags ..

12.54 USD

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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