Dermaplast Sport band
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Dermaplast active sport bandaji 6cmx5m
DermaPlast Active sport bandaji 6cmx5m Fikslash, bosim va tayanch bandajlar uchun elastik bandaj. Oʻz-oʻzidan yopishqoq, nafas oladigan va qoʻlda yirtib tashlash mumkin. 97% paxta, 2% poliamid va 1% poliuretandan tayyorlangan mustahkam, yopishqoq bandaj. Material juda elastik, gözenekli va nafas oladigan. Qisqa cho'zilgan bandaj, ayniqsa, sport va ko'p jismoniy mashqlar uchun javob beradi. Fiksatsiyalar, bosim va qo'llab-quvvatlovchi bandajlar uchun javob beradi. Bandaj teri rangi va ko'k rangda mavjud. - Elastik - Havo o'tkazuvchan - O'z-o'zidan yopishtiruvchi - Teri uchun qulay...
12.19 USD
Dermaplast active sport bandaji 6cmx5m koʻk
DermaPlast Active Sports Bandage 6cmx5m Blue The DermaPlast Active Sports Bandage is specially designed for sports enthusiasts who need extra support and protection during their activities. It is a versatile, self-adhesive bandage that provides excellent compression and support to prevent injuries and reduce pain and inflammation. Features: 6cm x 5m length Strong, durable and stretchable Self-adhesive - no need for clips or pins Provides excellent compression to support and protect muscles and joints Water-resistant and breathable Easy to apply and remove Great for use on knees, ankles, elbows and other areas prone to injury Available in blue color The DermaPlast Active Sports Bandage is ideal for preventing and treating a wide range of injuries such as sprains, strains, bruises, and swelling. Its unique design allows for full mobility while providing the right amount of support and compression to help you recover faster and perform better. Whether you are a professional athlete or just enjoy staying active, the DermaPlast Active Sports Bandage is an essential tool for keeping your body healthy and injury-free. Get yours today and experience the difference!..
12.19 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)