
Qavslar uchun tish parvarish qilish

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Qo'llash uchun stomatologik parvarish orol gigienasini saqlash va ortodontik davolash paytida sog'lom tishlar va tish go'shti. Qavslar, oziq-ovqat zarralari va plyonkasi juda muhim va samarali tozalashni amalga oshiradigan qavslar va simlar atrofida osongina to'planadi. Sunstar ortodontik tish cho'tkasi kabi ixtisoslashtirilgan stomatologik vositalardan foydalanish stomatologik parvarishingizni sezilarli darajada oshirishi mumkin. Ushbu tish cho'tkasi tishlarini va qavslarni noqulaylik tug'dirmasdan yumshoq tozalaydigan yumshoq cho'tkalarga ega. Uning noyob uchburchakli cho'kindi konfiguratsiyasi ayniqsa samarali toza ta'minlangan ortodontika jihozlariga kirish uchun mo'ljallangan. O'ng tish cho'tkasini tanlash, Sunstar ortodontik tish cho'tkasi singari, siz Og'zaki gigienani yaxshi saqlashga yordam beradi va sizning ortodontik davolanish paytida bo'shliqlar va saqich kasalligi kabi muammolarni oldini oling. Qavslar kiyishda to'g'ri tish parvarishlarini ta'kidlash sizning ortodontik sayohatingiz paytida va keyin sog'lom tabassumga hissa qo'shadi.
Gum sunstar yumshoq ortodontik tish cho'tkasi

Gum sunstar yumshoq ortodontik tish cho'tkasi

Mahsulot kodi: 6056786

GUM SUNSTAR Orthodontic Toothbrush Soft The GUM SUNSTAR Orthodontic Toothbrush Soft is a high-quality dental tool designed to effectively clean teeth and braces while maintaining the health of your gums. The soft bristles of this toothbrush gently clean your teeth and braces, removing plaque and debris without causing discomfort. Made from durable materials, this toothbrush is strong enough to withstand daily use and is designed to last long. The compact size of the brush head provides easy access to hard-to-reach areas of your mouth, ensuring optimal cleaning. This toothbrush is perfect for people with braces, aligners, or other dental appliances. The GUM SUNSTAR Orthodontic Toothbrush features a unique Triangular bristle configuration that helps clean teeth around orthodontic appliances effectively. The bristles are soft and gentle, making it perfect for those with sensitive or delicate teeth and gums. This toothbrush is designed with a specially designed handle for a comfortable grip, which allows you to easily reach all areas of your mouth while brushing. The handle is also designed to prevent slippage, providing better control and precision over the angle and pressure applied. Overall, the GUM SUNSTAR Orthodontic Toothbrush Soft offers an effective and gentle way to clean teeth and braces, with a design that's perfect for those with delicate oral health needs. Try it now to achieve healthy teeth and gums...

11.99 USD

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