
chuqur tozalash davolash

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Kuchli tozalash muolajalar sog'lom va yorqin terini saqlash uchun zarurdir. Ular teshiklarni, ortiqcha moyni va iflosliklarni olib tashlashga yordam beradi, bu bezaklarni tiqishi va terining turli xil muammolariga olib keladi. Bitta samarali variant - bu Luvoslar shifobaxsh erlari 40 dona, 100% toza shifo loydan iborat tabiiy vositadir. Ushbu mahsulot terini muloyimlik bilan tozalash va oziqlantirish, uni barcha terining barcha turlari, shu jumladan sezgir va allergiyaga moyil ter etish uchun mos keladi. Organik tarkibiy qismlari bilan, masalan, ifloslanishlarni bartaraf etish uchun chuqur kirib borishi bilan murakkab va to'qimalarni tozalash ishlarini yaxshilaydi. Oddiy dastur jarayoni sizga kapsulalarni suv bilan aralashtirish orqali, yuz yoki ta'sirlangan joylarga osonlikcha qo'llanilishi mumkin. Niqobdan keyin 10-15 daqiqadan so'ng niqobni o'chirish yanada yorqinroq, sog'lom ko'rinadigan kattaroqdir. Bundan tashqari, Luvoslar shifobaxsh erlari - vegetarian va zararli qo'shimchalardan xoli va zararli qo'shimchalardan xoli bo'lib, ularni puxta tozalash tajribasi uchun mukammal tanlov qiladi. Ushbu davolanish teringizni sog'lig'ingizni oshirish va uzoq davom etadigan go'zallikka erishish uchun tericare odatiga kiriting.
Luvos healing earth micro capsules blister 40 dona

Luvos healing earth micro capsules blister 40 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 4703448

Luvos Earth Micro-Cape Blist 40 pcs The Luvos Earth Micro-Cape Blist 40 pcs is a natural remedy that contains 100% pure healing clay. This innovative product is known for its high-quality ingredients and unique formula that aims to heal and nourish the skin gently. It is specially designed to improve the complexion and texture of the skin by deeply cleansing the pores and eliminating impurities. The Luvos Earth Micro-Cape Blist 40 pcs is ideal for all skin types including sensitive and allergy-prone skin because of the natural and organic ingredients used. It's easy to use, simply mix the contents of the blister with water until it forms a paste. Apply the paste onto the face or the affected parts of the skin and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and massage the skin gently in a circular motion to reveal a bright, healthy, and radiant-looking complexion. The Luvos Earth Micro-Cape Blist 40 pcs is a vegan-friendly and cruelty-free product that is free from additives, preservatives, or synthetic fragrances. It comes in handy packaging that is convenient to use and perfect for travelling. Incorporating this product into your skincare routine is a great way to boost your skin's health and appearance. ..

30.63 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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