
Kespllast nooden bo'lmagan bandaj

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 3 gacha 3
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Kespllast bevosita bandaj, uning sifati va ishonchliligi bilan ma'lum bo'lgan ajoyib yara parvarish qilish eritmasi hisoblanadi. Turli o'lchamdagi, shu jumladan 4 smx5m, 6 smx5m va 8 smx5m, teriga yumshoq yopishishni ta'minlaydigan yumshoq, nafas oladigan to'qilgan materialdan qilingan. Har bir bandaj, havo aylanishiga imkon beradigan toza va quruq muhitni saqlash orqali shifobaxsh jarayonni osonlashtirish uchun mo'ljallangan. Evropaning CE sertifikatlashi bilan, Kespliplanmagan bandajlar barcha turdagi jarohatlar uchun mos keladi, mayda jarohatlargacha kesishgan. Roll format kattaroq joylarni qoplash uchun maksimal ko'p qirralilikni ta'minlaydi va oq rang sog'liqni saqlash bo'yicha mutaxassislarga samarali davolanishni samarali kuzatishga yordam beradi. Ushbu bandajlar yuqori changni yutish, infektsiya xavfini kamaytirish paytida infektsiya xavfini kamaytirish. Shaxsiy foydalanish yoki tibbiy sozalardami yoki yo'qmi, to'qnashuv bo'lmagan bandajlar samarali kiyinish uchun eng yaxshi tanlov sifatida ajralib turadi.
Cutiplast metr metr noto'qima uyushmasi 6cmx5m oq

Cutiplast metr metr noto'qima uyushmasi 6cmx5m oq

Mahsulot kodi: 1043313

Cutiplast metr o'lchamdagi mato bo'lmagan assotsiatsiyasining xususiyatlari 6cmx5m oqEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyPaketdagi miqdor : 1 donaOg'irligi: 92g Uzunligi: 117mm Kenligi: 116mm Balandligi: 76mm 6cmx5m oq rangli Cutiplast metr metrni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

13.71 USD

Cutiplast metr to'qimagan assotsiatsiyasi 4cmx5m oq

Cutiplast metr to'qimagan assotsiatsiyasi 4cmx5m oq

Mahsulot kodi: 1043307

Cutiplast meter Nonwoven Assotsiatsiyasining xususiyatlari 4cmx5m oqEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyOʻramdagi miqdor: 1 donaOg'irligi: 66g Uzunligi: 114mm Kenligi: 114mm Balandligi: 53mm Sotib oling Cutiplast meter nonwoven assotsiatsiyasi 4cmx5m oq Shveytsariyadan onlayn..

12.14 USD

Cutiplast metr to'qimagan assotsiatsiyasi 8cmx5m oq

Cutiplast metr to'qimagan assotsiatsiyasi 8cmx5m oq

Mahsulot kodi: 1043342

Cutiplast Meter Nonwoven Association 8cmx5m White The Cutiplast Meter Nonwoven Association 8cmx5m White is a reliable and high-quality medical product designed for wound care dressing. This product is manufactured using a non-woven material that provides exceptional comfort and gentle adherence to the skin, facilitating the healing process. The Cutiplast Meter Nonwoven Association 8cmx5m White is easy to use and is suitable for patients of all ages. Whether you have a small cut or a severe wound, you can rely on this product to provide effective wound care management. The roll format of this product ensures maximum flexibility and coverage, making it perfect for covering larger wounds. The nonwoven material used in the production of this product is highly absorbent, which helps to keep the wound dry and avoid bacterial infections that can cause complications. The material is also breathable, which allows air to circulate around the wound and promote faster healing. This ensures that the wound stays clean and germ-free at all times. The Cutiplast Meter Nonwoven Association 8cmx5m White is 8cm wide and 5 meters long, making it an ideal size for various wound applications. The white color of the product ensures that any bleeding or discharge from the wound is instantly visible, making it easier for healthcare professionals to monitor the healing process. In summary, the Cutiplast Meter Nonwoven Association 8cmx5m White is an excellent wound care dressing product that provides superior quality and comfort. It is easy to use, highly absorbent, breathable, and versatile, making it ideal for use in different wound care applications. Buy this product today and enjoy the best wound care management for you and your loved ones...

15.75 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 3 gacha 3
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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