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Solubrrux Splint shaffofligi bilan etarli darajada tasalli va himoya qilish tajribasi va himoyasi. Ushbu innovatsion silliqlash Spint o'zining noyob stomatologiyangizga bemalol konfentsiyani ta'minlaydi. Ular tishlarini maydalagan shaxslar uchun mo'ljallangan shaxslar uchun mo'ljallangan shaxslar uchun mo'ljallangan jismoniy shaxslar uchun mo'ljallangan, Solubrux splint uni issiq suvda isitish bilan osonlashtirishi mumkin. Ushbu jarayon materiallar egiluvchan bo'lishiga imkon beradi, shunchaki daqiqalarda sizning yuqori tishlaringizning mukammal taassurotiga erishishga imkon beradi. Splint nafaqat tishlaringiz va sahnabomamandibusululyal bo'g'imlarga bosimli bosimni, balki stomatologik mutaxassislar tomonidan ishlatiladigan yuqori sifatli materiallardan iborat. Noqulaylik uchun xayrlashing va tish sog'lig'ini Solubruxni sotib olish mumkin bo'lgan tungi qo'riqchi bilan himoya qiling, tinch tungi uyqu uchun echimingiz bilan.
Solubrux shaffof relsli

Solubrux shaffof relsli

Mahsulot kodi: 4421230

The SoluBrux Anti-Gnashing Tooth Splint Transparent is an adjustable anti-grinding splint that is suitable for people who grind their teeth, especially at night. By heating the material in hot water, it becomes deformable, so that the upper teeth are pressed in deeply when biting into it and the splint is shaped accordingly. In this way, the anti-grinding tooth tray is easily and dynamically adapted to the individual dentition in just a few minutes. The SoluBrux anti-grinding tooth splint relieves the teeth and the temporomandibular joint because the pressure is evenly distributed. The SoluBrux anti-grinding dental splint is made of the same material as high-quality splints from the dentist and/or dental technician. Application Place the SoluBrux anti-grinding dental splint in hot water for a few minutes. The material becomes soft and malleable due to the heat. Then put the anti-grinding splint in your mouth and bite down hard for one minute. The upper teeth leave the individual shape of the denture...

144.55 USD

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