
Tish cho'tkasi

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Kasarli® falmentlarining tabiiy quyish cho'tkalari oralig'ida. Optimal og'iz orqali parvarish qilish uchun mo'ljallangan, ushbu innovatsion cho'milishlar ilg'or kaladli® texnologiyasini saqlab, tishlamni tozalashni yaxshilaydigan ilg'or kainen® texnologiyasini saqlab qoladi. Curapevx sezgir tish cho'tkasi ixchasi 1560 diametri har bir diametri 0,12 mm o'lchanadi. Bu zich cho'tka maydoni, tishlaringiz yoki tish go'shti sizga zarar etkazmasdan plakatni samarali ravishda buzadi va olib tashlaydi. Kasaba® cho'llarining o'ziga xos xususiyatlari yuqori barqarorlikni ta'minlaydi, tish cho'tkasi uning ishlashini va piksiyasini tozalashni ta'minlaydi. Oilalar uchun Curaprx CS Smart Ultra Smart Ultra ajoyib tanlovdir. Tekshiruv uchun mo'ljallangan kichikroq cho'tka boshi bilan, u ajoyib 7600 kayin litsenziyasi, har biri diametri 0,08 mm. 5 yoshdan oshgan bolalar uchun ideal, bu tish cho'tkasi kattalar tomonidan yumshoq hali ham yumshoq tozalash imkoniyatlari uchun bir xil darajada qadrlanadi. Uning sakkizburchak tutqichi og'izning har bir burchagiga etib borishni osonlashtiradigan mukammal burchakka imkon beradi. Ikkala tish cho'tkalari kasaba® filomatlari, samaradorlikni uyg'unlik va sifatli stomatologik echimlarni qidiradigan shaxslar uchun eng yaxshi tanlovlarni ta'kidlaydilar.
Curaprox cs aqlli ultra yumshoq tish cho'tkasi

Curaprox cs aqlli ultra yumshoq tish cho'tkasi

Mahsulot kodi: 5936746

Smaller - and larger Looks like our adult toothbrush, but is significantly smaller - and larger in one respect: the CS smart has even more and even finer filaments. For children from 5 and adults. 7,600 CUREN® filaments A class of its own: It's actually a children's toothbrush, the CS smart with its small brush head. But our adult testers are also enthusiastic: you can clean with it with extreme precision, they say, and it's wonderfully fine. And that should have been clear to us when we equipped them with so many and such fine Curen® filaments. For children from 5 and adults. 7,600 CUREN® filaments, 0.08 mm diameter. Developed for children from the age of 5, adults will also love itExtra small brush head for extremely precise cleaning7600 CUREN® filaments, 0.08 mmOctagonal handle for the right angleIncredibly soft, gentle and effective ..

8.78 USD

Curaprox sensitive tish cho'tkasi compact soft 1560

Curaprox sensitive tish cho'tkasi compact soft 1560

Mahsulot kodi: 2383040

This toothbrush provides a CURAPROX cleaning experience: 3960 CUREN® filaments are gentle on the gums - and offer excellent cleaning performance. 3960 CUREN® filaments, 0.12 mm diameter. Important: Colors vary Toothbrushes from CURAPROX not only prevent cleaning damage , but disorganize and remove plaque optimally. CUREN® bristles are stiffer than nylon and remain as stable in the mouth as they are when dry. These properties make it possible to produce toothbrushes with a large number of very fine bristles.The CS toothbrushes from CURAPROX remove and disorganize plaque much more thoroughly - thanks to the extremely dense bristle field. ..

8.72 USD

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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