
kızılcık konsentratsiya

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Kilbin urug'i kontsentrati - bu mayda ozuqa moddalarining boy manbai bo'lgan kran va lenonekraz ekstraktlaridan tayyorlangan juda konsentratsiyalangan ichimlik. Alpined kızırık konsentrati, 100 ml hajmli konsentratsiya, balki mevalarni, balki meva va pitsda topilgan foydali suyuq ekstraktlarni o'z ichiga oladi. Ushbu mahsulot Acerola gilosidan olingan tabiiy vitamin bilan kuchaytiriladi, bu sizning kundalik ishingizga katta qo'shimcha ish olib boradi. Oddiy maydalangan sharbatidan farqli o'laroq, Alpinamed kontsentrati yuqori potentsialga ega va eng maqbul imtiyozlarni ta'minlash uchun poklik va sifat uchun qat'iy sinovdan o'tkaziladi. Bu konservantlar, qo'shilgan shakar, kleykovinlar va laktoza, ovqatlanish, vegetar turmush tarziga, shu jumladan viganylarning turmush tarzini, shu jumladan turli xil parhez imtiyozlariga bepul. Osondan foydalanish uchun bu kontsentratsiyani kuniga bir yoki iliq suvda bir stakan sovuq yoki iliq suvda eritib oling va umumiy farovonlikni qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan tetiklantiruvchi va to'yimli ichimlik valyonn usulini ta'minlang.
Alpinamed cranberry ichimlik konsentrati 100 ml

Alpinamed cranberry ichimlik konsentrati 100 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 4261542

?Alpinamed's lingonberry drink concentrate contains concentrated liquid extracts from lingonberries and cranberries, as well as natural vitamin C from the acerola cherry. In contrast to the cranberry juice, the cranberry extract also contains the extracts from the cranberry berry skin and the berry pits. Therefore, the concentration of the drink concentrate is higher. So that the optimum quality can always be guaranteed, the drinking concentrate from the raw materials to the end product is checked for quality and purity through a variety of testing procedures. The drinking concentrate has not been heat-treated (pasteurized) and therefore guarantees the optimal preservation of the valuable ingredients. Controlled for purityWithout preservatives and added sugarGluten and lactose freeVegan use Dissolve 1 teaspoon in a glass of cold or warm water 1-2 times a day and drink. composition Cranberry extract concentrate 72.2% (origin cranberries: northern Europe), cranberry extract concentrate 25.1% (origin cranberries: northern Europe), acerola;..

40.45 USD

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