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Jel Minix Gel Minix Gel Minix Gel Minix Gel Minix Gel bilan tanishish bilan tanishish, Ratmantik uchrashuvlaringizni ko'tarish uchun mo'ljallangan. Ushbu yuqori sifatli jel yaqinlikni oshiradigan silliq va sirpanchiq tuzilishini taklif qiladi, bu har qanday teginish yanada yoqimli his qiladi. "Vanil va Karamel" ning yaroqsiz hidlari bilan to'ldirilgan, bu sezgilarni rag'batlantiradigan va uyg'onishni uyg'otadigan atmosferani yaratadi. Minix Gelning mayin bo'lmagan formulasi uchun og'ir formulasi uchun ajralib turadi, varaqlaringizga xalaqit bermasdan toza tajribani ta'minlaydi. Bu tana qismlarida foydalanish xavfsiz va gipoalerjenik bo'lib, uni sezgir teriga ideal qiladi. Qulay 200ml o'lchamdagi bo'lsa, u foreplati yoki jinsiy aloqa paytida yangi sezgilarni o'rganishni qidirayotgan juftliklar uchun juda mos keladi. Har bir lahzani yanada qiziqarli va yoqimli qilish uchun ushbu jelgdan foydalanayotganda esdalik yaqinlashish sayohatini boshdan kechiring. Er-xotinlardagi o'yinlar to'plamiga Massaj Gel Manix Gel Manix Gel Manix Gel Manix Gel Manix Gel Minix Gel Manix Gel Manix Gele Minix Gele Minix Gel Manix Gele Minix Gele Minix Gel Manix Gel Manix Gele Minix Gele Minix Gel Manix Gele Minix Gele Minix Gel-ni unutilmas tajribaga aylantiring.
Massaj geli manix gourmand tube 200 ml

Massaj geli manix gourmand tube 200 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7577211

The Massage Gel Manix Gourmand Tb 200ml is a high-quality intimate massage gel that is perfect for couples looking to spice things up in the bedroom. Designed to be used during foreplay or sex, this massage gel provides a smooth and slippery texture that enhances intimacy and pleasure for both partners. The formula of the Manix Gourmand Massage Gel is superior to other products on the market because it is specially formulated to not leave a greasy residue. This makes it perfect for use on all parts of the body and guarantees your sheets won't be covered in any unwanted mess. The Massage Gel Manix Gourmand Tb 200ml is infused with a delicious scent of vanilla and caramel, which is sure to tantalize your senses and lead to an unforgettable experience. The aroma will help you relax and arouse your senses, ensuring that every touch is stimulating and pleasurable. The gel comes in a convenient 200ml size which is perfect for couch couples to use regularly. It is also easy to apply and goes on smoothly, ensuring a warm and relaxing experience. With the Massage Gel Manix Gourmand Tb 200ml, you can guarantee that every touch will be more intimate and pleasurable. This product is perfect for couples who like to experiment with different sensations and enjoy the sweet aroma of vanilla and caramel. It is safe to use with condoms and is hypoallergenic, making it perfect for those with sensitive skin. The Massage Gel Manix Gourmand Tb 200ml provides an unforgettable intimate experience that is sure to leave you and your partner wanting more...

22.33 USD

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