
Mushakli teri uchun paxta

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Mushakli teri uchun paxta terimlari - bu tananing nozik joylarini toza va parvarish qilish uchun mo'ljallangan zaruriy shaxsiy parvarishlash mahsuloti. Limon glitserin bilan to'ldirilgan ancha pishirilgan paxtalar sezgir teriga ega bo'lgan jismoniy shaxslar uchun juda mos keladi. Har bir paketda limonning tabiiy antibakterial xususiyatlarini glitserinning namlamaydigan foydasi bilan birlashtiradigan 25 x 3 bo'lak paxta qatlamlari mavjud. Ushbu noyob shakllantirish nafaqat quloq va burun kabi sohalarni samarali tozalashni, balki quruqlikni oldini olish, terini oziqlantiradi va gudrat beradi. 100% toza paxtadan qilingan bu to'rlar yumshoq, changni yutib, yumshoq, ularni har kuni foydalanish uchun ideal qiladi. Dori-darmonlarni qo'llash, bo'yashni olib tashlash yoki mayda-mayda joylarni tozalash yoki tozalangan paxta tozalash, siz qayerda bo'lsangiz ham, yangi va qayta tiklanadigan qulay va jonli echimni taklif qiladi.
Qo'llaniladigan paxta tayoqchasi limon glitserin 25 x 3 dona

Qo'llaniladigan paxta tayoqchasi limon glitserin 25 x 3 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 2622875

Product Description: The Applimed cotton swab with lemon glycerine is a high-quality personal hygiene product that comes in a pack of 25 x 3 pcs. These cotton swabs are designed to provide gentle and effective cleaning of the ear, nose, and other sensitive areas. With the added benefits of lemon and glycerine, these swabs not only clean but also nourish and protect your skin, leaving you feeling fresh and revitalized. Lemon: Known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, lemon helps to fight off infections and keep your skin healthy. Glycerine: A natural moisturizer that helps to keep your skin hydrated and prevent dryness, glycerine is gentle and mild, making it ideal for use on sensitive skin. Cotton: Made from 100% pure cotton, these swabs are soft, absorbent, and gentle on your skin. They can be used to apply medication, remove makeup, or clean hard-to-reach areas like the corners of your mouth. The Applimed cotton swabs with lemon glycerine are easy to use, and come in a convenient and hygienic pack that you can carry with you wherever you go. Whether you're at home, in the office, or on the go, these swabs are perfect for keeping you clean, fresh, and healthy...

17.86 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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