
O'simliklardagi mis etishmasligi

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O'simliklarda mis etishmasligi turli xil o'sish muammolariga, shu jumladan o'sib ulg'ayishning o'sishi, rangpar barglari va umumiy hosilning kamayishi mumkin. Mis juda muhim mikroelementdir, bu o'simliklarni sintez, nafas olish va lignin sintezi kabi bir nechta fiziologik jarayonlarda muhim rol o'ynaydi. Missiz mislarsiz, o'simliklar kasal echimga ehtiyoj sezadigan kasallik va zararkunandalarga qarshi kurashishi mumkin. OLIGUFARM CHAREM SO SO SO SO SO SO SAFFLARI O'simliklarda mis etishmasligiga alohida ishlab chiqilgan. Ushbu samarali echim tarkibida etishmovchilik alomatlarini tuzatish uchun zarur bo'lgan misolli misli ionlarning yuqori konsentratsiyasi mavjud. Yuqori o'sish va barg rangini targ'ib qilish orqali, ushbu mahsulot o'simliklar kuchli va sog'lom bo'lishiga yordam beradi. Tuproq yoki friokiy usullar orqali qo'llash oson, yoGrofharl mislari bog'bonlar uchun eng yaxshi tanlovdir, o'simliklarning ozuqaviy profilini kuchaytirish va maqbul o'sishga olib keladi.
Oligopharm copper lös 60 mg / l 500 ml

Oligopharm copper lös 60 mg / l 500 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 5281280

The Oligopharm Copper Sol 60 mg / L 500 ml: Solution for Copper Deficiency in Plants If you are looking for a reliable and effective solution to treat copper deficiency in your plants, then the Oligopharm Copper Sol 60 mg / L 500 ml is what you need. This advanced solution is specially formulated to help plants overcome copper deficiency, which can cause stunted growth, pale leaves, and reduced yields. How it Works? The Oligopharm Copper Sol 60 mg / L 500 ml contains a high concentration of copper ions, which are readily available to plants as a micronutrient. Copper is essential for several enzymatic reactions in plants, including photosynthesis, respiration, and lignin synthesis. Without adequate copper, plants will suffer from several disorders, including inhibited growth and yellowing of foliage. The Oligopharm Copper Sol helps to rectify this issue. Benefits of Oligopharm Copper Sol 60 mg / L 500 ml: Provides essential copper micronutrients for plants Promotes healthy plant growth and development Helps prevent stunted growth and yellowing of foliage Reduces susceptibility to diseases and pests Easy to use and apply How to Use? The Oligopharm Copper Sol 60 mg / L 500 ml is easy to use and apply. Simply dilute the solution with water as per the instructions and apply it directly to the soil. Alternatively, you can use a foliar spray to apply the solution directly to the leaves. Repeat the application as necessary, depending on the severity of copper deficiency. Order your Oligopharm Copper Sol 60 mg / L 500 ml today: Ensure your plants receive the essential copper micronutrient they require for optimal growth and development. Order your Oligopharm Copper Sol 60 mg / L 500 ml today and enjoy healthy, vigorous plants all season long! ..

104.96 USD

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