
ixcham dizayni og'irlik kuzatuvchisi

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Kubni dizayni og'irlik kuzatuvchisi - bu ularning vazniga monitoring qilishda jiddiy bo'lgan har bir kishi uchun muhim vositadir. Bu hammomingiz yoki shaxsiy makoningiz uchun engil va kosmik tejash echimini taklif etadi, bu sizning vazni ko'p joyni egallamasdan vazningizni kuzatib borasiz. Achkisining katta ekranli amerikalik ishbilarmon - Ps 25 ushbu kontseptsiyani mukammal va ixcham dizaynni namoyish etadi. Uning aniqligi va qulay xususiyatlari bilan, bu og'irlik kuzatuvchisi nafaqat sog'lig'ingizni saqlashga yordam beradi, balki hayot tarzingizga ham mos keladi. Katta 39mm displeyda sizning vazningizni osonlikcha o'qiyotganda, hatto kam yorug'lik paytida ham kam yorug'lik va vaznli tajribangizni samarali va muammosiz qoldirishingiz mumkin. Og'irligingizning boshida bo'lishingiz yoki taraqqiyotingizni saqlab qolish holatida bo'lasizmi, stol 25 - bu siz uchun ideal ixcham vaznli vaznni kuzatuvchi.
Beurer raqamli tarozilar katta displey 39 mm ps 25

Beurer raqamli tarozilar katta displey 39 mm ps 25

Mahsulot kodi: 5332729

Beurer Digital Scales with Large Display - PS 25 The Beurer Digital Scales with Large Display - PS 25 is a highly accurate and reliable bathroom scale that provides you with precise weight readings every time. The large, easy-to-read display is 39mm, making it easy to read your weight without having to squint, even in low light conditions. This scale is perfect for anyone who needs a no-fuss, easy to use, digital scale that gets the job done. Features The Beurer Digital Scales - PS 25 comes packed with features to help you get the most out of your weight measurements: Large, easy-to-read display Precision: The scale measures weight in increments of 100 grams, allowing you to get highly accurate readings every time Maximum weight capacity: The scale can measure up to 180kg Auto off function: The scale will automatically switch off after use to help prolong the life of the batteries. Non-slip surface: The scales have a non-slip surface and feet to ensure stability and safety during use. Compact Design: The PS 25 is lightweight and compact making it easy to store away between uses. Why choose Beurer Digital Scales with Large Display - PS 25 The Beurer Digital Scales with Large Display - PS 25 are a great choice because they offer a reliable and accurate way to track your weight at home. The large display makes it easy to read your weight even in low light, and with a maximum weight capacity of 180kg, it is suitable for use by a wide range of people. The scale also has an auto-off function which helps to lengthen the battery life, and the non-slip surface and feet ensure safety while in use. Its compact design makes it easy to store when not in use. Overall, the Beurer Digital Scales with Large Display - PS 25 is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable, easy to use, and accurate bathroom scale. Order now and start tracking your weight with confidence!..

68,65 USD

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