
Qulay ushlash vositasi

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Xokins va Beimble Soqing cho'tkasi bilan qulay tanazzulda, soqol olish tartibini ko'tarish uchun mo'ljallangan soqol olish vositasi. Ushbu cho'tkada 100% sintetik sochlar, an'anaviy bo'rcha sochlarga qaraganda yumshoqroq bo'lib, uni sezgir teriga ega bo'lganlar uchun juda mos keladi. Zararli qoshiqlar terini samarali ravishda ekspedit qiling, soqol sochlarini ko'taring va soching uchun boy qaymoq yoki sovunli boy kootsini yarating. Ushbu soqol cho'tkasining stend xususiyatlaridan biri bu mustahkam qatronlik bilan bezatilgan ergonomik tutqichdir. Qulay tutqichni ishlatish paytida maqbul boshqarish uchun qulay va qulayroq silkitib, osonlik bilan yopishib olishingiz mumkinligini ta'minlash. Plyus, cho'tkani tozalash va saqlash shabada - bu uni iliq suv bilan yuving va havo quruq bo'lishiga yo'l qo'ying. Xokins va Bearble cho'tkasi hashamat va funktsional imkoniyatlarni tarqatadi, uni soqol olish tajribasini kuchaytirmoqchi bo'lgan har bir kishi uchun vositaga ega. Soqol qaymoq, sovun yoki jeldan foydalanasizmi, bu cho'tka barcha terining barcha turlari uchun mos keladi. Ushbu qulay tutqichni qirqish vositasi bilan har kuni tashqi ko'rinishingizdagi tartibni o'zgartiring.
Hawkins and brimble soqol olish cho'tkasi

Hawkins and brimble soqol olish cho'tkasi

Mahsulot kodi: 7623684

HAWKINS & Brimble Shaving Brush The Hawkins & Brimble Shaving Brush is designed from high quality materials to offer a superior shaving experience. The brush is made from 100% synthetic hair, which is softer than traditional badger hair brushes, making it ideal for sensitive skin. The bristles are also densely packed together to effectively exfoliate the skin, lift and soften beard hair, and create a rich lather with shaving cream or soap. The handle of the brush is crafted from sturdy resin and features a stylish Hawkins & Brimble logo. The ergonomic design provides a comfortable grip and optimal control during use. The brush is also easy to clean and maintain. Simply rinse with warm water and allow to air dry. The Hawkins & Brimble Shaving Brush is the perfect tool for achieving a close and comfortable shave. It can be used with any type of shaving cream, soap, or gel and is suitable for all skin types. Add this luxurious shaving brush to your daily grooming routine and experience the ultimate shaving experience. Key features of the Hawkins & Brimble Shaving Brush include: 100% synthetic hair for a soft and gentle shave Densely packed bristles for effective exfoliation and lather creation Resin handle with a comfortable grip and sleek design Easy to clean and maintain Order your Hawkins & Brimble Shaving Brush today and enjoy a luxurious and comfortable shaving experience. ..

49.24 USD

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