
Kollagen kuchaymoqda

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Kollagen kuchaytiruvchi teri parvarish qilish yoshlik va yorqin terini saqlash uchun zarurdir. Unda ingichka kollegen ishlab chiqarishni kuchaytirishga qaratilgan, bu nozik chiziqlarni kamaytirish, ajinlar va umumiy egiluvchanlikni yaxshilashga yordam beradi. To'g'ri mahsulotlar charchagan terini sezilarli darajada charchagan va uning tabiiy nurlarini tiklashga hissa qo'shishi mumkin. Ushbu toifadagi bitta mahsulot - bu dermael anorli niqob sumkasi. Ushbu hashamatli yuz niqobi, poegrat ekstrakti, chuqur gidrat va terini tishlaydi va terini oziqlantiradi va zerikarli va charchagan terini jonlantirishni istagan har bir kishi uchun ideal tanlov qiladi. Ta'kidlash joizki, bu kollagen ishlab chiqarishni kuchaytirishga, teringiz qat'iy va yoshligini ta'minlaydi. Yana bir ajoyib variant - Lubex Yoshga qarshi bo'lgan kun. Quruq va etuk teriga alohida shakllantirilgan, u intensiv namlikni ta'minlashda qarishning ko'rinadigan belgilariga qarshi. Uning faol ingredientlari, shu jumladan uchlik va ildiz hujayralari kollagen va elastin ishlab chiqarishni sezilarli darajada oshiradi, terini tekislash va uning umumiy ko'rinishini kuchaytiradi. Ushbu mahsulotlarni teringizdagi odatiy holga kiritish sizning kollagen darajangizni yumshoq, elastik va yorqin teriga olib boradigan kuchli kuchayishi mumkin. To'g'ri tericare rejimi bilan siz yoshlar o'rtasidagi qiyofani amalga oshirishingiz va saqlashingiz mumkin.
Dermasel mask pomegranate 12 ml

Dermasel mask pomegranate 12 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7825943

DermaSel Mask Pomegranate 12ml DermaSel Mask Pomegranate is a luxurious facial mask that is infused with the goodness of pomegranate extracts, making it an effective solution to revitalize and rejuvenate tired and dull skin. This 12ml mask is perfect for travelling and can be used on-the-go for an instant boost of hydration and radiance. Key Benefits Deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin Boosts collagen production Reduces fine lines and wrinkles Enhances skin's elasticity Rejuvenates tired and dull skin How to Use Cleanse your face thoroughly and pat dry Apply a thin, even layer of the mask all over your face, avoiding eye and lip areas Relax for 10-15 minutes Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry Use the mask once or twice a week for best results. For an added boost of hydration, follow up with a moisturizer after rinsing off the mask. The DermaSel Mask Pomegranate is suitable for all skin types and is free from parabens and mineral oils, making it safe to use even on sensitive skin. Get ready to experience soft, supple, and radiant skin with the DermaSel Mask Pomegranate!..

6.52 USD

Lubex qarishga qarshi kunlik boy krem ​​50 ml

Lubex qarishga qarshi kunlik boy krem ​​50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 6254859

The rich anti-aging day care from Lubex is particularly recommended for dry to very dry and / or mature skin.Thanks to different active ingredients, the visible signs of aging are combated and the skin is tightened and supplied with intensive moisture.Active ingredients: Stem cells: support the regeneration of the skinTripeptides: increase the production of collagen and elastin, thereby smoothing the skinHighly active fragments of natural hyaluronic acid: give the skin long-lasting moistureSoy isoflavone liposomes: cushion from the inside and thereby increase the density of the skinMulti-active AntiOx complex: reduces free radicals The formula is also suitable for sensitive skin and is free from preservatives, allergenic perfumes, dyes and paraffin oils. ..

76.01 USD

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