
Toza qotishmandsidsid

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Toza o'ldirish insektektsidi uy xo'jalik hasharotlarini samarali bartaraf etish uchun yaratilgan kuchli echimdir. Toza o'ldirilgan original plyus spreyi, qulay 375 ml o'lchamda mavjud, chumolilar, xamirturushlar, pashsha va chivinlarga qarshi tezkor nazoratni taklif etadi. Uning noyob tartiblamchilik maqsadlari hasharotlar, tezda zararli qoldiqlarni qoldirmasdan, uy hayvonlari va uy hayvonlari bilan uylar uchun xavfsizdir. Toza qotillik asl plyus plastmassadan foydalanish to'g'ri. Shunchaki yaxshi silkiting va to'g'ridan-to'g'ri hasharotlar yoki yashirincha qirg'in qilish uchun yashiringan joylarga püskürtment. Bundan tashqari, insektitsid uzoq muddatli himoya bilan ta'minlaydi, chunki uyingiz hasharotlarini bir necha hafta davomida saqlashga yordam beradi. Agar siz samaradorlikni xavfsizlik va foydalanish qulayligi bilan birlashtirgan insektitsidni qidirsangiz, toza va purkash uyingizda zararkunandalarsiz muhitni saqlab qolish uchun ajoyib tanlovdir.
Clean kill original plus spray 375 ml

Clean kill original plus spray 375 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7852876

Clean Kill Original Plus Spr 375 ml The Clean Kill Original Plus Spr 375 ml is an effective and powerful insecticide used to eliminate a wide range of household insects. With a unique formulation, this insecticide targets and kills insects on contact, providing quick and efficient control of insect populations in and around your home. This insecticide is specially formulated to target different types of household insects such as ants, cockroaches, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, and other crawling and flying insects without leaving any toxic residue. This makes it ideal for use in homes with children and pets. Clean Kill Original Plus Spr 375 ml is easy to use; simply shake well and spray directly onto the targeted insects or their hiding places. The insecticide's effective formula will quickly kill the insects, preventing them from spreading and potentially causing harm to your family's health. Another great feature of the Clean Kill Original Plus Spr 375 ml is its long-lasting protection against insects. The formula has residual action, meaning it will continue to work for several weeks, ensuring your home remains free from the targeted insects. In conclusion, the Clean Kill Original Plus Spr 375 ml is a highly effective, safe, and easy-to-use insecticide that provides reliable protection against household insects. If you want to get rid of insects in your home and keep them from coming back, this insecticide is definitely a great choice...

21.28 USD

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